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Armada Companions

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Quentin Atherton on Jul 11, 2013 wrote:
Well, if Blind Mew says that the Armada isn't supposed to be helping us, why would they encourage us? Blind Mew, answer us this; If the Armada is supposed to despise ALL pirates, then why is Phule encouraging us to undermine the clockwork court? He is a CLOCKWORK after all.
Blind mew has told me that phule is mysterious and we haven't learned everything about him (like why he is nice to us at times) also I have been paying close attention to story and making observations every elite armada clockwork has been mentioned by someone at least one except for phule and the female even when someone said they locked up phule in fort elena they didn't call him by phule they referred to him as clockwork elite. Also why didn't deacon, bishop, or rooke mention phule. Rooke has mentioned bishop and deacon while talking with us and bishop has mentioned kane, deacon, and rooke before. The only two that never get mentioned are phule and the female that is what makes them mysterious. Blind mew also said when we return to Valencia an elite counter is most definitely likely so it could be phule or the female...

Dec 21, 2009
Quentin Atherton on Jul 11, 2013 wrote:
Well, if Blind Mew says that the Armada isn't supposed to be helping us, why would they encourage us? Blind Mew, answer us this; If the Armada is supposed to despise ALL pirates, then why is Phule encouraging us to undermine the clockwork court? He is a CLOCKWORK after all.
Three words:

Half of him tries to encourage you so the Armada can kill you more easily because he would make you cocky and do asuicide mission.

[not including the one in marleybone]

Nov 15, 2010
Quentin Atherton on Jul 11, 2013 wrote:
Well, if Blind Mew says that the Armada isn't supposed to be helping us, why would they encourage us? Blind Mew, answer us this; If the Armada is supposed to despise ALL pirates, then why is Phule encouraging us to undermine the clockwork court? He is a CLOCKWORK after all.
I think Phule's just playing with us. He does have a small amount of admiration for us for trying to stop the Armada but in his mind we're our chances are less than that of a candle's flame at the bottom of the ocean. It's not that he likes us, we're just the punchline of a joke that we don't get. And to half of Phule it's hilarious.

As for a reprogramming one, I'm not sure that would work. Two things make me think it wouldn't work. First, they were meant to be the fighting force that would take down one of the most dangerous minds in the spiral. It would be foolish not to design something that prevent the troops from being reprogrammed to fight for the enemy. If it were possible Napolenguin would have tried and possibly succeeded. Second, even if Napolenguin couldn't figure it out, surely whoever designed them would have already done so to some and used them to fight the Armada.

Oct 17, 2012
how about being able to pinch an armarda ship at some point though, that seems like a suitably pirate thing to do!

Nov 11, 2012
First off, on Phule.
Although many can explain this better than I can, Phule has two sides, to fit his two faces (the dark side and the white side. This was to (from the makers) to make an interesting addition to the game's plot and (to the gamers/players) a creation by Kane to confuse you and him, and keep his Elites ready for war.

Second, on the companion.
I think it would be cool, but I thought of a way to make it interesting and a companion to effect the plot line!
As of what I think, there are not enough Witchdoctors overall (enemies, companions, and players), so why not make a weird Armada contraption, a mix between both Skeletal and Armada components... Made by a witchdoctor who has long since past this world (or so you think... Old Scratch seems to be acting strange whenever he comes into conversations).
Thus, not entirely Armada, not entirely Skeletal. I think it fills the need

See ya in the Skyways!
Arrrrrrgh Brass Leo Hornigold Level 51 Swashy

Dec 22, 2008
I just got into aquila (I am level 58) so I don't know the story line very well. but I just wanted to point out that Phule acts exactly like Golem from Lord of the Rings. except that golem has 2 personalities and talks to himself, Phule only has 2 personalities that both try and mess with your mind at the same time. I believe that phule knows what he is doing, not just having 2 personalities in general, but to trick us.

May 21, 2009
Personally, I extremely dislike the idea of an Armada companion. Though I would like to MEET a reprogrammed clockwork, I don't want one on my team. I want the Armada to stay as different as possible. Discovering how the Armada became the Armada, however, is a different story...

As to the Phule debate as to why he's much nicer to us than compared to Rooke or Deacon or Bishop, he likes toying with us. He's a court jester, it's in his very nature. I'm pretty sure Kane (who Blind Mew stated to have created the Elite Court - who created Kane is another matter entirely), made him that way to disturb and confuse enemies of the Armada. He's creepy - it's why he scares me more than the others. We have no idea what's up his sleeves.

