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Yet More Personalities

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Yep! It's the return of Towering Personalities! And I'm only returning to this post because I was in the Tower ( on alternate account #2 ) When I had the utter misfortune to meet a player who combined several of those personalities from the original post into one nasty stew.
First, he tries to tell us to use Scratch, well my Scratch is too low leveled to be any use, plus he's Plunderin' for me. ( So scratch that. )

Then he demands that we don't target a certain enemy but let only his Ratbeard hit him because: "I want to see what damage he does."
And to top off that he tells me: "no doubloons, especially no Treasure Bath" Because "Treasure Bath shifts items on the table." I tried to convince him, but some people..... Why hasn't this myth died out?

So if you are running the tower ( or another dungeon ) and you just want to air your grief over the actions of some of your team mates, here's a sounding board!

*Treasure Chest icon*
Post Edit: Plus he told us he had to be afk after the Nef-5 fight, because he "had to walk his dog". ( sheesh, couldn't you do that before you enter a team-up? )

Gunner's Mate
Feb 06, 2018
anecorbie on Nov 11, 2019 wrote:
Yep! It's the return of Towering Personalities! And I'm only returning to this post because I was in the Tower ( on alternate account #2 ) When I had the utter misfortune to meet a player who combined several of those personalities from the original post into one nasty stew.
First, he tries to tell us to use Scratch, well my Scratch is too low leveled to be any use, plus he's Plunderin' for me. ( So scratch that. )

Then he demands that we don't target a certain enemy but let only his Ratbeard hit him because: "I want to see what damage he does."
And to top off that he tells me: "no doubloons, especially no Treasure Bath" Because "Treasure Bath shifts items on the table." I tried to convince him, but some people..... Why hasn't this myth died out?

So if you are running the tower ( or another dungeon ) and you just want to air your grief over the actions of some of your team mates, here's a sounding board!

*Treasure Chest icon*
Post Edit: Plus he told us he had to be afk after the Nef-5 fight, because he "had to walk his dog". ( sheesh, couldn't you do that before you enter a team-up? )
This has happened to me!
I was doing the Troggy Shrine with my lower, and a guy had joined me, but he hung out on the edges, exiting and re-entering the fight--I was so mad!

Feb 26, 2015
Ok whoever that guy was he was just being bossy also as for the tower of moo Manchu everyone leaves just at the last boss I hate people like that