Our American Pirate101 players are feeling just a touch more patriotic this month thanks to the brand new Soaring Eagle mount! If you’re looking for a great place to spread your wings, then the frontier of Cool Ranch might just be the best place in the Spiral where you can feel at home!
June was a great month in Pirate101 where the new Heckhound pets came to PvP and we celebrated our annual “Sail into Summer” sale with a new ship in the Crown Shop.
Thanks for playing and read on for more fun and fan information for Pirate101.
Rogue's Gallery: Rooster Cogburn
Speaking of Cool Ranch, the coolest bird in Cooper’s Roost is Rooster Cogburn. If you joined us for KI Live last month, you saw us play through just one of his many quests that will result in Rooster Cogburn joining your pirate crew. Just think, the biggest six shooters in the west coupled with the best pirate in all the Spiral. It sounds like a match made in heaven. Read on for more backstory information about Rooster Cogburn than you can shake a tail-feather at.
Subject: Rooster Cogburn
Home: Cool Ranch
Weapon of Choice: Six Shooter
Occupation: Sherriff
Like many of the fowl in Cool Ranch, Russel “Rooster” Cogburn is a veteran of the War Between the Flocks – he fought in an elite band of raiders for the Confederacy. He lost his eye toward the end of the war, and the horrors he witnessed and experienced left him bitter and broken, quick to drive away any would-be friend with a stream of insults and harsh words.
His distaste for the lawlessness of war left Rooster with a high regard for the law – criminals and troublemakers are Rooster’s most dire enemies. After his beloved Confederacy lost, Rooster went west, settling in Cooper’s Roost as the town’s sheriff.
Since arriving in Cool Ranch, his crusade against lawlessness has been unending, but the number of desperadoes and outlaws in the wide open skies forced Rooster to do the one thing he swore he’d never do – ask for help. And so, Rooster came face to face with a daring young stranger, whose bravery would change Rooster’s life forever...
Puppet Pirates
"Step aside boys ... I'll take a stab at it."
by Virtuous Vanessa
Who will caption the next Puppet Pirates? Stay tuned to our Facebook page to enter your caption on the next Puppet Pirates.
Screenshot of the Month!
We received a fair amount of screenshots this month and would again like to remind you that you can hide all your screen elements by pressing Control+G. Keep sending them in, and don’t forget to hide your interface! We’d love to feature your screenshot in the future.!
Our Screenshot of the Month comes from Brass Angel who sent us this screenshot back on June 2nd with the title “Catchin’ Baddies With Cogburn.” Nice! How’d he know our theme this month! Great shot, Angel!
We’re always on the lookout for great new screenshots! As a reminder, please only send us your best three screenshots every month to community@pirate101.com if you’d like to participate. For more tips, check out this blog post with helpful screen shot hints.
Fan Art Spotlight!
We had three or four really fantastic pieces of artwork submitted to us last month, and we loved them all! Thank you so much for sending us your art. If you see a friend share a cool piece of fan artwork over Twitter, Tumblr, or your favorite social media site, please encourage them to also send it to community@pirate101.com! Thanks!
If you too would like to be featured in the Pirate101 newsletter, send your works of art to the community@pirate101.com email and thank you in advance!
From House Decorating Pirates to MooShu Easter Eggs!
The unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Wizard101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”
EverClicker, KingsIsle’s newest mobile game, launched this month. Thanks to our community for helping get the word out!