Kane himself is another matter entirely. He's not going to join us - he's not just a clockwork, he's the Clockwork, and he, in a weird way, has a prime directive, to forward the Grand Design. If we stop him and he fails, it's game over. He's done. No Kane after El Dorado. The Armada is finished, the deed is done, Valencia is freed, the Spiral is saved, *insert emotional goobly stuff*.

And once we head to Valencia in the next Book, I'm eager to see this point hammered in - the Armada is the Other. They are not our friends or friends to be made. They want us gone. G-O-N-E. Gone. And they want the Spiral rebuilt into their own, twisted vision.

Gunner's Mate
Jul 03, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 25, 2013 wrote:
I've seen lots of questions in the Story Questions Thread about the possibility of Armada troops or even the Elites joining the PC as Companions. When I see player posts speculating about what the future plot holds (always a fun pastime), these grants are assumed - Rooke will join us after betraying Kane, or Kane will be granted after El Dorado.

I'm here to tell you, I don't like the idea - the way I'm looking at things right now, I don't see it happening (at least for a looooooooooong time). I'll tell you why:

There many different types of villains out there: the bumbling bully (Popeye's Bluto), the nemesis (he's just like you but evil: think Belloq to Indy Jones), the evil genius (Hannibal lector and so many more). One of my favorites is the Force of Nature - monolithic, unstoppable, and unfathomable: you're scared of them because you can't empathize with them. The shark from Jaws is the most extreme example of this, but another one that I dearly love is the Borg (pre Hugh and I, Borg: the season 2 and 3 Borg). That's really what I was aiming for with the Armada.

They're tougher than you, they are relentless, you have almost no window on their thought process, and they don't care what you think. We're deliberately trying to keep them as "other" as possible, to emphasize their creepiness and maximize their potential as enemies.

To give a re-programmed Armada clockwork as a companion would take some of that mystique away. The worst thing they ever did to the Borg was to give them an empathetic identity, and then a queen. I want the Armada to be nothing but an enemy.

A disclaimer: if a really cool idea strikes me later on, I could change my mind. But for the foreseeable future at least, I don't like it. No sir, I don't like it at all.
Hannibal. x scared x

Though, I wouldn't really like to see an Armada companion either. That would be kind of difficult to weave into the storyline, don't you think? We'd get like, a Rogue Armada Marine.... XD And that'd just be weird.....

Rachel - Level 47
P.S. They're our enemies, so why would we want one on our crew anyway? I definitely wouldn't want one on my crew....

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
The Helpful Swashb... on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
I just got into aquila (I am level 58) so I don't know the story line very well. but I just wanted to point out that Phule acts exactly like Golem from Lord of the Rings. except that golem has 2 personalities and talks to himself, Phule only has 2 personalities that both try and mess with your mind at the same time. I believe that phule knows what he is doing, not just having 2 personalities in general, but to trick us.
Nice comparison.

Petty Officer
Jan 30, 2013
Blind Mew on Mar 25, 2013 wrote:
I've seen lots of questions in the Story Questions Thread about the possibility of Armada troops or even the Elites joining the PC as Companions. When I see player posts speculating about what the future plot holds (always a fun pastime), these grants are assumed - Rooke will join us after betraying Kane, or Kane will be granted after El Dorado.

I'm here to tell you, I don't like the idea - the way I'm looking at things right now, I don't see it happening (at least for a looooooooooong time). I'll tell you why:

There many different types of villains out there: the bumbling bully (Popeye's Bluto), the nemesis (he's just like you but evil: think Belloq to Indy Jones), the evil genius (Hannibal lector and so many more). One of my favorites is the Force of Nature - monolithic, unstoppable, and unfathomable: you're scared of them because you can't empathize with them. The shark from Jaws is the most extreme example of this, but another one that I dearly love is the Borg (pre Hugh and I, Borg: the season 2 and 3 Borg). That's really what I was aiming for with the Armada.

They're tougher than you, they are relentless, you have almost no window on their thought process, and they don't care what you think. We're deliberately trying to keep them as "other" as possible, to emphasize their creepiness and maximize their potential as enemies.

To give a re-programmed Armada clockwork as a companion would take some of that mystique away. The worst thing they ever did to the Borg was to give them an empathetic identity, and then a queen. I want the Armada to be nothing but an enemy.

A disclaimer: if a really cool idea strikes me later on, I could change my mind. But for the foreseeable future at least, I don't like it. No sir, I don't like it at all.
Excellent! I completely agree with you. Everyone in my circle of friends and family that plays this game ALWAYS say the Armada are just CREEPY.
Job well done!

