Welcome to the Game Update Notes section! Every time we update the online Pirate game, Pirate101, we like to let our players know what changes have been made and what's new with the game. Update Notes explain what's been changed and improved.
A lot of changes happened very quickly between the launch of Beta and our release to the public. We’ve broken them down for you in some familiar categories as well as listed just the general improvements and bugs that were taken care of.
The Tutorial continues to be polished and perfected and many small improvements were made.
Players will no longer crash from transitioning from the tutorial to talk with Avery.
More Tutorial Tips added and polished throughout the game.
Housing continues to be touched up and improved as a whole.
Players can now scroll through all housing items in the Attic.
The MooShu Wild Bamboo plant will now highlight correctly in placement mode.
The Walls and Floors in the Girl’s Bunkhouse now take wallpaper and flooring correctly.
Captain Gunn’s treasure will now be added as a furniture reward upon completing his quest.
Ships can now be unbottled at all houses with docks.
Pets and Mounts
Pets and mounts will no longer inherit the player’s color choices and instead be dye-able upon purchase.
The Buffalloon pet will no longer cause players to be stuck in combat.
Mounts will no longer be able to be ridden indoors.
Clicking on a pet’s icon repeatedly will no longer cause the pet to stack up in its portrait window.
Mount speeds have been adjusted and will show their proper amount of speed increase.
Pets and Mounts are able to be traded through the shared bank.
Timers have been added to rental mounts.
Pet Spiders can be dyed safely without causing any undesirable side effects.
Mounts are now only shown in the preview window when previewing a mount.
If you don’t choose a name for your pet, a random one will now be chosen for you.
Equipping a pet will not cause characters to be stuck in a pose.
It’s now easier to identify when a new epic talent is available for training on companions.
Companions in the crowns shop will now show what class they are when you roll your mouse over them.
Wild Bill’s victory dance shows off his lightning shooters more.
Map icons were added for Kobe Yojimbo’s Tier 2 promotion quest.
Bonnie Anne's Line of Fire power has been improved so the duration of the debuff lasts five rounds.
Monquista’s Tavern basements have been made taller to accommodate those yellow exclamation points that like to appear over the companion’s heads.
Sarah Steele will no longer appear so bored when waiting around.
The Chicken Ranger, Sarah Steele, Wing Chun, Kung Pao, Josey Quails, and Masamune Goto companions will all now be much more vocal during combat.
Professor Byron will no longer appear to sell companion training points to you if you run outside with his vendor screen still open.
Old Scratch’s Bone Chant will not show a strange doubling when summoning a skeleton.
Old Scratch will no longer appear as an NPC after you acquire him as a companion.
Boss Fights
Amount of enemies that spawn on a battleboard for the Santa Rana Fight have been lessened for multiplayer.
Adjusted difficulty for boss fights in The Warren, Castillo Sapo Palace, and Santo Pollo Manor Ballroom
Froggo Villa Goons are a little easier to beat now.
The Gortez fight is now a little easier. Gortez a lower level and not as many minions spawn during the fight.
All Cool Ranch boss and elite fights were reviewed and are now spawning level appropriate enemies.
The McGee Mine Boss Fight has been adjusted so players only have to survive 12 rounds instead of 39.
The Johnny Ringo fight has been made easier to beat.
Ratbeard’s henchmen in the Ratbeard cellar fight will be a bit stronger.
The Rat Pack will give you a few more seconds after defeating them before they respawn, awaiting the next pirate to come along.
The Battle in Davie Grim’s House has been adjusted to be slightly easier.
Ship adjustments—broadside balance has been done between ships to make the differences between upgrades more noticeable.
Teleporting while on ships has been improved.
New projectiles and ammo definitions have been added to the game.
Docking has been improved throughout all the docks of The Spiral.
There are a few new flag emblems for you to choose from in character creation.
Loot dropped after broadside combat will appear different than a boring old crate.
Applying the Skull Island Galleon armor will not make your figurehead disappear until zoning.
When a player’s ship is damaged beyond 50%, the energy globe will turn yellow to indicate your ship can be boarded by an enemy ship.
