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Do you have an idea‽

Aug 27, 2012
Since there're 65 pages of idea's I couldn't read everyone's ideas so this might have already been said but I think there should be a test that you take in the beginning of the game to find your class, presidio companion, and boost type instead of just straight choosing your class, presidio companion, and boost type like in W101 when you choose your school. Of course there would be the choice to straight choosing your class, presidio companion, and boost type also like W101. I think it will be cool to have that kind of test and wont require much work or programming (at least I don't think it will) just some ingenuity.

Till the next problem that I encounter in the game,
Thanks for listening,

Lvl 65 / Lvl 65 / Lvl 65 / Lvl 65 / Lvl 61

Nov 14, 2009
I think we need a Prince pet like we had for David Bowie. I was thinking maybe a Purple Rainforest Budgie would be cool.

Nov 11, 2012
you should be able to wear 2 armors, like 1 light armor and then a heavy armor on top of the light armor
you know how you wear a jacket on top of a shirt in real life? same point.

edit: and weapon crafting, if anyone had this idea then the credit goes to you.

Aug 27, 2012
Another thing that would be good is being able to place your weapons on the walls and floors of your house. Like in W101 where you can place wands and staffs on the wall, we need to have that in P101, we're pirates we love our weapons!

I just have one last thing to say, YAR!,
Thanks for listening,

Lvl 65

Nov 11, 2012
in the options tab add a button which says (switch auto-cannons) to manual or auto
if its manual then you have to press 5 or click the cannonball icon at the bottom right

Sep 14, 2015
diviner interventi... on Apr 23, 2016 wrote:
I think we need a Prince pet like we had for David Bowie. I was thinking maybe a Purple Rainforest Budgie would be cool.
Welcome to the message boards, diviner! I think your idea is great!

May 22, 2009
Companion name re-roll system. Few crowns to re-roll names that are random. You work through the game, days or even weeks, to get a companion you really like with a random name that is kind of lame.

Mar 21, 2016
I would like to see more card packs to choose from like in wizard101 thanks

Aug 15, 2012
Unique houses based on each world and if the redeem gift box error was fixed

Dec 28, 2012
A find the nearest quest tracker would really encourage me to do side quests more

May 11, 2009
Since there's so many pages, I couldn't tell if this was suggested before. What if, for the bed rest timers, as the timers go down, Miracle Mitch's price goes down?

For example, a player doesn't have the gold to spare for going straight to Mitch. What if they waited for an hour and came back later to find that Mitch's price has dropped? After all, they've healed some, so he doesn't have to do as much to help them get back on their feet again. It would be a nice compromise between the timers and the price, waiting it out some and paying for the rest of the way.

What do you guys think?

Nov 12, 2012
Goronado should get a new promotion.

He would become a Gorilla King. For appearance, it would be Gortez' king model or more royal armor, perhaps similar to the Monquistadors' black and gold armor. Then top that all off with a crown.

He should get Turn the Tide 3, 1 new epic, and an Epic/Mega/Super Strike.

Thanks for reading this!

Buccaneer Main

Jan 28, 2013
I have been wanting a trading system between players for a long while now, me and one of my friends were talking and thinking long and hard about it and we decided it would be to easy to get unique items so maybe do something where only true friends or somthing could trade between each other

Tarlac Percy lvl 65

Jul 06, 2013
Most of my ideas revolve around the ships (my favorite part of the game)

1) As others have noted, make ALL types of ships we see in the game usable by players - this means the Waponi canoes, Steamboats in Cool Ranch, Darkmoor, Armada, etc

2) Following on the above line of thinking - these could be DROPPED items rather than Crown shop or Vendor items. Obviously, a dropped ship-in-a-bottle would have to be achieved very specifically. For example, these could only be dropped by Boss-level enemy captains, the player must initiate boarding, and probably a few other conditions for the Ship drop to occur

3) A Dry Dock to upgrade your ships' levels.This could incorporate gold, scrip, crowns or a practice point eqivalent. Most of us have a ship origin that we are aesthetically drawn to, so it would be cool to have a way of keeping them with us as we progress. I also believe the process would need to be time-consuming and relatively expensive so that players do not exclusively keep doing this to their first Pirate skiff. Level-caps could also be instituted, as I'm having a hard time envisioning a Level-65 and up Raft. Alternatively, there could be a "Shipwright" NPC similar to the Seamstress who could incorporate one ship's stats into your preferred style of ship.