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
*twitch twitch*, just *twitch* no... Bad... bad experience with... *twitch*


Me~ Merry Christmas, momm-

Mom~ Go to bed, Belle!

Me~ But why? It's noon...

*Hears loud banging on door*

Armada~ We have your ship surrounded. Escape is not an option, pirates!

*dad barricades door*

Dad~ Do what your mother says, Belle.

Mom~ Follow me, darling.

*follows mom to lifeboat*

Me~ Uh... mom..?

*Hears loud crash and dad fighting, then hears nothing *

Me~ Dad..?!

*mom throws me onto lifeboat and sets me adrift towards Mooshu*


*sees cannon balls attacking my parent's ship, eventually sinking it *

***Flashback ends***


Please... *twitch* please, no Armada companions. *twitch, twitch*

Petty Officer
Jan 01, 2013
Bloody Belle on Aug 18, 2013 wrote:
*twitch twitch*, just *twitch* no... Bad... bad experience with... *twitch*


Me~ Merry Christmas, momm-

Mom~ Go to bed, Belle!

Me~ But why? It's noon...

*Hears loud banging on door*

Armada~ We have your ship surrounded. Escape is not an option, pirates!

*dad barricades door*

Dad~ Do what your mother says, Belle.

Mom~ Follow me, darling.

*follows mom to lifeboat*

Me~ Uh... mom..?

*Hears loud crash and dad fighting, then hears nothing *

Me~ Dad..?!

*mom throws me onto lifeboat and sets me adrift towards Mooshu*


*sees cannon balls attacking my parent's ship, eventually sinking it *

***Flashback ends***


Please... *twitch* please, no Armada companions. *twitch, twitch*
I hope everyone gets the point.

Gunner's Mate
May 28, 2013
I am in agreement with the no companion ruling. But what might be fun would be to give us hope of one in a quest. Maybe a Frankenstein vein where we try to locate the inventor of the Armada in the hopes he/she can change/reprogram their evil ways. Of course all this optimism is misplaced and the whole thing falls through, Kane kills his 'father' figure and all that. But it would be cool trying.

Aug 02, 2013
Blind Mew, I completely agree!

I feel like the Armada would be less intimidating if I had one of their own on my team.

Petty Officer
Aug 04, 2010
Blind Mew on Mar 25, 2013 wrote:
I've seen lots of questions in the Story Questions Thread about the possibility of Armada troops or even the Elites joining the PC as Companions. When I see player posts speculating about what the future plot holds (always a fun pastime), these grants are assumed - Rooke will join us after betraying Kane, or Kane will be granted after El Dorado.

I'm here to tell you, I don't like the idea - the way I'm looking at things right now, I don't see it happening (at least for a looooooooooong time). I'll tell you why:

There many different types of villains out there: the bumbling bully (Popeye's Bluto), the nemesis (he's just like you but evil: think Belloq to Indy Jones), the evil genius (Hannibal lector and so many more). One of my favorites is the Force of Nature - monolithic, unstoppable, and unfathomable: you're scared of them because you can't empathize with them. The shark from Jaws is the most extreme example of this, but another one that I dearly love is the Borg (pre Hugh and I, Borg: the season 2 and 3 Borg). That's really what I was aiming for with the Armada.

They're tougher than you, they are relentless, you have almost no window on their thought process, and they don't care what you think. We're deliberately trying to keep them as "other" as possible, to emphasize their creepiness and maximize their potential as enemies.

To give a re-programmed Armada clockwork as a companion would take some of that mystique away. The worst thing they ever did to the Borg was to give them an empathetic identity, and then a queen. I want the Armada to be nothing but an enemy.

A disclaimer: if a really cool idea strikes me later on, I could change my mind. But for the foreseeable future at least, I don't like it. No sir, I don't like it at all.
How convenient o wonderful blind mew! I created a class of my own called the marooner class and thought a companion they could be able to get was an armada troop! His story would be, he'd be decommissioned, but then Gracie Conrad could reprogram him! Or it would also be cool if he were a main companion!!

- Cole, Level 65 -

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
BigLollipop002 on Aug 27, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I completely agree!

I feel like the Armada would be less intimidating if I had one of their own on my team.
You agree? Yet you want one on your team? x Shakes head x Did I miss something? In my humble opinion the Armada are creepy and just plain evil. If they were on my team, not only would I feel intimidated, but I am sure that my crew would getting constantly injured from not looking where they were going as they would always have one eye on it. This would not be a type of 'Data' humorously trying to figure out how to be more human, it would be a slathering wolf in the lambing pen.

