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Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
PvP will be added later on. I'm all excited for it, but let's just wait for now. Have patience, everyone. They'll have it ready real soon. When it's time for PvP to be ready, flocks of Pirates will be clamoring for the competition!

Jul 28, 2011
Heres my idea for PVP
there will be 4 of the book things (like in wizards101)
Ranked land battle
Practice land battle
Ranked ship battle
Practice ship battle
Land battles will be and epic battle where each player picks 4 first mates and fights on a random field. each field will be a 16 x 16 square and have different obstacles in between. it will be a best 2 out of 3 switching who goes first each time because these games seem to go a lot faster than w101 games
Ship battles
I have 2 suggestions how these can be laid out
1 everyone drives their own ship. Its a massive naval war zone where your assigned who you can board but you aren't forced to target them as an attack
2 there are as many round as the number of players each person has a different job
1v1 have just drivers self explained 1 round
2v2 will have a driver and a cannoneer the driver is in charge of moving the ship and firing specials while the cannoneer stands on the sides and orders his/hers first mates to fire cannons. there will have a third person shooter view and be able to move from each sides of the ship 2 rounds switch jobs after each round in result of a tie play third round
3v3 one driver 1 cannoneer 1 defender the defenders job is to be the first person in battle for when the enemy boards your ship. they also are in charge of removing status effects from your ship. 3 rounds switch jobs each time
4v4 1 driver 1 cannoneer 1 defender 1 jumper The jumpers job is to swing from a rope and get on the enemies ship. the defender is the only one who fights off the jumper and the naval battle continues till the driver hops ships If the jumper has 3 tries to get to the other ship. if all failed then they have to wait until driver hops or killed if a jumper hops and succeeds, then it show a slow mo of the swinging and all others watch so they are notified 4 rounds switch jobs every round result of a tie causes a fifth round
jumper can be changed to just all cannoneers

Feb 12, 2011
I really loved PvP in Wizard101 (even though i am incredibly bad at it ) but i think that Pirate pvp is going to be like, movie theater block buster hit. My suggestion to KI is:

To make it seem like an actual broadside combat quest at first, fire the cannons, rig the sails blasting the opponent to death
At half health, just like questing, you have the option to board them, where you carry on hand to hand dueling.
Fighting MUST be restricted to a 5 lvl gap e.g 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc
No doubles of powers e.g cannot have refresh available twice in one fight

For multiple player fights (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) it would only be land fight and the lvl restrict rule still applies.

Also something i would really like to see:
Different froms of PVP
"Pirate point plunder": pirates blast each other until they reach a certain amount of points.
"Mutiny": Fight to the death with your greatest enemies.
"Treasure Huntin'": Get the most treasure in a certain amount of turns.
I would love to develop these ideas further and i would also LOVE to see them used in the game.

May 17, 2011
duelistNick on Aug 5, 2012 wrote:
This is exciting! I can't wait to see what it's like. My boat is still basically driftwood with a cannon held on by bubblegum and duct tape, but I am envisioning armadas clashing in the sky.

The idea of Team PvP that starts in broadside combat seems extremely cool.
that was probably the most hilarious thing I have ever read on the pirate101 forums.

-Dark Amber (who is still laughing very very hard)

Jun 13, 2009
yep pvp should cool and awesome and the ship pvp would be an awesome feature for the game! lets make the pirate101 pvp be larger than the wizard101 pvp

Mar 05, 2009
Id like to see a PVP mode in houses (like the battle circle in the fantasy palace in W101) but instead have the ships leave the dock from your house and battle in the skyway around your island and then maybe you could board each other.

Sep 14, 2011
I'd love if you made it start with a ship combat (like when fighting in the skyways), and then the first one to get the other ship down to the Board health, you begin the real duel. Here, you could for an example, gain one talent at a time as in Wizard101, where you got 7 cards at a time.


Community Leader
Jenna SwiftGem on Nov 2, 2012 wrote:
I'd love if you made it start with a ship combat (like when fighting in the skyways), and then the first one to get the other ship down to the Board health, you begin the real duel. Here, you could for an example, gain one talent at a time as in Wizard101, where you got 7 cards at a time.

