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Story Thread 3: The Search for Plot

Jan 26, 2012
truesaviorofthespi... on Dec 1, 2013 wrote:
bind mew
we should have an actually sparrow be jack sparrow

strong William sharp level 65
It'd be a good gag, but I think we get along fine without him.

Jan 26, 2012
Grizzley117 on Dec 5, 2013 wrote:
thought of a question Mr. Blind Mew
1. You said that you purposely created extra caves and houses and such in Aquila and Marleybone for future Promotion/Side quests. What about the no room left Skull Island? I know you go there to see Avery and our Class trainers but I haven't done any questing there for quite a long time. Can you at least give me a tiny hint to know what you might be planning for Skull Island. I'm going completely Barmy by this (hint, hint, wink, wink )
Thanks for the awesome game!!
Stormy Sam
Funny you should mention Skull Island...

Jun 05, 2011
When we met with Cao Tzu in MooShu, he called El Dorado as "Shangri-La, city of the Immortals" When translated to English that's "remote paradise." In ancient Greek myth, very few mortals ever visited Olympus. There are few stories of people even attempting it. If you wanted to commune with a god you could pray to them, or in some stories sleep in their temples and be visited in your dream. This makes it seem like El Dorado, Shangri-La, and Mt. Olympus might all be the same place. There's the wealth of the gods, and the mysterious danger could be their wrath. In Greek Myth Hercules was granted to Olympus. Would we need Hawkules to get into Olympus/El Dorado/Shangri-La?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew on Dec 10, 2013 wrote:
  1. Dog? In Pollo's letter to Ambrose? I don't know who you mean. Can you give me a direct reference?
  2. Older than 10, and younger than 16. I don't feel a strong need to get any finer than that.
  3. You'll find out.
  4. Maybe.
  5. That would seriously be telling. We may not have even firmly decided yet - we've a ways to go before we need to know.
  6. Krok would definitely be cool to visit - I think we could have lots of fun with Manders.
  7. I don't talk schedule.
  8. It's about intrigue. It will have lots of elite clockworks in it.
  9. It is currently unchanged.
  10. Perhaps, though it'd take some doing.
  11. I cannot comment on other KI projects other than to say that as a company we're very busy.
* Still giggling * Ah Blind Mew, you are such a tease and I absolutely LOVE it. You play your role so well and take such fiendish delight in tormenting us. You are the master of bait dangling and keep us Just on the edge.
Might I recommend some good hand lotion? All that delighted hand rubbing as you once again prepare to work your art could develop some calluses. (All in my imagination mind you lol)

Oct 26, 2012
Does the armada have anything to do with chess? Bishop and Rooke got me thinking...

Jan 26, 2012
Bold Benjamin Hawk... on Dec 5, 2013 wrote:
Hi Blind Mew! Here are my questions.

1.Why does the game refer to Port Regal Skyways as (Stormgate to Skullisland)?
2.This isn't a question. I loved when catbeard did the Napoleguin puppet show.
3. You say you voiced blind mew in the game. Do other developers voice their character in the
game? (e.g. one eyed jack or ratbeard)
4. I just returned mustang sally to Don Rodrigo. When do i get El Toro?
5. For a military genius Napoleguin made me defeat way to many people in the dungeon.
6. Hey just found the Tim/Perry are Penn/Teller. Well played.

Crafty Benjamin Jones level 34
  1. That's a bug, all right.
  2. That puppet show was hard to write, but I love it too.
  3. No, we do have some devs who do voices, but I'm the only one that overlaps my forum handle.
  4. You've got two books to go.
  5. Heh. His genius can sometimes be hard to quantify.
  6. Yeah that was a subtle one, but we like it.

Jan 26, 2012
Golden Guardian on Dec 6, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew forgot to answer my question (either that or i did not see it). Here is my question again. In miranda, a blue undead hougan roams somewhere on the top of an inaccesible ridge. Who is he? Is he plain decor or will we dwelve deeper into the darkness of this deathly figure.
oops! sorry I missed that one! There were a LOT of questions I was slogging through. The guy you see there is just decoration. We delved deeply enough into Miranda in my estimation.

Jan 26, 2012
William DarkFlame on Dec 6, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, can you AT LEAST confirm that the next big update will be on the Test Realm between now and the end of January? Pretty please?
I don't talk schedule. And if you look at my whole history of commenting, I think you'll find that there is very little I can ever at least confirm. Sorry!

Jan 26, 2012
Swordroll on Dec 9, 2013 wrote:
Hey, Blind Mew, thanks so much for taking the time to answer all of these questions. I've just got one quick one for you. Be as vague as need be. ;)

You stated that Kane answered to the Valencian monarch and that he's a Unicorn - one of Valencia's own. This seems contradictory to me. Kane is destroying Valencia and the people there seem to recognize the fact that the clockworks are out of control. Is there a social class within Valencia that is so naive that they're missing the destruction in the background and siding with the clockworks? Or is the Valencian monarch actually in control at all? In terms of King Casimir, the female elite clockwork, and Kane, who's calling the shots? Or can you confirm which of them ISN'T in control?

I won't confirm anything at this time, but I will suggest that the situation in Valencia is pretty complex. Note that when you saw said destruction and Clockworks out of control, you were in a pretty remote part of Valencia. The situation is very different in the shining center of Valencia.

Trust me, when we go back there, by the time you leave you will have seen Valencian politics up close and personal - indeed, you may know more than you wanted to learn, or more than is safe to know.

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Dec 9, 2013 wrote:
Hi, Blind Mew! Since this recent story thread is named "The Search for Plot", a clever name of that thread, by the way, I have something to say about the story plot centered around the paranormal hauntings in Port Regal's St. Fido's Church in Book 13's intro.

