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Do you have an idea‽

May 25, 2008
I would love a level cap increase! I'm not even one with Aquila--I just started the search for Ulysses--and I already hit level 70! I know there's other things I can do, such as increasing my ship level, or grinding money for companion points, but I don't feel comfortable continuing to play the main story line or any quests that really give EXP because I don't want to waste it.

I realize this probably will not happen until another big update, but for those of us that hit the level cap before the end, it would be nice not to waste the rest of the EXP.

Apr 24, 2013
ProtoZealott on Oct 20, 2012 wrote:
Idea #1: When boarding a ship, to often does it just get far to crowded if others join in, and near impossible to make a decent move, dragging out the battle. A (relatively) simple fix to this would be to have the second boarder also have his ship boarding from the opposite side ([Player 1 Ship][Enemy Ship][Player 2 Ship]). After that the third player could spawn on the first players ship, and the fourth player spawns on the second players ship. This would allow plenty of space, and likewise would make having four people in a single boarding battle far less unwieldy.

Idea #2: Speeding up battle animations here and there. I'm not sure if it's me, but it seems like battles have a tendency to drag on at times, and a simple way to address this without any major changes, is just speeding up a few animations here and there. Lessening the pauses between crit blows, speeding up the flying distance of bolts and w/e the guns fire. Simply going through the animations, and reducing the time on some of the longer ones, and some of the blows that pause for a needlessly long amount of time. Just to keep the pace of combat a bit faster (even from a turn based tactics gamer, the pace just seems slow).

Idea #3: As mentioned in another topic, having your crew on deck would be incredible, and add to the overall immersion. The deck just feels so empty, would be nice to press tab and have your first mate take the wheel as you walk around the deck and see your crew manning the mast, swabbing the deck, and all around having a drink here and there (obviously for child game reasons it would be either ambiguous or clearly not alcohol, cause I mean it's a kids game about murder and plunder, can't go to far..). Perhaps even add an auto pilot mode for any major town you've been too, where you set it, then go to the deck while your first mate mans the wheel.

So in closing, love the game, and these are just some ideas that I believe would improve the games pace, and serve to make it even better!
Idea number three is my favorite, but idea one would be really cool too!

Apr 24, 2013
ProtoZealott on Oct 20, 2012 wrote:
Idea #1: When boarding a ship, to often does it just get far to crowded if others join in, and near impossible to make a decent move, dragging out the battle. A (relatively) simple fix to this would be to have the second boarder also have his ship boarding from the opposite side ([Player 1 Ship][Enemy Ship][Player 2 Ship]). After that the third player could spawn on the first players ship, and the fourth player spawns on the second players ship. This would allow plenty of space, and likewise would make having four people in a single boarding battle far less unwieldy.

Idea #2: Speeding up battle animations here and there. I'm not sure if it's me, but it seems like battles have a tendency to drag on at times, and a simple way to address this without any major changes, is just speeding up a few animations here and there. Lessening the pauses between crit blows, speeding up the flying distance of bolts and w/e the guns fire. Simply going through the animations, and reducing the time on some of the longer ones, and some of the blows that pause for a needlessly long amount of time. Just to keep the pace of combat a bit faster (even from a turn based tactics gamer, the pace just seems slow).

Idea #3: As mentioned in another topic, having your crew on deck would be incredible, and add to the overall immersion. The deck just feels so empty, would be nice to press tab and have your first mate take the wheel as you walk around the deck and see your crew manning the mast, swabbing the deck, and all around having a drink here and there (obviously for child game reasons it would be either ambiguous or clearly not alcohol, cause I mean it's a kids game about murder and plunder, can't go to far..). Perhaps even add an auto pilot mode for any major town you've been too, where you set it, then go to the deck while your first mate mans the wheel.

So in closing, love the game, and these are just some ideas that I believe would improve the games pace, and serve to make it even better!
KI if you stopped paying attention to this topic, then you have missed several very good Ideas and many requests for you to integrate the Ideas in my quote. I for one, REALLY want you to do idea three from the quote.

Ruthless Rodrigo Roberts, lvl 69 swash
Dead-eye Dante De Bouff, lvl 25 musketeer

Jun 02, 2014
i think a good idea would to give the lvl 5 companions Sarah Barnabas etc 2 more promotion Sarah could turn into a pirate and then a mouse assasin

Apr 24, 2013
Kierra Frostblood on Sep 7, 2017 wrote:
I would love a level cap increase! I'm not even one with Aquila--I just started the search for Ulysses--and I already hit level 70! I know there's other things I can do, such as increasing my ship level, or grinding money for companion points, but I don't feel comfortable continuing to play the main story line or any quests that really give EXP because I don't want to waste it.

