Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


Celebrating the Holidays in Pirate101


As we approach the end-year holidays, development continues forward as we look back on what exciting events have occurred over the last month. See below at what we've been talking about, and also what the rest of the community has developed for contests and other fun events!

As always, be sure to keep watch on the game’s Twitter and Facebook pages for regular event updates as the community sends them to us!

Let’s take a quick look at some of the things that have happened this past month:

  • The game got an update to 1.100.2! Krampus arrives!
  • 12 Days of the Spiral has officially kicked off! See what daily goodies you can get. The 12 Days runs for... you guessed it, 12 days from Dec. 6th!
  • We added Christmas decorations in Aquila and Cool Ranch, and some new Frostys to find.
  • The new Crumbles the Gingerhorse mount and two charity mounts are now available!
  • We gave away several All Souls Pegasus Mounts in a giveaway with MMOBomb.com.
  • Harvest items returned in the yearly Thanksgiving festival of events!
  • We honored Veterans Day with a free Peace Dove Pet.
  • A new Puppet Pirates! See below #73 featuring Bat Masterson.
  • Extra Life donations kept totaling up after the event’s conclusion to reach a record high!
  • Also found in the Community section below, several new gameplay guides by Final Bastion.

KI Live with Bat Masterson & Leah

Missed last week's KI Live? Watch it now on YouTube! We celebrated the last KI Live of the year with Sparck/Bat Masterson, Professor Falmea, our livestreaming team, and the community! We had plenty of news to share, prizes to give away, and answered some great player questions.

We also adventured into Wizard101 and Pirate101 to fight some bosses with the community!

For more videos and recorded livestreams, be sure to subscribe to KingsIsle's YouTube channel!


Going Rogue - Community Article Spotlight

We’re changing things up for this space’s normal Rogue’s Gallery update and introducing a more community focused feature – Going Rogue – Community Article Spotlight!

That’s right, we’re now accepting written contributions from the community with guides like how-to and walkthrough blogs and articles. Submit your best one for next month’s newsletter and it may be featured right in this spot!


The September update to Pirate101 featured the addition of four fearsome new Skeleton Key bosses, dubbed “Obsidian Bosses.” These bosses are introduced in Old Scratch’s Level 70 promotion quest. The sigil for them is found in the Scrimshaw Docks. There are 4 Obsidian Bosses:

  • Scratch, found if you take two lefts upon entering the dungeon
  • English Bill, found if you take one left and then go straight upon entering the dungeon
  • Captin Blood, found if you take one right and then a left upon entering the dungeon
  • Brastillo de Brass, found if you take one right and then go straight upon entering the dungeon
Fighting one of these Obsidian Bosses requires an Obsidian skeleton key. These keys are drops from a variety of level 50+ bosses and mobs, including from the Obsidian Bosses themselves! Don’t worry, players are given one free key in order to complete Old Scratch’s promotion quest. A single skeleton key will unlock the chosen Obsidian boss for all players in the dungeon.

Note: Fighting these bosses in teams is highly recommended, as they are all rather difficult, and will allow you to maximize the average number of keys you get per run.

All 4 bosses drop various auctionable and non-auctionable items from throughout the Spiral in addition to the below drops.

We want to hear from you on what else we can add to this space! Email us your ideas to community@pirate101.com. Thanks pirates!

Puppet Pirates

Last month you voted on the best Puppet Pirates quote featuring our very own community manager’s character, Bat Masterson (and his love of ice cream ;)). Congrats to Sneaky Kendrick for his quote being chosen!


Gandry: "I knew those wizards were using the wrong bait!"
Boochbeard: "And, look! A windstone to Darkmoor!"
~ Sneaky Kendrick


Community Spotlights

Screenshot of the Month

This month’s winner goes to the guild, Le Grande Armee de Polaris with this screenshot of three of their members looking like they are ready to take on anything that gets in their way:


Thanks pirates for remembering to send your screenshots to community@pirate101.com so we can share them with the rest of our fans on Facebook.

Fan Art Spotlight

This month’s fan art spotlight goes to E.L. Neal, who drew this portrait of his pirate:


Thanks for this great piece of fan art and for proudly declaring, “The Pirate’s Life is For Me!” If readers of this newsletter feel the same way, we’d love to see more fan art from you! Please send it to community@pirate101.com.

Community News

Also, the unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Pirate101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”

Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!