Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


The Tides of Yuletide in Pirate101

November sailed by like a Pirate ship with unlimited Boost Fuel! There were a lot of fun events that happened, including Veteran’s Day and a special milestone for all KingsIsle Games . . . 50 Million players! Don’t forget that you have all month long to claim your 50 Million Monolith statue.

December is a time of giving, and you’ll be sure to find a familiar return to the 12 Days of the Spiral. What prizes, sales, and new items are in your future this December? We hope you’ve all been good pirates so the Santa Frog won’t hop past your bunkhouse.

Read on for more fun and information about the past month in Pirate101.


Rogue's Gallery: One-Eyed Jack

Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries of Pirate101 is the one that doesn’t appear too mysterious at all . . . a simple barkeep in Flotsam named One-eyed Jack. Read on to find out more about this clever one-eyed rogue and the rumors that surround him.

Welcome to the Pirate101 Rogue’s Gallery. Subject, One-Eyed Jack

Some say he’s from Albion, some have said Avalon. There are even whispers of Wysteria or that he came from some even stranger place beyond the Spiral. None really knows the mystery behind the Rabbit known as One-Eyed Jack. Rumors abound: That he won the deed for the Black Spot in a duel with Captain Blood... that he won his earrings in a week long game of Moo Jong with the Jade Emperor himself... that he traded his eye to the Totem Spirits of Big Sky for untold riches. Some say he’s one of the few who ever sailed to El Dorado and survived to sail another day!

Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: no deal happens in Flotsam without Jack getting some sort of cut - sometimes without any of the parties involved ever realizing it’s happening! Jack has amassed so much clout in Flotsam, in fact, that many speculate that it’s Jack himself that runs the town. Others have said that Jack is merely the puppet for far shadowy forces that manipulate not only Flotsam but the very skyways of Skull Island itself. Some even say that Jack is an agent for powers greater than even the greatest Wizards of Wizard City! Whatever the case is, only Jack knows for sure...and he’s not telling anyone!

In the end, the only things anyone can agree on is that Jack is clever, jovial, and seems to know a little bit about everybody – at least every pirate sailing the skies...

These pirates and more await you when you play for free at Pirate101.com.”





Play It Safe

If you didn’t get a chance to read our article on online safety, please take a moment to stop by our KingsIsle Blog and read our post titled, “Play it Safe: Tips Every Gamer’s Parent Should Know.” Make sure you read and understand ESRB Rating and get involved with your children! There’s some important information in this article that parents aren’t going to want to miss.


Blades of Valor

This year for Veteran’s Day we gave away a free housing statue to all players who used the code valor14 before November 17th. We were happy to hear your positive reactions and encourage you to join in the discussions:


A Tribute to KingsIsle's 50 Million Players

That’s right! Between both Wizard101 and Pirate101, KingsIsle has amassed an amazing 50 million players. You’ll have through the month of December to claim your awesome 50 million monolith statue, featuring a swirling spiral of activity above the iconic KingsIsle logo. See our web page for a fun look at our pathway to 50 million players. Thanks for playing.


Puppet Pirates


Vadima: "Your future is cloudy." Boochbeard: "Really!?" Vadima: "Yes! So stop fogging up my crystal ball!" by Fiery Davy Jones

Who will caption the next Puppet Pirates? Stay tuned to our Facebook page to enter your caption on the next Puppet Pirates.


Some Interesting Posts for November

November was a fun month in Pirate101 as we released a new Test Realm. Let’s take a look at some of the buzz from November:

  • Pirate101 was mentioned as one of the top five colorful MMOs in a recent blog on MMOPlay.
  • Our last newsletter had players guessing at the possibilities of Squid Viscous! Players on the forums were guessing everything from a new class trainer to a new pet.
  • We eventually carried the teasers over to our Vine account and Stars of the Spiral put all our new teasers in one handy location.
  • Adventures of the Spiral listed out the top five anticipated Pirate101 updates, including Captain’s Quarters!
  • The fans of Pirate101 put us on the map at Wikipedia.
  • It was great to see Captain Ditto back in the skyways and video blogging his play through of Pirate101. Did you catch his reactions to the latest Duck of Death Puppet Show?
  • Frostcaller is looking for Pirate players for his Pirate101-themed wallpapers.
  • Ever thought about the future of side activities in Pirate101? Adventures of the Spiral gave their predictions here.
  • At the 16:00-22:00 minute mark Pirate101’s “Cool Ranch Tavern Theme” was played on Episode 39 of Battle Bards – “Jigs and Shanties”
  • The new Thanksgiving food items that were introduced into the Pirate101 Crown Shop were well received.
  • Duelist101 took a closer look at the Smuggler’s Arena housing gauntlet that’s coming soon to Pirate101.



KI Live!

November 20th was our third installment of KI Live. Community Managers One-Eyed Jack and Bonnie Anne talked about the latest Pirate101 Test Realm. (Fast forward to 41:00 minute mark to hear specifically the Pirate101 discussion.)

Thanks everyone for joining us!


A Vision from Vadima...