I realize this probably will not happen until another big update, but for those of us that hit the level cap before the end, it would be nice not to waste the rest of the EXP.
i think that if you reach the cap, there could be a feature to save the exp for when the lvl cap DOES increase, so that as soon as the increase happens, you would gain the stored EXP to your lvl

Jan 27, 2014
Little thing i also want them to add, but also fix: either make Swashbucklers as strong as the other classes or balance the other class with the swashbucklers. because right now all 4 of the classes can destroy swashbucklers in a second in pvp.

also another idea i wanna put out there: pelicans as pets, and ophidian warrior companions (possibly archers too).

Jul 29, 2012
Here's an idea: Give us the ability to Stitch Pets. Yes, I know we can morph them but how about Stitching or Pet Surgery or whatever ? It might encourage some folks to buy Crowns in order to get a talent they really want on a pet. Player would need to have their own pets and talents, nothing transferrable from another player. Maybe it would only work with 70 lvl pets and only one talent/ability is transferrable and the donor pet is a sacrifice to the Gods of KI. Players would be encouraged to develop their pets to max and thus get more out of the game. Just and idea.

Petty Officer
Dec 06, 2012
Glendon44 on Sep 18, 2017 wrote:
Here's an idea: Give us the ability to Stitch Pets. Yes, I know we can morph them but how about Stitching or Pet Surgery or whatever ? It might encourage some folks to buy Crowns in order to get a talent they really want on a pet. Player would need to have their own pets and talents, nothing transferrable from another player. Maybe it would only work with 70 lvl pets and only one talent/ability is transferrable and the donor pet is a sacrifice to the Gods of KI. Players would be encouraged to develop their pets to max and thus get more out of the game. Just and idea.
Now that, is a good idea!

Jul 07, 2011
Give us the ability to dye our gear that drop from battles/ bosses. I would love to make rooke's chestpiece actually look like metal

Aug 15, 2016
I think it would be a great idea to increase the item amount given in some of the second chance chest meaning the chests you throw crowns in such as bishops chest for sure since it only gives 1 item and gold every single time you open it and I have realized most other main fights give way more items the more times you hit the chest for crowns I know its not a big idea but I have a feeling others would agree on this. Would love to see this change in future update since I am a witchdoctor and farming bishop is one of my all time favorite things to do.

Anthony Windlass

Aug 15, 2016
It would be really cool for there to be new weapons for all classes but mostly for witchdoctor I am really loving the witchdoctor class but I am sadly disappointed with there not being to many cool staffy weapons, this might just be my opinion but I think witchdoctor doesn't get enough attention in pirate101 and I think more "blow your mind" kind of stuff needs to put in with the witchdoctor class I would really like to see new super cool staffy weapons either in crown shop for purchase or that a main boss fight would drop for an example buccaneers gets the super cool friar sands blade, now why can't witchdoctors get something as cool as that.

Anthony Windlass
level 70

Sep 16, 2010
I would love to be able to have a weapons room in my house and be able to hang my favorite weapons on my walls.
It would also be great to have a new world to explore.

Jun 24, 2013
swashbuckler1134 on Aug 31, 2017 wrote:
Another idea: add night, morning and afternoon graphics to skull island

Sep 20, 2014
Have an ability for musketeers eventually or add it as an ability to a super duper secret weapon that allows you to walk to a certain place and shoot any enemy.

Oct 18, 2014
Make the Red Sash and Banditoad ships available! I love their designs and seeing as the Party Barge is a Red Sash galleon, it might be a good move to add them!

Hardy Quinn
His flag is red and black checkered. Reference much?

Oct 12, 2010
Can you please make it so that the Brass monkey and the Iron monkey are obtainable as companions?

Aug 27, 2008
I'd really enjoy it more if the major quest trees had multiple options and paths of choice.
Especially ones that include more negotiation options and less violence. It gets tedious that our pirate is always a dolt and violence is the only way to solve anything.

It would be good if you gave our crew actual ship crew abilities that gave bonuses to the ships; Instead of the bonuses only being provided by what gear / rigging we have on the ship. Additional crew roles would also be nice. Only having a first mate is just odd. What about Gunners, Navigators, Engineers, "Cabin Boy", Cook and Swabbie?

Please for the love, give us more ships. Also let us display our unused ships in bottles on the bookcases.

Housing Items:
Give us more interactive items and less broken ones. Personally I find broken statues, crumbling walls and wells covered with boards to be rather unamusing and not really that fun to decorate with.

Kind regards.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Vashram on Nov 7, 2017 wrote:
I'd really enjoy it more if the major quest trees had multiple options and paths of choice.
Especially ones that include more negotiation options and less violence. It gets tedious that our pirate is always a dolt and violence is the only way to solve anything.