4) Squadrons. Once a player reaches a certain level (standard or nautical), they gain the ability to fly their own ship, but also assign companions to sail other ships in their inventory in line-of-battle.The number of companions required to crew a given ship could scale relative to ship size (a Galleon needs more crew than a Skiff after all). The Raft could be flown by a single companion, skiff 2-3, etc. The crew complement could also scale with a given ship's level.The companion's class would dictate how the ship would be sailed, either defensively, offensively, or as a support/tender vessel. The number of additional ships to field can also increase as you gain levels.

What does everyone else think?

Jan 14, 2015
I say we get a new ship from the next world we visit, and also earn an extra mojo potion.

Jul 13, 2009
The clandestine trainers should offer more passive epic talents for players that are currently only available to some mobs and companions - doomspell, counterspell, and intuition for witchdoctor specifically. New ship types (or even going back and adding some old ones like the Cool Ranch steamboat and Waponi ship) are great as well; the more variety among players, the better. The ship vendor in VP2 offering all current origins is a good start.

Mar 17, 2013
Something that I would think would be cool but I don't know really how to implement this is that maybe there should be a variation in classes like when you reach a certain level like maybe when we get level 75 u can choose a branch class like:
(Just ideas they could be different branch classes)
For Witchdocters they could like branch off into like Shaman or Necromancer where they would have different perks like Necros get more life draining spells and minion summonings and maybe shamans can get more buffs for their companions.
But i don't really know any more ideas between like other classes so like yeah. Suggestions can be put for the other classes :P So yeah i think that would be cool

Another idea (I don't know if either of these ideas were already put in this topic things) that i would like to be implemented are like how wizard101 has like the star, sun and moon classes. I think pirates should get something like this but i really don't know what would be put. I think it would be an amazing concept and all.

1 last is for ranked pvp I think there should be a randomized arena generator or the system picks between like a list of already created arenas where there are more like boxes and like obstacles and maybe a bigger area, I think that would be v cool. And yeah let me know if any of you like these ideas :P

Mar 24, 2012
Just so you producers know. The mustang rowdy privateers get from Bust Em Out has a glitch. When I walk around with him I notice a little dot over his right blade. Could you fix that? Thanks.

Any of you landlubbers lookin' for a fight or maybe some help you can almost always find me in Santo Pollo. Seriously. My first name isn't Trustworthy for nothin'. Mind you I can't go into Tumbleweed and Haunted Skyway and beyond... yet.

Oct 19, 2010
anecorbie on Dec 28, 2015 wrote:
Increasing the scrip rewards and removing the wounding penalty seems a good idea, this would encourage more people to join me in this dungeon.
i agree 110%, with the $15 of crowns used to buy the arena, you can buy a membership and farm the scrip out of easier targets, not to mention the ability of story progression and things that have more use to the pc. spending 2 hours and upwards of 30k gold on fallen crew members for 409 scrip seems highly unbalanced to me. ive actually used the word "messy" to describe that trapdoor of broken dreams, and considerimg the fact that theyre pitting us against level 72 enemies, 1.5k-3k scrip seems fair for the top tier. -Silver Wolf

Oct 19, 2010
another thing that would be nice to see is instead of having a teleport home button, the main skyway in every world would have a stormgate to your pirate's home, and you can also sail to your home in a little skyway, kind of like ithaca in aquila, and inside there would be storm gates to all of the worlds, much like the spiral door that castles have in w101. speaking of w101, i played through polaris with crowns, and i know there are plenty a pirate who went through this game that same way and dont have the crowns to use the portal every time they need to cross multiple worlds. another cool thing would be the ability to add multiple houses to the PC's personal skyway, and you can pilot your ship between them and use the docks. i personally think that wpuld be an amazing addition -Silver Wolf

Oct 22, 2012
Powers and Talent massive overhaul

There are a number of reasons why the current system needs to be changed and how it can be improved.
1. the powers that we get with practice points are too dull (flanking or loud for example). In Wizard 101 it worked because each spell you got was something you could interact with, they also weren't the exact same thing as the spell before it only with a different animation and name with enhanced x effect. In pirate the practice points are almost meaningless, In wizard you could be your own hybrid of whatever, in pirate you feel constrained to your class sooo much that you feel more like a "generic" pirate of x class rather than a " Your pirate hybrid of Your own design". to fix this, I'd say let everyone have access to the all the spell of any class but not the passive abilities (so swashbucklers on get riposte but anyone with enough points can get assassins strike).

