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Wizard to Pirate but how about Warrior?

Aug 17, 2009
Just so you know, katanas are samurai swords, the ninjas used a variation called the ninjato.

Oct 16, 2012
Sounds cool! I was thinking Cowboy101 or something, where you start in Cool Ranch, but this is much better!

~Hasty Patrick, Level 23

Jul 13, 2010
Kingsisle would probably keep it Human, and if we were to have a Warrior101, it would probably awhile, since they just came out with Pirate101 when Wizard101 was releasing its 80th (I think) level. And it could involve at least one world from Pirate101, since they involved Mooshu from Wizard101 into Pirate101.

Aug 23, 2011
coolster50 on Jan 19, 2013 wrote:
Warrior101 Mounts: The rules that all mounts follow!
  • Mounts have a 50/50 chance of entering combat
  • If a mount enters combat, the player who owns the mount rides it in battle
  • Mounts allow players to move +1 extra space
  • All mounts come with a skill called Mount Charge which allows the mount to attack a selected target(s)
  • All players of any race or faction can ride a mount
  • Mounts give 15% (day), 20% (week), or 40% (permanent) speed boosts outside combat
  • Mounts (just like pets) can roam houses and shelters (shelters are your starter houses)
I like it! Only thing is that if we were to have mounts in battle, I suggest a couple things like that according to your class you start out with a mount, like in p101 with the companions. But it would be according too your "story." Or maybe not class based at all but the "boochbead" character (the one who gives you the tutorial) would say something like: "I found some of these mounts outside, is one of these yours?" Or something like that.

Oct 14, 2012
Jazzaram on Dec 9, 2012 wrote:
I like the idea, but one little thing; I'm not sure if the "only cares about" way of describing the characters is a good way to start. It's one thing to say that "pyromancers are good at dealing damage," but I doubt they "only care about dealing damage."

The knight is probably more "cares deeply about honor and his own fame." After all, most knights in history and fiction played by rules that, while allowing a lot of dirty fighting, kept their relationships on the level.

Also, the brigand wouldn't fight "just to fight", he would fight for the money. This is a guy who wants to get a good take when he wins. Mabye mercenary or raider is a better name.

Love the adventurer idea though. Mabye give them some of the swashbuckler powers like knife throwing, jumping, or dodging traps.
I think you have a great point, and I think that the whole "Warrior101" idea was very creative.... I can't wait to see if KingsIsle follows through!

I kind of disagree on the adventurer part, though. I think that the ninja/spy should probably get the Swashbuckler moves. Here's my opinion about what each factions' moves might be like:

Knight: Buccaneer/Witchdoctor (For Wizard101 probably Storm Wizard/Death Wizard)
Wanderer:Witchdoctor (For Wizard101 probably Death Wizard)
Spy/Ninja:Swashbuckler (For Wizard101 probably, not sure, either Fire or Ice... opposites)
Brigand: Buccaneer (For Wizard101 probably Storm Wizard)
Samurai:Privateer (For Wizard101 probably Life Wizard)... The "fights for peace" signals ?healing?
Adventurer:Musketeers (For Wizard101 probably Myth Wizard)... I'm not so sure about that one, but since they have to create maps and all, I'm guessing that they attack from afar.

I hope this review was helpful!
Oh, and, say hi if you see me in the skies:
Cassandra Quinn, Level 25 Swashbuckler

Oct 14, 2012
Do you think players should have ranks? Like Wizard101 almost. For example, you could go from apprentice to general, or something like that. And what about training? How often do you get training points? Like, every five levels or so? I have a lot of questions... So please answer as soon as possible!

Say hi if you see me in the skies:
Cassandra Quinn, Level 25 Swashbuckler

May 02, 2009
djfunky4 on Jan 28, 2013 wrote:
Do you think players should have ranks? Like Wizard101 almost. For example, you could go from apprentice to general, or something like that. And what about training? How often do you get training points? Like, every five levels or so? I have a lot of questions... So please answer as soon as possible!

Say hi if you see me in the skies:
Cassandra Quinn, Level 25 Swashbuckler
1: Yes, here are some ranks: 0-5=Recruit, 5-10=Private, 10-15=Officer, 15-20= Sergeant, 20-30=Major, 30-40=Corporal, 40-50=Colonel, 50-60=Brigadier General
2:You get training points every 4 levels until level 20 then its every 5 levels

And accutally, this is what I intended for the factions:
  • Knights were to be tankers like Buccaneers/Ice (high health, high resistance/armor)
  • Wanderers were intended to lean more towards Witchdoctors/Myth/Musketeers (specialty in calling temporary allies and creating traps)
  • Mercanaries were to be like Fire/Swashbucklers (specialty in doing damage over time)
  • Ninjas, yeah, like Storm/Swasbucklers (low health, high damage)
  • Adventures were to be like a mixture of Witchdoctor/Life/Privateer (steals health and heals)
  • Samurais were suppose to be like Balance (A mixture of all 5 other factions with their own style)

Nov 28, 2012
i love it but how about you fight like pirate101 And wizard101 like if you want to take on a certain enamy you use a power to take him to a small empty arena to fight him solo

