Save on Crowns with this unbeatable deal! Now through Wednesday, September 7th, you can get a special Timed Rewards offer which gives you 5,000 Crowns every 30 days for only $60! That’s a savings of 25% compared to buying 60K Crowns in bulk.
Note: You must have an active 12-month Wizard101 or Pirate101 membership in order to purchase this special offer from the cart.
Some Timed Rewards subscriptions require a specific membership in order to purchase them. These are meant to be special add-ons for those who actively have that specific qualifying membership.
If you cancel or change the membership required for a specific Timed Rewards subscription, you will have to decide what to do with your Timed Rewards moving forward. You can allow them to renew until your qualifying membership expires, or you can cancel them right away.