Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


Spring has Sprung, Here's What It's Brung!

There’s only a month and a half left of Spring, Pirates! Can you believe it?! Make sure to take this opportunity to get as many PvP matches won while the clockogators are still for sale in the Brawlin’ Hall.

Also, May is the month where we celebrate Pirates De Mayo! We’d love to see your best Cool Ranch gear during this month, and don’t forget to send us those screenshots of you in your best Cool Ranch gear as well! There are sure to be a couple of special sales as well, so stay tuned to our social media for more info.

As for April, Mount-a-Palooza was a fantastic sale that saw big discounts on popular mounts . . . we hope you picked up that special mount you’ve had your eye on. We also hope you enjoyed playing with the new Spring Yeti Pet and all the old springtime favorites that were back in the Crown Shop. That big batch of cuties is really irresistible!

Thank you for playing Pirate101 and getting your friends into this wonderful community. Read on for more fun and information about your favorite game.


Rogue's Gallery: El Toro

One of our frequent Message Board posters, WillowyDream, contacted us over the forums and let us know we had overlooked one special companion that’s pretty popular. We do learn a lot about El Toro in game, but indeed . . . the mighty El Toro mustn’t be over looked! (insert trumpet)

Subject: El Toro

Home: Santo Pollo, Cool Ranch

Weapon of Choice: Foil, Bullwhip

Occupation: Masked Hero

The bull Cool Ranch now knows as Don Rodrigo de la Vega was orphaned at an early age, his family wiped out by a band of Banditoad desperadoes. The young bull devoted himself to avenging his parents, and at the age of ten set out to track down and wipe out the vile criminals. Just before he crept into the Banditoad encampment, he was stopped by an imposing figure – El Toro!

The masked hero told Rodrigo that his course would lean to nothing but pain - there was nothing to be gained from revenge except a cycle of blood and hate. Justice, however... that is a noble goal, and the fighter who fights for others instead of himself is a true hero.

Rodrigo helped El Toro bring the Banditoads to justice, and then became the adopted ward of El Toro’s public identity, Don Rafael de la Vega. By day Rodrigo learned how to manage his hacienda’s finances and care for the people of Santo Pollo. By night he learned the way of the foil and bullwhip, training to follow in his father’s steps.

After a falling out with Don Rafael, Rodrigo was forced to take up his father’s mantle, finally donning the mask of... El Toro!




Screenshot of the Month!

Wow! You really made our job difficult this month. There were so many great screenshots submitted that it was hard to choose just one to be featured. We’ll be sure to upload all the screenshots we received to our Facebook page, but before we do . . . here’s one small tip we’d like to share: remember to press Control + G to hide your screen elements before you snap your perfect screenshot!

Our screenshot of the month comes from Red Wolfe Umfrey who simply said this was a picture of him “hobnobbing” with the royals in Valencia. Well, red Wolfe, you certainly have our attention! Great shot!


We’re always on the lookout for great new screenshots! As a reminder, please only send us your best three screenshots every month to community@pirate101.com if you’d like to participate. For more tips, check out this blog post with helpful screen shot hints.


Puppet Pirates!


Gandry: “This is the COOLest ride ever!”

Boochbeard: “Arr, good on ye...all I can get it to do is shiver me, ah....timbers.”

by Slick Devin Silver

Who will caption the next Puppet Pirates? Stay tuned to our Facebook page to enter your caption on the next Puppet Pirates.


Fan Art Spotlight!

We love receiving your fan art for Pirate101! Please send us more more MORE! We can’t get enough and your creativity continues to inspire us. We’ll be uploading a batch of art to our Facebook page this month, so be sure to check it out in the next couple of days.

This month’s Fan Art Spotlight comes from Bad Natalie Nichols who reminds us that “Gold is nothing, but the Spiral is everything.”


Thanks for your art, Bad Natalie! We’re so glad to have you playing Pirate101 *and* sharing your talent with us.

If you too would like to be featured in the Pirate101 newsletter, send your works of art to the community@pirate101.com email and thank you in advance!


Yarr! So ye think ye can talke like a pirate?

Our self-proclaimed “Message Board Marauders” are a lot of fun. If you haven’t dropped by the Official Message Boards for Pirate101 to chat, please take a moment to stop in and say hello. Last month was full of good topics and discussion. Here are a few threads that caught our attention last month:

Outside of these links, the unaffiliated “Community Newsletter” also had a great selection of Pirate101 links from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at community.newsletter.101@gmail.com. You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”

KingsIsle is hoping to launch EverClicker on Steam. Show your support here.

Vanessa explains more about Steam and the Greenlight process in her blog post.

Take a look at the latest episode of KI Live with our Blaze ShadowHorn interview and gameplay in both Wizard101 and Pirate101.

Petnome Pirates now has a page with gift card pets available by month!

Check out Autumn’s ideas for new packs in Pirate101!

This year’s Fansite Festival was a blast, and Autumn shares a quick recap.

Have you caught these Easter Eggs in Pirate101?

Blaze LifeHammer battles the Hydra in his newest Pirate101 walkthrough video.

Master of Light offers a showcase of the five MooShu starter companions.