Pirate101 Monthly Newsletter


Back to School for Septembarrr!

We hope you had a fun summer season in Pirate101. In June our Pirates made a journey back to Valencia for the thrilling conclusion to the first story arc. Christmas reappeared during July and the Summer PvP season was in full swing. In August we celebrated Arrrgust and held contests and giveaways a plenty!

In September we’re looking toward another change of seasons in PvP and will put our sites on October as Pirate101’s Fourth Birthday inches closer by the day. We aim to celebrate in a most piratical fashion! Are you onboard? Great! Now read on for more fun information about Pirate101 with our usual offering of articles and news!


Rogue’s Gallery: Barnabus

There’s a lot of great characters you meet in the earlier parts of Pirate101 that we’ve never touched upon for our Rogue’s Gallery series. This month we’re taking a closer look at a Buccaneer favorite . . . the mighty Barnabus! Set down your big smashy weapons for a second and have a read of this Sloth Guardsman’s tale. Enjoy.

Name: Barnabus.
Home: Skull Island
Weapon of Choice: Pole Axe
Occupation: Mercenary Soldier

“The Sloths are the most reclusive inhabitants of Skull Island, and to this day few of them have ever left the jungles to make their way in the wider Spiral. Barnabus is a rare exception. When a Monquistador explorer found his way to Barnabus' village, the young sloth was mystified by the stranger. Overcome with curiosity, he followed the explorer back to the skyways, becoming his attendant. Before long, Barnabus had been conscripted into the Monquistan military: his size and strength were too great for the generals to pass up. Barnabus' gentle nature kept him from winning any distinction as a soldier, but he got by as best he could.

During the Napoleguinic Wars Barnabus shipped out on a campaign to destroy the Polarian colonies in Skull Island, but his ship was ravaged in a storm and crashed on a remote jungle island. Barnabus was lost for years on that island, but his old jungle-bred instincts served him well. His gentle nature and thick hide also led to something truly unprecedented: Barnabus befriended the local Troggies and even managed to learn their language.

A ship full of pirates finally came to the island, and Barnabus left the jungle behind for the open skyways. He rambled about Skull Island, joining pirate crews and band of mercenaries. He earned quite a reputation as being strong and honorable, if not too bright. More than one crew of smugglers ended up double-crossing him, but his big-hearted nature didn’t waver. Barnabus was kicked out of his last crew for rescuing a castaway from a remote island against his captain’s wishes. The grizzled old sea dog was grateful, and gave Barnabus something in return: the lost will of Captain Gunn! Could Barnabus finally strike it rich? He would need a crew...”




What’s new with the Fans!

Arrrgust was alive with activity and our players were having a lot of fun with contests and giveaways, but those weren’t the only newsworthy posts that happened during the month! Here are the notable posts that caught our eye this month:

Skull Island Broadside Combat music was featured on the Battle Bards Podcast at the 15:00 minute mark! Its jaunty nature and rollercoaster-like energy was appreciated by the hosts!

Speaking of music, which world in Pirate101 has your favorite music?

Our Pirate friend, Valkoor, has an interesting way of looking at things in game. The irony of the designs on Kane’s Cloak possibly spelling the word “Meek” was not lost on us.

Who’s your favorite Buccaneer companion? Chime in here!

Arrrgust was a fun event for all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us:

For Arrrgust Week 4, a special thank you goes to our participating fan sites:

Check out this great guide to using Sarah Steele from Duelist101.

Secrets of the Spiral hosted an International Cat Day gathering.

Blaze and Blue finish up their trip to Port Regal and return to Cool Ranch and the story of the Magnificent Seven.

This is a great reminder to players: Enemies in Valencia2 have First Strike 3, which removes hidden status.

What do you think is really overpowered in PvP? Here’s Bluba4’s Top 5.

We appreciate getting noticed on MMORPG.com and were happy to get a couple of cool articles written about what’s new in Pirate101:

Do you have a hankerin’ for Cross-Stitch? Here’s a great pattern for One-Eyed Jack!

There are a lot of hard bosses in Pirate101, but what’s the hardest boss you’ve ever faced?

Thank you for noticing our new Twitter Banner for Pirate101!

Any suggestions on how a Buccaneer with Witchdoctor secondary would work? Nathanial3085 wants to know!

Blind Mew answers the question: Why didn’t we talk to Mycroft after defeating Kane?

Calling all pranksters, pun-meisters, and joke masters! Come share your companion jokes and puns on Pirate101 Central.

Looking for tips on balancing your game and school life? Here are a few tips from Vanessa Mythdust.


Puppet Pirates!


Gandry: "Zis map is a-maze-ingly hard to understand, captain!"
Boochbeard: "I've got a feelin' we'll need to 'hoof' it out of here! FAST
by Slick Michael Radcliffe

Who will caption the next Puppet Pirates? Stay tuned to our Facebook page to enter your caption on the next Puppet Pirates.


Vadima's Visions: Picking the Perfect Avatar

Hello my pirate friends! How are you? I’m so happy to see you when you drop by our official Message Boards to talk about life in Skull Island. To those ends, I have a very interesting question about a feature of the message boards. Themagerhonor asks, “My question is what avatar icon on the P101 message boards is used the most, and the least, and how many people have those two icons?”

For those of you who may not know what an avatar is, they are the fancy image that sits beneath your name. These images can be swapped out at any time by clicking on it and choosing a different image.


Let us peer into Vadima’s crystal ball! Ahhhh . . . I see that the class symbols are the most popular symbols on the message boards, and 130 of you have chosen the Swashbuckler emblem as your own. Aha! The top ten avatars are now flashing before our eyes. Let’s name them:

  1. 1. Swashbuckler class icon
  2. 2. Witch Doctor class icon
  3. 3. Privateer class icon
  4. 4. Buccaneer class icon
  5. 5. Marleybone world symbol
  6. 6. Valencia world symbol
  7. 7. Aquila world symbol
  8. 8. Musketeer class icon
  9. 9. Swashbuckler male icon
  10. 10. Mooshu world symbol

Now the crystal ball is growing dark. This means we will now begin seeing the least used avatar. Hmmm. I see it is the Female musketeer icon that is least used. Only 5 people have willingly chosen this avatar.

Well, maybe this Vadima’s Vision article will make it a bit more popular? One can only hope! Maybe it’ll surpass the runner up for least used Avatar . . . the Monquista world symbol.

The visions fade, thank you for your questions! Don’t forget to ask them to Vadima on the official Message Boards.