2. well i'm sure you've heard of people complaining that the game is to easy, to alleviate that, give companions actual good abilities in place of a choice of an epic. Right now my El Toro can kill almost any melee enemy within the FIRST round. instead of giving me all of these overpowered epics, let me have a choice between riposte rank 2 or a reinforce/rally, valor shield etc (note these abilities will level up as you promote your companion). this gives the game more depth and provides more of a choice for how you want to play and my companions won't rip everything to pieces on sight.

3. create class quest. this give more content and makes you feel like you've earned the spell. make the class quest fight have a gimmick to it pertaining to the spell (blast of discord, go "persuade" bobs gang to beat up johns gang, you go in and lead bobs gang (no companions), return to the commodore, done. this creates content and immerses the player in their class.

4. give enemies basic powers. this causes harder game play and calls for more strategic thinking.

(out of space)

Feb 21, 2010
I just ask that you, KingsIsle take a look at the consumer's perspective on the content we have been receiving lately and make a response. I mean I see a whole lot of this and that from the final fight, but I just wanted to see if you guys had a response. (Blind Mew's soon to come post?)

May 02, 2015
Hello Kingsisle,

You guys are making swash to op in pvp we witches can't spam the buffs but swashbuckler can? Doesn't seem right. Especially the valor shields. It is very unfair

Gunner's Mate
Dec 26, 2013
wg88 on Jun 6, 2016 wrote:
Powers and Talent massive overhaul

There are a number of reasons why the current system needs to be changed and how it can be improved.
1. the powers that we get with practice points are too dull (flanking or loud for example). In Wizard 101 it worked because each spell you got was something you could interact with, they also weren't the exact same thing as the spell before it only with a different animation and name with enhanced x effect. In pirate the practice points are almost meaningless, In wizard you could be your own hybrid of whatever, in pirate you feel constrained to your class sooo much that you feel more like a "generic" pirate of x class rather than a " Your pirate hybrid of Your own design". to fix this, I'd say let everyone have access to the all the spell of any class but not the passive abilities (so swashbucklers on get riposte but anyone with enough points can get assassins strike).

2. well i'm sure you've heard of people complaining that the game is to easy, to alleviate that, give companions actual good abilities in place of a choice of an epic. Right now my El Toro can kill almost any melee enemy within the FIRST round. instead of giving me all of these overpowered epics, let me have a choice between riposte rank 2 or a reinforce/rally, valor shield etc (note these abilities will level up as you promote your companion). this gives the game more depth and provides more of a choice for how you want to play and my companions won't rip everything to pieces on sight.

3. create class quest. this give more content and makes you feel like you've earned the spell. make the class quest fight have a gimmick to it pertaining to the spell (blast of discord, go "persuade" bobs gang to beat up johns gang, you go in and lead bobs gang (no companions), return to the commodore, done. this creates content and immerses the player in their class.

4. give enemies basic powers. this causes harder game play and calls for more strategic thinking.

(out of space)

With the exception of class-specific quests (there are a few already), most everything you're asking for is already directly controlled by you. You have the choice to assign your companions' abilities the way you see fit. And you have the ability to choose which companion(s) join you in a fight. If your companions are to OP as you put it, use some other ones that aren't as efficient. Make El Toro go scrounge for pet snacks for a while and bring some other companion along for the fight.
The same goes for training points. You don't need to train anything you don't want unless it's a prerequisite for something else.
I'll argue that in Pirate it's MUCH easier to cross-train than it is in Wiz101. Wizards suffer a huge pip and boost handicap when they use spells from outside of their own schools. Pirates don't suffer as much in that they can train weapon proficiency and benefit from "item cards" more efficiently than Wizards. In fact there are many weapons in P101 that utilize proficiency in more than one weapon type... stabby/shooty, staffy/slashy etc... which further illustrates the multi-class possibilities in the game. This, combined with the ability to have direct control over your companions' boosting powers during combat makes multi-classed characters a very doable thing.
The "harder game play" can be achieved by following the suggestions above. You can basically tailor the game to your style by shuffling companions or even limiting the number of companions that can join in combat.
Utilize the strategies that are already available in-game and there would be no reason for any kind of changes to the system as it is.

May 02, 2015
Hello KingsIsle,

I was wondering if you guys could please put the name Grimmie in the pet name slot so we could have it as a tribute to the wonderful, and talented Christina Grimmie. Please! :) #RipChristinaGrimmie.

Noble Kevin Sharp
Lvl 68
Usually in Witchdoctor Sanctum come find me friends! Happy Sailing