Aquilian Palace just announced a new 3v3 tournament for the summer!
“With our tournaments, we aim to provide a legitimate ranking system, a non-toxic PVP community, and a standard of skill for new players to aspire to. Our upcoming 3v3 tournament which will start on June 1st will be the beginning of something new and exciting. We have split the year into three sections with a qualifier tournament for each category (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4).” - Aquilian Palace
We continue to be amazed at how many new Pirate101 events popping up by fansites and livestreamers over the past few months. We’ve certainly taken notice (and participated in many of them!) and will continue to support these activities in any way that we can.
Be sure to reach out to our community team if you have an upcoming event to share. We’ll include it in the Community Bulletin section in these newsletters!
The Spring Update for Wizard101 has arrived! Throughout the show we answered your questions about the update, gave away in-game items (see below!), and Professor Falmea also provided a Pirate101 update on what we are looking to do next for the game.
It's always a blast hanging out with the community, so let us know what you most like about KI Lives so we can continue to make them even more fun to watch.
Missed the show? Watch it now YouTube!
Secret Reader Bonus - The giveaway code was also changed up a bit with an exclusive Pirate101 code provided this time. As of this newsletter's announcement, for those who didn't get a chance to redeem the KI Live giveaway code yet, we opened it up again (LIVETRAINLOOT) for another 500 redemptions!
A great gameplay tip submitted to KI Live comes from Blake:
“If you're questing a character in Pirate101, you should definitely train elusive 1 & 2 from the privateer trainer, fast 1 & 2 from the swashbuckler trainer, and spooky 1 & 2 from the witchdoctor trainer.” - Blake
Boochbeard:"This is a disaster! A tragedy! An absolute catastrophe!"
Gandry:"Oh no, did she see us?!"
Boochbeard:"Worse! My beard is uneven!"
~ Able Abe
From Adventures of the Spiral, you all probably know Humble Misty Morgan by now. She just received a message from her friend, Bold Brynn Bristol. See what Brynn has to say to her about a pet training problem he’s having!
“Humble Misty Morgan received a message from her friend, Bold Brynn Bristol, about her confusion with pet training! Brynn asked Humble Misty to help sort out her runaway pet and she had to find and learn how to take care and train him.
Avery told Mickey Dugan that Brynn would get things done and she was invited to join the Great Petathelon on Bestia. Joining the Pet Games brings prestige to the real Republic but they were missing an egg from their team, which meant they were one pet short. The water moles have a spare egg but chief Maka Motl won’t hand it over because he got spooked. Mickey gave Brynn a Tiki to see if that might entice Maka Motl to give her the egg.
Off Brynn went to visit Maka and he said the wind spirits would get mad so he couldn’t give her the egg but when she pulled out the tiki, Maka Motl changed his mind and passed the egg over. She ran back with the egg to Mickey Dugan proceeded to send her off to deliver the egg to Bestia. “The team needs that egg immediately!” Mickey was nice enough to give Brynn a compliment stating she was a very helpful person.
Little Bold Brynn went over to Gladia Portitrix to the west of Avery’s office, to the dock, and boarded the gondola to Bestia. She was greeted by Sepio Filum who sent her into the pavilion.”
Just getting started in Pirate101 and want to see some epic Swashbuckler gameplay? Be sure to check out Ultimate Speedster’s walkthrough series!
For this month’s screenshot spotlight, Admiral Nelson poses with Nausica!
“A wise Eagle once said, “Will a noble Philosopher help?” ~ Admiral Nelson
Capture an amazing screenshot or artwork like a magnificent sunset or a monster about to eat your ship and send it to us at We’re always interested in showing off more art, gameplay guides, and other content!
Keep updated on what’s happening in the community right here in our community news section! For every newsletter, we receive direct from the community links to new gameplay guides, exciting upcoming contests, and much more. Thanks to the following fansites and other community leaders for their contributions this month!
Reminder! Weekend Pet Morph Giveaways by TheFearsomeRubberDucky
"Pet Morph GiveAways are a chance for everyone to morph with amazing pets. I farm for maximum gold on all 4 of my accounts and try to morph it all out to you guys in 2 hours or less. Make sure to tune into the stream and show up at the morphing tent realm one Eye Jack. I'm there every Friday and Saturday at 4-6 pm CT" - TheFearsomeRubberDucky
Reminder! Companion Wars on Twitch - Sundays at 4-6pm CT
"Companion wars is a companion only combat at my Smuggler's Cove arena. Viewers redeem 'quack points' to ban and unban companions, and they can also make wagers on who will win using the new "/predictions" feature on twitch. Packs are awarded to the winners of each round, and a free membership can be redeemed if you have enough' quack points' for it. The beauty of this game mod is that it forces you to use companions you wouldn't normally have to use and that makes things especially fun for the companion collectors out there." - TheFearsomeRubberDucky
Battlefy Tournaments
TheFearsomeRubberDucky also has a tournament for PvP folks that started on April 5th! Participation details on Battlefy.
Have an upcoming event, article or other news you wish to share with the community? Send it to Include a link on social media if you have one and we may share it on social and here in future newsletters!
Also, the unaffiliated-with-KingsIsle “Community Newsletter” had a great selection of Pirate101-related links this month from around the web. NOTE: Be sure to visit and follow their Twitter page for more information. To subscribe to their newsletter, send a Direct Message to them over Twitter inquiring to be added or email them at You can unsubscribe at any time by sending them an email with the phrase “UNSUB”.
Question for our newsletter readers - is there a newsletter section we should add? Tweet your suggestion to @Pirate101 and we’ll select the top idea we can implement to win 5,000 Crowns!
Be sure to follow the game and its community on social media!
Please take a moment to read our article on online safety. Stop by our KingsIsle Blog for Account Security Best Practices. There’s important information in the article to manage and protect your entire family’s accounts.