Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


March 2022



Pirates! We released the first game patch of 2022 on February 23 that fixes a few things, including a long-standing quest issue. Check it out:

  • Bring Me My Bow quest should now able to be turned in properly
  • Buccaneer’s Obsidian Warlord’s Boots lvl 65 and 70 exclusive class item now properly restricted to just the Buccaneer class
  • Resolve a couple of issues with punctuation in chat text improperly being highlighted red
  • Prepared some new items to be available later in the Crown Shop
More to come! Let us know what you think of the changes in the forums and on social by using #Pirate101!


It's a friendly festive time, so we invited new KingsIsle team members on last month's KI Live to talk about their work. They had a lot to say about what they are looking forward to for the rest of the year and beyond!

We also had Mike Sears back to voiceover some of the Wizard101 Lemuria characters he did. Let us know if you want him on the show regularly, as he has even more voices to present!

Missed the show? No worries! You can watch the recording of KI Live now on YouTube:

It's always a blast hanging out with the community, so let us know what you most like about KI Lives so we can continue to make them even more fun to watch.

Secret Reader Bonus - The giveaway code was also changed up a bit with an exclusive Pirate101 code provided this time. As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (KILIVESUPERBOOTS) for another 500 redemptions!

For more videos and livestreams, be sure to subscribe to KingsIsle's YouTube channel.

A great gameplay tip submitted to KI Live comes from Caladbolg: “In the early levels if you want to level up and gain gold quick do the aztecosaur dungeon, you will fill your backpack and get you a decent chunk of experience.” - Caladbolg



Congrats to the following 2022 Friendship Festival Writing Contest winners for their amazing stories!

Each winner receives a Sweet Heart Mount and 10K Crowns. To redeem your prizes, please contact our Community team at community@kingsisle.com. Visit Wizard101’s newsletter to check out winners for their side of the contest. Thanks all for participating in this new type of contest!


Congrats Fearless Noble Ramsey, the community chose your quote for Puppet Pirates #111!


Marleybone Dogs: "Oi! Pirates! Get away from them crates!”

Boochbeard: "Looks like they got us now old boy!”

Gandry: "Are we giving up this easily Captain? should we call the young pirate for help?"

Marleybone Dogs: "Young pirate? Who be that?"

~ Fearless Nicole Ramsey

Join in on the fun by watching Twitter and Facebook for the next Puppet Pirates reveal and your chance to caption the image!



Adventures of the Spiral continues the story of Loveable Melody Morgan, this time adventuring to Puerto Mico:

    “Leaving the Kraken Skull tavern and getting her crew up and about, Loveable Melody Morgan sailed to Puerto Mico. All she knew was to go see the Majordomo in the Governor’s Palace. Looking toward the palace she was amazed at how big Puerto Mico looked. There were merchants bustling about and tall towers among the mountains in the background. The crew was complaining about all the stair climbing they had to do! (Quest: A Diplomatic Mission)

    “Ok, let’s go see this Majordomo. Looks like he is up these stairs to the right. When entering the door, Majordomo was at the bottom of the stairs and inquired, “You have business with His Excellency? I trust you have a letter of introduction. Let me see. So you are…” - Loveable Melody

For more companion stories, visit Adventures of the Spiral!


Senor Spicy presented on his YouTube channel how to play a Buccaneer in Pirate101. Even if you are an experienced Pirate, this guide is worth reviewing or giving to a friend to learn a little more about the game.

“Hey #Pirate101 peeps! I just posted Episode 1 of my How To Pirate101 Walkthrough series. I go over a bunch of tips and advice for new players and I'm excited to continue the series. Be sure to check it out!” - Senior Spicy

Do you have a gameplay video to share? Let us know and it may make an appearance in a future newsletter!


by Zapterthefox

For this month’s art spotlight, we are showcasing a really cool sketch of Gracie Conrad as drawn by Zapterthefox!


Do you have a drawing or other art piece to share? Let us know and it may make an appearance in a future newsletter!


Keep updated on what’s happening in the community right here in our community news section! For every newsletter, we receive direct from the community links to new gameplay guides, exciting upcoming contests, and much more. Thanks to the following fansites and other community leaders for their contributions this month!

Final Bastion’s 9th birthday contest winners announced! [More news to add here later]


Weekend Pet Morph Giveaways by TheFearsomeRubberDucky

"A Pet Morph GiveAway is a stream where we morph out pets for every class. Streams from 3 - 4 pm CT Fridays!"

PvP with Viewers

"PvP with Viewers is a light foot in the door to competitive play. Want to PvP with little to no trouble, we'll give you the experience of teaming with some of the games top PvP players. Streams Saturdays from 3 - 4 pm CT on Twitch."

Battlefy Tournaments

Many tournaments are also hosted on Battlefy. Search for Pirate101 to see when the next one is open for participation!

Have an upcoming event, article or other news you wish to share with the community? Send it to community@pirate101.com. Include a link on social media if you have one and we may share it on social and here in future newsletters!

Also, the unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Pirate101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.


Question for our newsletter readers - is there a newsletter section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Pirate101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!

Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!

Please take a moment to read our article on online safety. Stop by our KingsIsle Blog for Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.