This makes a lot of sense as it answers the PvP question in a turn based game of "who goes first?" Answer: who ever boards first!

Host of the Talkin' the Plank Podcast, where we talk about Pirate 101 every Friday!
May 02, 2011
i would love to have it for ships but sadly i lag to much on ships :(

Mar 09, 2011
Look its simple for PvP.

You know how in wizard101 you go to the arena and see what other player's level and class, just show the pirate classes and level.

When dueling, you see the battle board and players (Up to four players at each battle) and crew (size of battle board depends on how many players they are) and same rules apply in regular battle.

Pirates and work together (2 pirates vs. 2 pirates) OR free for all (4 players fight each other)

There are practice and ranked battles.

Rewards include (For ranked battles) Gold and Arena Tickets (Arena Tickets serve the same purpose as in wizard 101)

Have any more ideas leave a reply

Silver Evan Holystone

Jun 13, 2010
I think PVP with Pirate 101 would be a fine addition to the game, like icing on the cake (which is already a beauty). Maybe if you add pvp in an addition like an island called "Turtulga" (tortuga reference) and make that island filled with npc's that sell pvp gear and items and the island would have an Arena like a gladiators pitt where players can pvp with each other. They can 1v1 (Captain vs Captain) or 4v4 (Captain and Crew vs Captain and Crew) and then beside the arena close to the docks would be "The Shipyard" where players can get pvp gear for their ships and then battle it out 1v1 (ship vs ship) in a section of ocean the "King Of Turtulga" (A Pirate King ofcourse, maybe dad,brother or Uncle of Avery) bought himself or captured from the armada.

The island of "Turtulga" could be also instead of a Pirate King owning the island it can be the frog father that owns it. Theirs a couple options you could mix around with, heck even the duck billed natives can control the pvp with their belief in it as "proving yourself a warrior" or something.

Anyways pvp would defiantly be a welcomed gift if done correctly.
So bring me that horizon filled with great content to come matey's yo ho!

May 02, 2009
Jester on Mar 14, 2012 wrote:
Does it exist and if not will it be added in the future?
I can see ship vs ship combat but not pirate vs pirate combat. In wizard, your player just stands in one place and casts spells and in wizard either side has a chance to go first but in pirate, its another story. In pirate you always go first (except when you get boarded) and you move your character around its like this: Say its privateer vs buccaneer, the privateer will go up and attack the buccaneer then the bucaneer will move to the privateers old spot to attack but he attacks nothing since the privateer already moved. See my point?

Feb 27, 2009
coolster50 on Nov 24, 2012 wrote:
I can see ship vs ship combat but not pirate vs pirate combat. In wizard, your player just stands in one place and casts spells and in wizard either side has a chance to go first but in pirate, its another story. In pirate you always go first (except when you get boarded) and you move your character around its like this: Say its privateer vs buccaneer, the privateer will go up and attack the buccaneer then the bucaneer will move to the privateers old spot to attack but he attacks nothing since the privateer already moved. See my point?
Yep I realized this yesterday so maybe when you move and attack, the only solution is let the other's guys attack where they are or they could do this in the same turn and you could click on the blue dots to attack but if you have a range power, just point it where you want it. I like the second idea cause pvp will go faster.
Jacob Freeman is having trouble getting four more Bloodbat teeth.

Gunner's Mate
Jan 06, 2011
coolster50 on Nov 24, 2012 wrote:
I can see ship vs ship combat but not pirate vs pirate combat. In wizard, your player just stands in one place and casts spells and in wizard either side has a chance to go first but in pirate, its another story. In pirate you always go first (except when you get boarded) and you move your character around its like this: Say its privateer vs buccaneer, the privateer will go up and attack the buccaneer then the bucaneer will move to the privateers old spot to attack but he attacks nothing since the privateer already moved. See my point?
That isn't the way combat works, fortunately. Yes, when you fight the computer you go first, but the enemy has their turn as if they were first.

That probably didn't explain it very well so I'll give an example of how battles will work in PvP.
One player will go "first" (this may not be an advantage). They give orders to their units and then those orders are carried out. Next, the other player gives orders to their units and then those orders are carried out. And then it goes back to the first player. The epic abilities of your companions (Overwatch, Relentless, First Strike, etc) reset at the start of your turn.

