I can’t believe it’s time to say that again, can you? It’s as if we were standing in a Spiral world called “2014”, and then stepped into a Transportalator arriving on the docks of “2015” – it went that fast.
I can only hope it was time well spent - and if you’ve got an Advanced Pet trained up through the Bestia Coliseum that fights alongside you in the Mooshu Gauntlet and takes a break relaxing in your decked-out Ship Cabin… then maybe it was!
This past Year, #2 for Pirate101 was very special for the Team as we had the opportunity to address so many different items that you, the Players brought to our attention, as well as various adjustments that remained on our radar since the game launched in October of 2012. Looking back over the year, we put the cattle prod to Cool Ranch, we spit-shined the Interface displays with new icons and overlays, and we put those lazy Companions to work finding us Gold, XP and all variety of Loot when they’re not roaming around the house, to name a few.
Speaking of Loot, who knows what the new Black Market may hold in the future? I hear “Scrip” might be a much sought after commodity in the Spiral, and not so easy to get your hooks on judging by the rough collection of characters holding court in the Smuggler’s Arena. I hear some Bosses speak “Scrip” as well, but it’s hard to get any straight answers on the subject from Squid Viscous, in fact, it sounds like he’s eating hot oatmeal topped with marbles under water – how do those Frog Pirates understand him, anyway? (I bet the FrogFather understands him, ya think?)
Much still to learn, and all told, we’ve certainly done our best this past year to add features and fix issues that would benefit as many Pirates as possible across all Level ranges in the Spiral. We remain extremely grateful for the entire Community and your continuing passion and loyalty for our shared Pirate world, and please know it’s a privilege for us to work together as a development team to fulfill each vision that enhances the Pirate101 experience.
Well, enough of my prattling on like “Toady” here, it’s time to hop right into 2015, me Hearties! So until we chat again…may the Windlanes carry you swiftly to adventure, may your Ships’ Cabins be full O’ Gold, may your Friends list be long & prosperous, and may you gather enough gear and sparkling Loot to fill The Jonah Town whale! (My favorite hang-out)
From all of us here at KingsIsle and your devoted Pirate101 Studio, we wish you a very happy holidays and a wonderful New Yaaaaaar!