Nov 28, 2012
i lovvvvvvvvvvvvvve you idea it is so cool but plase add cat and make them quick cool and also strong pleasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee as a companion for a spy

Nov 28, 2012
how about a sword and a crossbow as a starter weapon and weapons goup levels like you at the same time

Nov 28, 2012
maybe a fire warrior as a starter companion for the spy or ninja

Nov 28, 2012
Nov 28, 2012
if you can meet me in scorpion rock in cool ranch my name is merciless griffin noble

Nov 28, 2012
make those the starter weapons for a spy

Oct 14, 2012
coolster50 on Jan 30, 2013 wrote:
1: Yes, here are some ranks: 0-5=Recruit, 5-10=Private, 10-15=Officer, 15-20= Sergeant, 20-30=Major, 30-40=Corporal, 40-50=Colonel, 50-60=Brigadier General
2:You get training points every 4 levels until level 20 then its every 5 levels

And accutally, this is what I intended for the factions:
  • Knights were to be tankers like Buccaneers/Ice (high health, high resistance/armor)
  • Wanderers were intended to lean more towards Witchdoctors/Myth/Musketeers (specialty in calling temporary allies and creating traps)
  • Mercanaries were to be like Fire/Swashbucklers (specialty in doing damage over time)
  • Ninjas, yeah, like Storm/Swasbucklers (low health, high damage)
  • Adventures were to be like a mixture of Witchdoctor/Life/Privateer (steals health and heals)
  • Samurais were suppose to be like Balance (A mixture of all 5 other factions with their own style)
Thanks for answering my question! I really hope you're successful in making Warrior101 a game!

Petty Officer
Jul 28, 2011
coolster50 on Nov 17, 2012 wrote:
Since we went from wizards to pirates I thought "Hey, why not warriors?". In Warrior100 your Ambrose is General Audrey Ace, your Wizard City would be Fort Ridley(pronunced rid-lee), your Malistare is Grand General Zachary Zillion. As a warrior you could be Knight, Wanderer, Spy, Brigand, Samurai, and Adventurer. You could also be one in 5 races: Human, Goat/Lam, Cow/Bull, Fairy/Faerie, or Undead Being.
Knight: Warriors whose only true goal is to raise their own fame. A knight's favorite skill is Final Strike which increases a Knight's will to fight.
Wanderer:Warriors who are only interested in how much money they make at the end of the day. a Wanderers most basic skill is how to make enemies distracted.
Spy:Agile warriors who inflitrated enemey bases only to gain knowledge on their enemies. A spy's greatest move allows them to disappear when surrounded by a group of foes and attacks them all at once.
Brigand:Warriors who fight to fight. When a Brigand has enough exasperation, he/she has the ablilty to drop all enemies in a 2 unit range.
Samurai:Warriors who fight for peace. As a Samurai, you have the power to potentally subdue the enemy or even have the enemy change sides for x amount of turns.
Adventurer:Warriors who fight to create maps and charts. As an adventurer you have more health than usual and can easily escape a tough situation.
-You meat General Ace after you atempt to escape from a mission gone wrong (issued to you from Grand General Zillion) and he teaches you the values of fighting on the good side. You then travel from Fort Ridley to Battlegrounds of Uphill, to the Unspeakable Gorge, to Dead Man's Valley finally making it to For Zillion. To travel between worlds you use a magicless spiral key (so you have to walk between the worlds in a safe tube) The plot for Warrior101 is to hunt down Grand General Zillion and make him pay for assigning you to a dangerous task force.

-I know KingsIsle may tweak the storyline a bit and maybe change some of the classes and races and I know you guys may have some changes of your own.
GENIUS. I have ideas for worlds, here they are: world 1 is fort ridley like u said, a tatered fortress which was once a very large city, and nearly crushed by zillions task force troops. World 2: RETURN TO VALENCIA BABY. I dont need to give to much explanation. 3 is monde, a world sort of based off the french revolution. 4 is returning to dragonspyre. Why not?;)Return to a p101 why not a w101 also. Finnaly but not least, the realm of krondolon. ( pronounced kron-DOH-lown ) abbreviated as KD, not only is it a dark realm taken over by umbra, darkmoor, and other evil places of the spiral, but it is also where zillion and his task force's hideout is located: aliarana stronghold. Like the great spyre, it is the final dungeon of that term in the game. Hope you like my ideas! ;)

Wicked jack nightingale
Lvl 50 swashbuckler

May 13, 2011
winter goddess on Jan 15, 2013 wrote:
Here are my tips on your game.
1. Yes add alchemist cause you left out a magical fighter. they can use potions to increase their own and their allies attacks(maybe heal)
2. you came with the idea a little to wrong timing because unless there a cool warrior movie or something that becomes a big hit, no one would want to try and invent that game since W101 and P101 came from movie ideas that are big hits
3.Increase level cap to 60
4.Change the backstory to the hero losing their family by death or kidnap. during a war you were force to flee from your homeworld and move to another place but that war drag into that place, and your founded by the germinal's forces and he takes you in to fight. you have to fight your way pass the battle field to where the troops are hiding out for now and later after a few levels you help make the enemy retreat and you are taken to the base for future plans.
5. The goal is to help win the great war and becoming the most powerful warrior in the spiral so your name will go down in history
6. let the hero remain humans, and turn the battlefield idea into a game of chess combine with dungeons and dragons