The Blizzard Ship power will act as a debuff spell now.
Be on the lookout for more ship powers including ice giant, storm shark, and more!
The Sand Island Galleon sails will not display backwards anymore.
Mooshu ship equipment will be both dropping from mobs and sold from vendors.
Players will start with a nautical level of 1 not 0 and earn their first nautical badge at level 2.
Park your boat in style! Ship equipment will now include gold and silver anchors!
Captains can now travel to friends without bottling their ship.
The Lightning Bat horn now summons Lightning Bats not Medusa.
Lagging caused by sinking ships in the skyway will be a little better now.
Nautical XP is now granted after deck combat to all captains who attacked the ship before it docked.
Mouse control of your ship will be more like mouse control of your character.
Respawan timers for enemy ships have been slightly adjusted.
Flags in your character sheets will now show the correct flag you’ve chosen.
Simply running into ship cargo drops will grant item collection. No need to press X to collect your loot from broadside!
Attack sounds and critical animations added for players.
Mooshu pigs have different sounds
More voice overs added and work done to help timing in puppet shows.
The sounds for the critical attacks for all companions have been implemented correctly.
Small sound details continue to be perfected including the sounds of bats and birds flapping.
Added a voice from the beyond to explain the magic of traveling a stormgate.
Drinking a mojo potion makes a sound now.
The Yum Juicer from Captain Gunn’s Tomb now sounds more like a bottle filling with juice.
The sound effects for the Gree Gree powers will scale with the power upgrades. More chicken sounds = More awesomeness.
It will now sound like Platypus Spearman are throwing gold into the volcano when they’re throwing gold into the volcano.
Higher priority dialog will cancel a Tutorial tip from playing.
Collecting yum fruit in the skyway will play a sound.
The Sandstorm ship power will now sound like a sandstorm.
Swimming sounds will accompany a player swimming.
Some emblems and art have been revised.
Many camera movements have been smoothed overall, and items will interfere less with combat camera angles.
The statues in the Troggy Drainroom battleboard will appear brighter.
Added many missing portraits throughout the game.
Small art details continue to be put into the game including fish in ponds and falling blossoms from trees.
Boochbeard, Avery, and Catbeard will look a bit more polished while still looking rough around the edges.
Many icons were polished, adjusted, and made 100% more awesome!
Removed objectless shadows in the Cavern of the Crescent moon
Textures on the Mooshu Anchors will be better looking.
The Ice Queen Ship Power animation will look less like an octopus and more like an Ice Queen.
Livsey now appears more animated during his dialog.
Defeated buffaloons will now correctly play their defeat animation instead of just fading out.
Teleporting will not be as harsh on the eyes upon arrival to your destination.
General Bug Fixes
The Gift Message players were receiving from redeeming the Beta Key Code will no longer be displaying an announcement.
Target Reticules for AoE attacks will not display on blank tiles.
Revivied players in combat will now actually revive to help in combat.
Lexicons in Valencia can now be collected more than once.
Haku’s goons will have the right names now.
Players can no longer sell their only or last ship so they are stranded without one.
Missing sigils after exiting a quest instance will now appear.
Zoning into a dock full of players will no longer make players stuck in the zone.
Players will not be stuck due to dialog being cancelled from interactions with NPCs.
Sister Snake will now be even more visible when she says, "I see you. And now you see me."
Exiting the Governor’s Mansion in Port Regal for the “With Catlike Tread” quest will no longer cause the sigil to disappear and make the quest uncompletable.
A number of grammar mistakes have been corrected in the quest goals.
Players will not be able to send menu chat to offline friends.
Players entering the barrel to Yakooza Cave in MooShu will be able to reenter the zone if they leave the instance to use the life fountain and return.
Aquilo Santelli’s Dodge animation will not be broken.
Gunn’s Gold Quest will no longer have doubling of dialog when multiple players are completing the quest.
Clicking the Sails tab of the Skull Island Scow Parts vendor no longer causes a crash to desktop.