Feb 13, 2011
About phule, he could be a cyborg. The human part of him is who he originally was, and was a fighter against the Armada. Then, later, he was "assimilated" into the Armada after he was wounded in war, and the clockwork parts wants to take over his body so his dark side would be the robot part that wants to kill you, while the white part is the human part that wants you to defeat kane and free him from the "curse" of his robot parts. Well this is just my idea about phule its not likely that this could be true.

Jan 17, 2013
Jan 17, 2013
The Helpful Swashb... on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
I just got into aquila (I am level 58) so I don't know the story line very well. but I just wanted to point out that Phule acts exactly like Golem from Lord of the Rings. except that golem has 2 personalities and talks to himself, Phule only has 2 personalities that both try and mess with your mind at the same time. I believe that phule knows what he is doing, not just having 2 personalities in general, but to trick us.
i dont know about that,... but i do know this,... golem and phule are both really creepy!

Jan 17, 2013
Bloody Belle on Aug 18, 2013 wrote:
*twitch twitch*, just *twitch* no... Bad... bad experience with... *twitch*


Me~ Merry Christmas, momm-

Mom~ Go to bed, Belle!

Me~ But why? It's noon...

*Hears loud banging on door*

Armada~ We have your ship surrounded. Escape is not an option, pirates!

*dad barricades door*

Dad~ Do what your mother says, Belle.

Mom~ Follow me, darling.

*follows mom to lifeboat*

Me~ Uh... mom..?

*Hears loud crash and dad fighting, then hears nothing *

Me~ Dad..?!

*mom throws me onto lifeboat and sets me adrift towards Mooshu*


*sees cannon balls attacking my parent's ship, eventually sinking it *

***Flashback ends***


Please... *twitch* please, no Armada companions. *twitch, twitch*
wow... that was....dramatic!

Oct 26, 2012
Ok, i think i get what a lot of people want for this:

Reprogramed, too boring.
Ships(i know this has nothing to do with this), yes, yes and YES(apart from the'no wheel...').
Clothing from them, i say a YES to that, not parts of them, all of it.

That's everyones are mine:
Damaged,(in the puppet show, see them made on conveyer belts? Got rejected before given missions),
You get them looking like normal after promotions(please be ones that TALK?).

That is all.

Oct 15, 2012

Xavier Lvl65
Brave Mason Xiriga Lvl 64

Petty Officer
Mar 29, 2012
Hi pirates!

I think the armada are the best as just an enemy, seeing them as companions is hard to believe, so, keep them as a enemy and not as a companion


Jul 26, 2009
Well... Armada companions.

Personally, I think it's an awful idea. It undermines everything that we know about the Armada (purely evil enemy, in human monsters, etc.). I think Blind Mew's Borg analogy was a very fitting one. *as a side note I really liked 7 of 9.


An Armada ally in a fight would be a very interesting turn. Not only would it introduce a strange new take on combat and make whatever dungeon/ fight very unique and interesting, but it would also set up some amazing plot twists later on. The most obvious one would be a betrayal from someone close by when victory seems assured... x gasp x

To recap

Armada companion: terrible idea. Armada ally (temporary) setting up a plot twist: interesting concept

I have another idea as well. Maybe the Armada's creator, the mysterious sender of the letter, could at some point become a companion. If not him (or her) then maybe an assistant or apprentice. Regardless, this character might have the ability to summon a modified Armada soldier much as Gracie Conrad can summon a war golem. Just a thought.

Dark Orion Ire Lvl 65 Merciless Octavio Ire Lvl 65 Fiery Dante Ire Lvl 59

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Bloody Belle on Aug 18, 2013 wrote:
*twitch twitch*, just *twitch* no... Bad... bad experience with... *twitch*


Me~ Merry Christmas, momm-

Mom~ Go to bed, Belle!

Me~ But why? It's noon...

*Hears loud banging on door*

Armada~ We have your ship surrounded. Escape is not an option, pirates!

*dad barricades door*

Dad~ Do what your mother says, Belle.

Mom~ Follow me, darling.

*follows mom to lifeboat*

Me~ Uh... mom..?

*Hears loud crash and dad fighting, then hears nothing *

Me~ Dad..?!

*mom throws me onto lifeboat and sets me adrift towards Mooshu*


*sees cannon balls attacking my parent's ship, eventually sinking it *

***Flashback ends***


Please... *twitch* please, no Armada companions. *twitch, twitch*
I thought it was brilliant