Black Rose Level50 Musketeer
not number 4. thats a cliche (to those who dont know what cliche means, its something thats very normal in games and stuff. pronounced klish-A). orphanage and tragedies happens in almost all games, including pirate101

Apr 23, 2010
winter goddess on Jan 15, 2013 wrote:
Here are my tips on your game.
1. Yes add alchemist cause you left out a magical fighter. they can use potions to increase their own and their allies attacks(maybe heal)
2. you came with the idea a little to wrong timing because unless there a cool warrior movie or something that becomes a big hit, no one would want to try and invent that game since W101 and P101 came from movie ideas that are big hits
3.Increase level cap to 60
4.Change the backstory to the hero losing their family by death or kidnap. during a war you were force to flee from your homeworld and move to another place but that war drag into that place, and your founded by the germinal's forces and he takes you in to fight. you have to fight your way pass the battle field to where the troops are hiding out for now and later after a few levels you help make the enemy retreat and you are taken to the base for future plans.
5. The goal is to help win the great war and becoming the most powerful warrior in the spiral so your name will go down in history
6. let the hero remain humans, and turn the battlefield idea into a game of chess combine with dungeons and dragons

Black Rose Level50 Musketeer
What Movies

Aug 23, 2011
May 02, 2009
Clever Kestrel on Feb 3, 2013 wrote:
Do you think KI has seen this?
Probably, It says this is a fully moderated message boards. but if they voice there opinons, someone may-er-will take that opinion and make it a fact.

Nov 28, 2012
Sep 14, 2011
  • I have 2 ideas to add.
  • 1)like in w101 you got spell quests, you could do the same thing here. for the spy there would be a high level one where you get to leave the battlefield for a couple turns and sneak attack enemies from high above, plus no one can attack you while your hidden, like the walk in shadows ability in pirate101. the idea is you climbed up somewhere during the battle and hid.
  • 2)add special epic battles(like in pirate101) where you can take control and aim special things on the battlefield like catapults, cannons, arrow launchers, and turrets.

i hope that KI adds makes this game and uses thees ideas and lots of others out there
also let's hope they can think of special attacks for other warrior classes not just the spy.

Aug 23, 2011
If you where to make a whole new kind of battle for this you could base it off a seige, like make it so you half to crush a wall or something to begin a battle. Or a hack and slash type game. Sorry, random, but if they were to make a whole new combat system...

Nov 12, 2012
YOu guys might hate me for saying this but....
I have many problems with this game...

As you know Wizard 101 was a big hit but I never fell in love with it. Do you want to know why? Because 'wizard' is a general class. I like playing games with variety of classes. In wiz I only got to play a WIZARD. I found it ridiculously boring.. but that's just me.
Warrior is a general class.
When I saw the name I thought.
So we will carry around hammers and swords? Just like in wiz we could only use magic? OK so I can only be a warrior and nothing else? Why don't I just head down to the park, carry a foam sword, and bash people over the head with it (which you should never do.. I know by experience)
The warrior thing is a little over used like the wizard thing was when it came out back when I was a wee one.
Wiz came out during the time that harry potter was something amazing and I just figured that I could watch the whole series over again and gain the same effect.
The warrior thing is a tad overused because there is a lot of medieval movies coming out, AKA jack the giant slayer, the hobbit, etc.

In conclusion,
I am not bashing the idea I just think that you should focus on improving the bugs in pirate 101 and finish pirate 101 before you start other projects.

Aug 23, 2011
ladyFelix on Feb 10, 2013 wrote:
YOu guys might hate me for saying this but....
I have many problems with this game...

As you know Wizard 101 was a big hit but I never fell in love with it. Do you want to know why? Because 'wizard' is a general class. I like playing games with variety of classes. In wiz I only got to play a WIZARD. I found it ridiculously boring.. but that's just me.
Warrior is a general class.
When I saw the name I thought.
So we will carry around hammers and swords? Just like in wiz we could only use magic? OK so I can only be a warrior and nothing else? Why don't I just head down to the park, carry a foam sword, and bash people over the head with it (which you should never do.. I know by experience)
The warrior thing is a little over used like the wizard thing was when it came out back when I was a wee one.
Wiz came out during the time that harry potter was something amazing and I just figured that I could watch the whole series over again and gain the same effect.
The warrior thing is a tad overused because there is a lot of medieval movies coming out, AKA jack the giant slayer, the hobbit, etc.

In conclusion,
I am not bashing the idea I just think that you should focus on improving the bugs in pirate 101 and finish pirate 101 before you start other projects.
I think you misunderstood this thread. We are just bouncing ideas around, kind of a "what if" thing. But everyone has their own opinions, and I can respect yours.