We revealed more about our plans for Pirate101 on KI Live! We also talked about Wizard101's Spring Update from last month and showcased the winners of the game's spell card contest.
It's always a blast hanging out with the community, so let us know what you most like about KI Lives so we can continue to make them even more fun to watch.
Missed the show? Watch it now YouTube!
Secret Reader Bonus - The giveaway code was also changed up a bit with an exclusive Pirate101 code provided this time. As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (MOTORTRAINPACKS) for another 500 redemptions!
A great gameplay tip submitted to KI Live comes from Humble Misty Morgan:
“If you want to be ready and make the fights in Aquila and Florenza easier, do lots of the side quests. You will be level 70 while you are in Aquila!.” - Humble Misty Morgan
KingsIsle takes great pride in our community supporting each other and making sure that everyone feels accepted for who they are. June is Pride Month where we celebrate the diversity of both our players and the KingsIsle team as one community.
We reached out to several of our team members and community leaders to share their stories of diversity and support. Here is what they had to say!
I’m proud of our players for seeing our games as a safe place to simply be themselves, and in seeing the KingsIsle team as a beacon of support. We have an incredible community that I am excited to help develop and grow, and that includes bringing the developers closer to the community in understanding.” - Bat Masterson (aka Sparck), Senior Community Manager
“Humble Misty Morgan did come back to help Loveable Melody find Sergeant Seger. They heard that Madame Vadima had some information on where to go to Find the Traitor, Seger. (To Track A Traitor!). Vadima said she could tell they were on a grave errand because the spirits were restless and there was a great danger overshadowing all. Seeking the traitor, she found something was blocking her sight and there was some mighty magic at work. She could sense the traitor but could not see him, and said, “Is in the Ancient Tunnels, behind a lower waterfall. You can find him there.” Vadima placed a blessing on Misty and Melody to block the forces of magic so it would not obstruct their site. Then cautioned them to be careful!” - Vadima
For this month’s art spotlight, Mean Mocha redraws their Buccaneer, Quirky Quincy Quinn. Say that name three times fast!
“Back at it again with some more Pirate101 edits! Here's one of my Buccaneer, Quirky Quincy Quinn. I love dishing out damage with this guy. Also attempted to recreate the buccaneer cast symbol. Hope you like it!” ~ Quirky Quincy Quinn
Capture an amazing screenshot or artwork like a magnificent sunset or a monster about to eat your ship and send it to us at community@kingsisle.com. We’re always interested in showing off more art, gameplay guides, and other content!
Keep updated on what’s happening in the community right here in our community news section! For every newsletter, we receive direct from the community links to new gameplay guides, exciting upcoming contests, and much more. Thanks to the following fansites and other community leaders for their contributions this month!
Reminder! Weekend Pet Morph Giveaways by TheFearsomeRubberDucky
"Pet Morph GiveAways are a chance for everyone to morph with amazing pets. I farm for maximum gold on all 4 of my accounts and try to morph it all out to you guys in 2 hours or less. Make sure to tune into the stream and show up at the morphing tent realm one Eye Jack. I'm there every Friday and Saturday at 4-6 pm CT" - TheFearsomeRubberDucky
Reminder! Companion Wars on Twitch - Sundays at 4-6pm CT
"Companion wars is a companion only combat at my Smuggler's Cove arena. Viewers redeem 'quack points' to ban and unban companions, and they can also make wagers on who will win using the new "/predictions" feature on twitch. Packs are awarded to the winners of each round, and a free membership can be redeemed if you have enough' quack points' for it. The beauty of this game mod is that it forces you to use companions you wouldn't normally have to use and that makes things especially fun for the companion collectors out there." - TheFearsomeRubberDucky
Battlefy Tournaments
TheFearsomeRubberDucky also has a tournament for PvP folks that started on April 5th! Participation details on Battlefy.
Have an upcoming event, article or other news you wish to share with the community? Send it to community@pirate101.com. Include a link on social media if you have one and we may share it on social and here in future newsletters!
Also, the unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Pirate101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.
Question for our newsletter readers - is there a newsletter section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Pirate101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!
Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!
Please take a moment to read our article on online safety. Stop by our KingsIsle Blog for Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.