This is the way combat works when you are fighting a computer opponent, it is just very fast at giving orders that it seems to flow straight into their turn.

Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2011
I made a suggestion for a different kind of PvP in the general forum but see it was placed in the wrong area, sorry for not seeing this sooner.

As a different take on PvP, I'd like to see ship races as an alternative. And by ship races I mean somewhat like Pet Derby from Wizard101 but more like Mario Kart where you are doing three laps around a course with power ups and use of your equipped spells?

You could have different tiers with the first being Cutthroat course and then progressing in tier up to Mooshu tier? This way it could be against AI opponents as well as other players or a mix of both.

Feb 27, 2009
aaronlightwalker on Dec 2, 2012 wrote:
I made a suggestion for a different kind of PvP in the general forum but see it was placed in the wrong area, sorry for not seeing this sooner.

As a different take on PvP, I'd like to see ship races as an alternative. And by ship races I mean somewhat like Pet Derby from Wizard101 but more like Mario Kart where you are doing three laps around a course with power ups and use of your equipped spells?

You could have different tiers with the first being Cutthroat course and then progressing in tier up to Mooshu tier? This way it could be against AI opponents as well as other players or a mix of both.
Well ya good idea and we could drive our ships like in the Skull Island course ya start in Skull Island Skyway, to Floatsam Skyway and ya could make a pit stop and repair ya ship cause in the race ya could be doing some ship battles then to Tradewind Skyway. Monquista is along the skyway windlanes and same for Valencia. Cool Ranch, Cooper's Roost, Big Sky, Tumbleweed, and Junction. Don't know about Mooshu yet but they're could be a Spiral Grand Prix and the prize would be a 12 Month Membership, All Bundles, 60,000 Crowns, MAX gold and the original Armadillo pet.

Oct 15, 2012
I think Kingsisle should make there be like some pods in the pvp arena that makes it so when you go over ther and press x, i changes you to battle view, so you can watch battles as if you were in it, but you cant actually affect it, then people could stop running all over the battle field :P

Jun 12, 2010
even though pvp is on you should make seperate realms so you don't have only a match at a time and put it in a lot of places like scrimshaw,flotsam,St.bonobo's alley,sivella,hamamitsu garden and Cooper's roost.
this idea is awesome and it is so cool

Oct 15, 2012
laulenak on Oct 23, 2012 wrote:
that was probably the most hilarious thing I have ever read on the pirate101 forums.

-Dark Amber (who is still laughing very very hard)

Petty Officer
Feb 10, 2011
Sniper Rose on Dec 4, 2012 wrote:
Well ya good idea and we could drive our ships like in the Skull Island course ya start in Skull Island Skyway, to Floatsam Skyway and ya could make a pit stop and repair ya ship cause in the race ya could be doing some ship battles then to Tradewind Skyway. Monquista is along the skyway windlanes and same for Valencia. Cool Ranch, Cooper's Roost, Big Sky, Tumbleweed, and Junction. Don't know about Mooshu yet but they're could be a Spiral Grand Prix and the prize would be a 12 Month Membership, All Bundles, 60,000 Crowns, MAX gold and the original Armadillo pet.
Yes, that's what I was thinking.

Something different besides "who can beat up who?" first

Prizes are optional but I'd like to see some kind of badge or something that says you've advanced/won x number of races.

Dec 21, 2009
Canny B Moone on Jun 15, 2012 wrote:
For what it's worth, I'm not fond of PvP either. I like to enjoy an immersive story line, engaging characters, challenging quests, and the scenery :)

If PvP IS implemented in Pirate101, I do hope it is entirely separate from PvE, so as to avoid the problems we currently have in the Spiral, with the inequity that exists between PvE and PvP. I want this game to be free of the verbal fisticuffs :)

Just my thought,

You don't like pvp? what about pvp? (2nd pvp = player vs programming)

Petty Officer
Dec 09, 2012
Dec 21, 2009
Trimond297 on Oct 17, 2012 wrote:
PvP will be added later on. I'm all excited for it, but let's just wait for now. Have patience, everyone. They'll have it ready real soon. When it's time for PvP to be ready, flocks of Pirates will be clamoring for the competition!