It would be good if you gave our crew actual ship crew abilities that gave bonuses to the ships; Instead of the bonuses only being provided by what gear / rigging we have on the ship. Additional crew roles would also be nice. Only having a first mate is just odd. What about Gunners, Navigators, Engineers, "Cabin Boy", Cook and Swabbie?

Please for the love, give us more ships. Also let us display our unused ships in bottles on the bookcases.

Housing Items:
Give us more interactive items and less broken ones. Personally I find broken statues, crumbling walls and wells covered with boards to be rather unamusing and not really that fun to decorate with.

Kind regards.
"...our pirate is always a dolt and violence is the only way to solve anything."
Too right! Let us scam or fool someone.
On displaying ships,Vashram, did you know you can display unused ships at your house? Just open your decorating tab, then your backpack; at the bottom of the backpack page you'll see a ship icon - this is the "Shipyards" click on the ship you want displayed and it will appear off shore of your house. Note: this can't be used in the bunkhouse and you must be outside to use it in any other house.
Agreed: we need more ship varieties.

May 23, 2013
I would't mind if the drop rate for hoard packs would't be so atrocious. Especially with the grizzly packs... all you get is pet gear! Pet gear should have its own hoard pack and after buying 15 packs I should have more than one eyepatch, one ring, and one necklace with all other rewards being pet related.

May 23, 2013
Not really something one can change now but I have always thought that Pirate101 would be so much more cool if it had more dialog/action choices for more of a open-world feel.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Blonde Beard on Nov 8, 2017 wrote:
I would't mind if the drop rate for hoard packs would't be so atrocious. Especially with the grizzly packs... all you get is pet gear! Pet gear should have its own hoard pack and after buying 15 packs I should have more than one eyepatch, one ring, and one necklace with all other rewards being pet related.
Welcome to the message boards, Blonde Beard ( cool name! ). The Beastmaster pack is a pet pack, there is no battle related gear in this pack Just pets, pet training gear, furnishings and companions.

May 23, 2013
Vashram on Nov 7, 2017 wrote:
I'd really enjoy it more if the major quest trees had multiple options and paths of choice.
Especially ones that include more negotiation options and less violence. It gets tedious that our pirate is always a dolt and violence is the only way to solve anything.

It would be good if you gave our crew actual ship crew abilities that gave bonuses to the ships; Instead of the bonuses only being provided by what gear / rigging we have on the ship. Additional crew roles would also be nice. Only having a first mate is just odd. What about Gunners, Navigators, Engineers, "Cabin Boy", Cook and Swabbie?

Please for the love, give us more ships. Also let us display our unused ships in bottles on the bookcases.

Housing Items:
Give us more interactive items and less broken ones. Personally I find broken statues, crumbling walls and wells covered with boards to be rather unamusing and not really that fun to decorate with.

Kind regards.
On the other hand we are pirates and I would't mind the choice of swifter violence so to speak; The ability to take items from characters rather than run a long string of seemingly pointless quests for them. For Example, in the monkey king quest, it was clear from the beginning that he was going to betray us, if I had the choice one I got the staff I would have killed him then and there and took his turtle ball.

May 09, 2013
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, as there are far too many posts to go through.

We have 'shared bank' which is really good. It means we can send items between our characters. However, this does end up being a lot of hassle when having to switch between each character, and go into the world.

If we could have the bank access on the character selection before entering the gameworld, I think that would make moving items between characters a lot easier. Doesn't have to be so we can equip the gear, just so that we can move items from shared bank to backpack on one page rather than entering the gameworld for each toon.

Thanks for your time.

Dec 31, 2015
I am thinking of krokotopia being a side world. Pirate101 really needs a side world so why dont you make one. story: your pirate is going to defeat the champions of the grand arena in the kroko sphinx. Areas \ sky ways : krok city , the pyramid of the kroks and manders , krok fortress , Ra's pyramid of the sun , mander city , the kroko sphinx , krok sky ways & , mander sky ways. enemies \ ships: cursed manders () ( storm ice and fire ) , krok witch doctor () , krok champion () , krok warrior () , krok ghost () , krok ships & , cursed mander ships. ships for broad side combat and sailing: Krokotopia skiff , krokotopia frigate & , krokotopia galleon.

May 15, 2016
Dear, Pirate101 Staff I have an idea for the game. Anyways, my idea is basically going off the nautical level idea but why just show the level on the character select screen, when you could also show the nautical level as well. For example, if you ever want to grind ships for nautical experience all you would have to do is just look up at the level of the character you have selected you would have to just look at the level. (if this feature was added it should be on the left or the right of your characters level.)