Danny Walker in Flotsam will no longer appear as if he’s “walking on air” above the walkway.
All troggies now count toward completing the quest to defeat troggies in The Dark Jungle.
Male character names will now display properly when looking at your backpack screen.
Leaving the Presidio mid-quest will no longer make it so you can’t complete the quest.
Cartographer Badge is now showing the correct conditions to earn it, which is to collect the first piece of Marco Pollo’s map.
The Sigil to the Evil Cave found in SkullIsland’s Lighthouse zone is no longer floating above the ground.
Multiple players can now use the kettle when completing the Buccaneer training quest.
The nameplate over Don Raphael’s Signet Ring will disappear now after you use it.
Rat Brigands in the Ancient Tunnels of Skull Island will no longer walk all over each other.
Crown shop items will no longer show up in a regular vendor’s list as costing -1 gold.
Players will not be able to enter Gunn’s House before they get the appropriate quest.
The missing minigame map icons have been added to maps across The Spiral.
The Second Chance ability has been modified so it doesn’t accidentally become an additional third or fourth chance.
Captain Stone will not be visible until he’s been released from the bottle.
The floating Crates of Cannoli in the Skull Island Skyway have disappeared since the quest objective changed.
Items purchased through vendors of the crown shop now preview correctly and will be the correct color when purchased.
The Blockade between Flotsam and Tradewinds skyway will sound more welcoming to those who have completed the correct requirements.
Groups of players completing the Monkey’s Paw quest together will now each be able to collect the paw instead of only the one wearing the running shoes for the day.
The wall of bees at the edge of the Dark Jungle will no longer falsely alert you to their presence when you have no need to be alerted.
Corsair’s Cove will appear oriented correctly in the skyway.
Players won’t be able to interact with the Doom Shards in the Dragonspyre Skyway unless they have the correct quest.
The Cool Ranch to Skull Island Stormgate will now show the correct color of windstone for use.
Rollover description added for the Professor Byron in the tavern
Life fountains will bind you to locations as expected and characters will return to them upon defeat.
Tooltips have been added to explain Dodge, Accuracy, Resist, and Armor.
Health bars will now appear on all units, even those not seen prior to starting combat.
Interface updates have been made. The old Bone Bar has been removed and a newer, simpler button layout has been introduced.
Faction emblems have been added to enemy ships to help identify them.
Quest helper continues to be modified and improved.
The chat window and scrolling buttons have been improved.
The Loud talent will now more correctly identify itself as a talent that increases threat generation.
Many new critical animations have been added.
Provided a greater variety of undead baddies in the Ancient Tunnels of Skull Island.
Buffalo NPCs will be less gigantic and intimidating.
Lasko is now accompanied with more “supernatural” looking friends.
The flying fish near Flotsam will no longer be close enough to attack you as soon as you exit flotsam.
Yum fruit is now strangely attracted to zones with life fountains. You will be able to find more of them nearby.
More yum fruit will be floating around the Armada Outpost.
The XP values for main quests have been smoothed over to avoid things like jumping from level 28 to 30 with a single quest turn in.
Dockmaster Dan and Blind Mew traded spots.
Items from vendors will now show some more common sense colors based on if your character can use it.
The Dialog in the Armada Dungeon is now more polished.
Distinguishing between allies (including players, units, and pets) and your own crew on the battleboard will be easier as those units and props not belonging to you will be darkened and show a gray/silver border.
Fin Diesel will now be properly scolded by Avery when Fin is brought to justice.
The chat box will no longer block you from moving when it is deselected.
Major Domo will no longer appear as a puppet when first entering the governor’s palace for the quest “A Diplomatic Mission.”—items were added to the download package.
More inappropriate words were added to the blocked chat filter.
Watch out! Players could run into some incidental combat in the City Drains of Monquista now.
No more staring at Ratbeard longingly! The event for Ratbeard’s Hideout will start upon entering instead of when you first move forward.
The Dye shop is now the “Dye Shop and Ship Renaming” shop.
The balance of collection quest goals were adjusted to give players a better chance at getting the item when the item is very rare.