Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


February 2021




Please welcome our new Gamigo family to the Spiral! Now that KingsIsle is part of Gamigo Group, we want to introduce all their community members to the amazing things you’ve built together in Pirate101 over the years. There’s going to be a ton of opportunity in the coming months to get to know new faces that may become long-lasting friends. And what better time to do that than during the Friendship Festival!

A word from Professor Falmea since the acquisition of KingsIsle was announced:

“My Dear KingsIsle Community,

The beginning of a new year is always a wonderful time, albeit a little too cold for my tastes as a Pyromancer, but as each day gets longer the sun gets brighter, and soon Spring will be here before we know it! Speaking of new beginnings, some of you may have seen the press release about the acquisition of KingsIsle by Gamigo. This is certainly big news, and I wanted to chat about what that means and answer some of the questions that you may have.

First of all, let me assure you that the friendly faces that you’ve come to know and love aren’t changing and we’re full steam ahead on the next updates and laying the foundation for the year to come. Ratbeard and Mattnetic are agonizing over a plethora of spreadsheets and math. The illustrious Jeff Toney is doodling away and you should see some of the astounding things Adam Roush is concepting for the next update! Decius is continuing to curate and maintain our Crown Shop and promotion plan, and you will be able to continue to beg him on twitter for the next Crowns Sale as usual. Sparck/Bat Masterson will be coordinating many KI Lives to come, and Vanessa Mythdust will be continuing to hone her art of the pun. We’re still here, we’re still KingsIsle, and we’re not planning on slowing down.” - Professor Falmea

Check out Professor Falmea’s complete Producer’s Letter on the main website. It includes an update that you may have missed from the original announcement.


Happy New Year community! We celebrated the kickoff of what is sure to be an interesting 2021 in the Spiral on last month’s KI Live. Our first opportunity to talk about the recent acquisition of KingsIsle was a highlight of the show. While we only touched upon a fraction of the questions you all had, do not worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities to ask them again on the next KI Live.

If you also enjoy hanging out with us in-game, you'll want to tune in to the show, now available to watch on YouTube:

Secret Reader Bonus - As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (HOUSINGLOOT2021) for another 500 redemptions!

For more videos and livestreams, be sure to subscribe to KingsIsle's YouTube channel.



Winners of the 2020 Winter Wonderland Artwork Contest have been announced!

We received so many amazing entries that showed the community's wonderful holiday spirit. Many of them surprised us too by how unique they were to show off the holiday spirit by combining different elements of the games into one scene. In fact, with so many entries we expanded the winning lists to maximize as many entries being recognized as possible.

With hundreds of entries reviewed received and only a fraction able to win in the contest, if yours did not make the list, you can still share your entry on social media for all community members to see!

Below are the winners for the Pirate101 portion. To see the Wizard101 winning entries, visit the main contest page.

Digital Winter Wonders

Practical PedroPercy:

Silver KatherineUnderwood:


Proud Paper Moments

Emmaline Ironside:

Fearless CyrusRichmond:

Dark ZoeCarter:

Surprise Honorable Mentions



Brave CeciliaMoone:

Brave KatherineJackson:

Obnoxious DarbyJohansson:


Congrats Honest Abe, your quote was chosen for Puppet Pirates #98!


Boochbeard: "Are we there yet?"

Gandry: "Ughhh, we would be there if you didn’t get the directions from BLIND MEW!"

Boochbeard: "Soooo no?"

~ Senor Spicy


Over the past couple of weeks, the community got together and shouted from the crow’s nest of their Pirate ships, “we celebrate Pirate101 and its amazing worlds!”, and did they celebrate! Every day from January 24th to the 30th were contests, livestreams, and friendly gatherings across the skyways, all put on by the community.

We of course had to join in on the fun, so several developers popped into livestreams and in the game to challenge fellow Pirates to a battle or two. Fun was had by all with strong expectations that it will continue throughout the year.

"I love seeing the success of the #RevivePirate101 movement, the strength of the community is unmatched and I am proud to be a part of this wonderful community." -WhiteTiger93






A special thanks to Senor Spicy, TheFearsomeRubberDucky, Napoleguin, Ambermeow, Saralee Skyway, and many more community leaders for putting on all the events, and for everyone else who attended them!



Meet Humble Misty Morgan from Adventures of the Spiral!

“I would like to introduce you to Humble Misty Morgan. She was my first character in Pirate101 and it has been both fun and a challenge to play. As a Swashbuckler, without her parents because they were lost in search of treasure, Misty was raised by the Dogs of Marleybone. Her goal was to acquire powers from the Swashbuckler, Witchdoctor and Privateer schools, build up her skills through the spiral, and train her companions and pets to be the best they can be.” - Humble Misty Morgan (aka @GmaFoley)


For this month’s screenshot spotlight, Humble Misty Morgan travels across the skyway to the distant Yagizawa Village. Be sure to friend them in game to find out what they discovered there!

Capture an amazing screenshot or artwork like a magnificent sunset or a monster about to eat your ship and send it to us at community@kingsisle.com. We’re always interested in showing off more art, gameplay guides, and other content!


TheFearsomeRubberDucky is back again with another great how-to video, this time a guide on the companion, Tyson!

And here’s some treasures from Final Bastion!
  • Interested in starting your journey into Pirate101? Take a look at Cody's experience!
  • Thanks to the Kingsisle acquisition Pirate101's future might've shifted. Take a look at Matthew's thoughts.
  • Planning to farm the Nefarious Five or Moo Manchu? Here's the Tower of Moo Manchu Gear Guide! Get farming!

Have an upcoming event, article or other news you wish to share with the community? Send it to community@pirate101.com. Include a link on social media if you have one and we may share it on social and here in future newsletters!

Also, the unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Pirate101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.


Question for our newsletter readers - is there a newsletter section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Pirate101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!

Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!

Please take a moment to read our article on online safety. Stop by our KingsIsle Blog for Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.