September was a fun month where fall fell into place, the PvP season turned a new leaf, the autumn Crown Shop offerings arrived, and our Pirate101 players were all surprised with an out-of-the-blue Test Realm, which introduced a new mega Turret Boss with a new Gauntlet encounter and several bug fixes.
October will see the release of this Test Realm to the Live Realm, and it’ll even have another surprise! We also hope you enjoy our birthday month as Pirate101 turns four and the birthday packages make their return to Skull Island and Avery’s Court. This month’s KI Live will focus on Pirate101, so be sure to tune in on October 14th.
Read on for our regular offerings and insights to Pirate101. Thank you for reading and enjoy!
Rogue's Gallery: Ensign Emmett
This month we have another Kraken Skulls Companion that little is known about, Ensign Emmett. Emmett eventually promotes to the rank of Commander under the training of a high level pirate, but how did he earn the rank of Ensign to begin with? Read on for the rest of the story!
“Welcome to the Pirate101 Rogue’s Gallery. Subject, Ensign Emmett.
Emmett volunteered for the Royal Navy as soon as the Naploeguinic Wars began, as eager to serve his country as he was to get away from his humble beginnings as a shipping clerk in Kent. Emmett served with distinction, rising through the ranks from a foremast hand to full ensign in less than a year’s time.
Emmett served under many captains of distinction and was present at many decisive battles. He did his greatest service in the crew of that resplendent Marleybonean officer known as The Commodore, and regards the old salt as a trusted mentor to this day.
After the Wars Emmett found the thrill of combat and exploration was too much in his blood to allow for peaceful retirement, so he remained in Skull Island, serving on Irregular crews harrying Monquistan shipping, and looking for a good cause to fight for. When he heard rumors of a great pirate treasure in the offing, it sounded like a capital adventure. And so Emmett found himself in the cellar of the Kraken Skulls, where he would meet a new captain to serve…”
Fans and the Fandom
The big news this month was our surprise Test Realm introducing the Rogue Armada Dreadnaught encounter! There was a lot of quick discussion as players began discovering all the new items, talent ranks, and more:
Thanks to James LifeMancer for helping spread the word about Bundle-a-palooza.
Hybrid Hunters: Anonymous
In case you missed it, Decius Duelmaster gave a fun hybrid tip on KI Live in September. This was further discussed on our Official Message Boards. This led to the discovery of the Salsadillo and the “rediscovery” of the Spicy Ostrich.
What hints and discoveries are coming this month? Make sure to join in the fun on our official Message Boards.
Puppet Pirates!
Boochbeard: "Wouldja look at it, Monkey? The mosquitos here must be the size o' me ship!"
By Noble Blaine Bellamy
Who will caption the next Puppet Pirates? Stay tuned to our Facebook page to enter your caption on the next Puppet Pirates.
Vadima's Visions: Kane
Hello my Pirate friends. It is good to see you here and wonderful that you are still curiously seeking Vadima and her visions. I hope you are enjoying the new Valencian encounters? It sounds as if the Armada is not finished with their plundering quite yet. Hmm?
Our friend Valkoor the Victorious has asked an interesting question . . . perhaps one that will help him brag just a bit. Hehehe. After all, he did write an excellent guide on how to solo Kane as a Buccaneer.
He asks, “How many pirates, by class, have soloed the Kane battle (without using henchmen, of course)?”
Let us peer deeply into Vadima’s crystal ball! I see only a handful of pirates braving Kane by themselves. It is definitely a difficult task and one that typically should not be faced alone. There are warning signs and I fear asking this question, but I am seeing a number . . . thirty . . . and . . . onetwothreefourfivesixseven . . . yes thirty-eight. Only thirty-eight pirates have successfully bested Kane without assistance.
Aha! These brave souls are now sorting themselves by class of pirate. Do you see?
13 Musketeers
9 Swashbucklers
6 Buccaneers
6 Witchdoctors
4 Privateers
Very interesting! Did these results surprise you? Let us know and don’t forget to ask new questions to Vadima on the official Message Boards.