Game Fan Photos


A Fine Gallery of Pirates!

We are now publishing your amazing Pirate game photos on social media! Check out the official Pirate101 pages below, and you may see your Pirate published for the world to see.

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If you are under 13 years of age, ask your parent or guardian for permission to send us your screenshot. If you would like to submit something, send the picture and your character name in an email to! Please attach no more than three images per email, and please limit total submissions to no more than nine screenshots in a month. Try to only submit your very best images!


March Fan Photo Gallery


How do I take a Screenshot?

Taking a screenshot to submit of your Pirate is easy! While playing Pirate101, just hit the "PrtScn" button on your keyboard (it's in the upper right hand corner) when you are ready to take the picture. That picture will save in your "My Documents" folder on your computer in a folder called "Pirate101".

Did you know?

You can turn off all the items that display on your screen by pressing CTRL-G - this will allow you to take cleaner screenshots! Press CTRL-G to turn them back on when you're done though!


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