I had been through the hauntings in there, drove the Bloodbats away, and beaten the spirits that are causing trouble, but there's just something about that plot felt... missing at that story bit's end. Questions were flooding in my head about that. Who would unleash such evil spirits onto the Marleybonean church without reason, or why was there a Bloodbat infestation in it? Who woke up restless spirits such as Captain Kid and Governor Shrewsbury? Who was behind all this? That's what got me thinking after beating the last dungeon, St. Fido's Crypt, in there. I've been through all that, but, there was no mastermind behind all this. It lacked a living villain in this story bit. One who had enough knowledge to bring up restless spirits for one valuable treasure, the Heart of the Incal. The storyline in the Marleybonean Church's last instance was too short, and it had no evil mastermind in it, so I had sent my thoughts about expanding that said place's story not long ago. I was, and still am, hoping that the quest's story in that dungeon would be extended to include the mastermind behind these happenings in a later game update. It's the one thing that left me baffled without explanation. Blind Mew, I hope I get to see the story quest in St. Fido's Crypt extended really soon so I could finally get to see and defeat the real mastermind behind the hauntings and the real reason why for all that and the treasure.

Sorry if I was quite lengthy on this, but I was completely baffled about that after going through that adventure.

Thanks for answering my questions, Blind Mew! Also, looking forward to Book 15! Can't wait to see what it is!
My thought was always that it was Kid who was behind the haunting - and once you had avenged him, the haunting would end.

But you do raise some interesting potential questions: why Kid waited so long to start the haunting, and what precisely gave him the ability to unleash spectral horrors from beyond the grave (other than a burning desire for revenge), that's an interesting. We may revisit that someday...

Jan 26, 2012
john jackson on Dec 9, 2013 wrote:
I am back with more

1.what level will kane be when we fight him

2.when will the next update be at least a hint

3.will we ever go to polaras

4.what will the second storyline be about

5.will we ever meet the gods of Aquila

6.will we ever go the cestial the underwater world
  1. Don't know yet. I expect he'll be higher level than your pirate, though.
  2. I don't talk schedule.
  3. Maybe - I don't talk much about world list either.
  4. We're still chewing on that question, and letting the idea pot simmer to see what arises - no firm answer yet.
  5. Well, you've had the chance to converse with them, does that count?
  6. See above - I don't like to make promises about worlds.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
My thought was always that it was Kid who was behind the haunting - and once you had avenged him, the haunting would end.

But you do raise some interesting potential questions: why Kid waited so long to start the haunting, and what precisely gave him the ability to unleash spectral horrors from beyond the grave (other than a burning desire for revenge), that's an interesting. We may revisit that someday...
Hey, if an evil living mastermind who would have more than enough power to cause the spirits to do the hauntings, and these spirits would just appear out of nowhere for no reason, then what would be the point of these hauntings and mayhem?

Honestly, out of anyone, spectral hauntings don't just appear for nothing and for no reason. There's always got to be an explanation for these kind of happenings.

Petty Officer
Jun 28, 2011
i dont know what happened to the questions i made. it never came up i dont think but i have more questions

1: Everytime i go around Port Regal Skyway i always see a little island called Parrot Island. Will it be part of the storyline later in the game?

2: I absolutely LOVED Avalon in wizard101 do you think you can make it work in pirate101?

3: Do you think we'll learn about something deep about our pirates? like Bonnie Anne's 3rd promotion quest?

4: What are the possibilities of betrayal in our crew during our quest for El Dorado and do you know which companion is most likely to betray us?

5: I'm stumped on the lighthouse looking world we see throughout the stormgates. Do you think you could give us a little maybe letter hint on what the world is?

6: So so far Rooke and Deacon is gone and they are one of Kane's most priceful clockworks. and we have 3 pieces of Marco Pollo's map from Kane's 2 is Kane just playing this over or is he doing what he can to win this race?

7: How grand do you think Kane's Grand Design is?

8: How many companions do you think we'll get once we end our journey to El Dorado.

so many questions i hope you can answer them

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
iceblade1233 on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
i dont know what happened to the questions i made. it never came up i dont think but i have more questions

1: Everytime i go around Port Regal Skyway i always see a little island called Parrot Island. Will it be part of the storyline later in the game?

2: I absolutely LOVED Avalon in wizard101 do you think you can make it work in pirate101?

3: Do you think we'll learn about something deep about our pirates? like Bonnie Anne's 3rd promotion quest?

4: What are the possibilities of betrayal in our crew during our quest for El Dorado and do you know which companion is most likely to betray us?

5: I'm stumped on the lighthouse looking world we see throughout the stormgates. Do you think you could give us a little maybe letter hint on what the world is?

6: So so far Rooke and Deacon is gone and they are one of Kane's most priceful clockworks. and we have 3 pieces of Marco Pollo's map from Kane's 2 is Kane just playing this over or is he doing what he can to win this race?

7: How grand do you think Kane's Grand Design is?

8: How many companions do you think we'll get once we end our journey to El Dorado.

so many questions i hope you can answer them
I can help with number one. Yes you will have a quest that takes you to parrot island. The quest is called An Eye For An Eye and Madame Vadima mentions it in this month's newsletter.

May 06, 2012
Dec 13, 2008
Blind Mew on Dec 10, 2013 wrote:
Funny you should mention Skull Island...
Oh really, how is it funny? Hmmmmmmm! Oh how you almost make me beg for answers.
1. Will you continue to do puppet shows? They are my favorite part of Pirate101!
2. I only saw one skyway in Marleybone. There was no paths to the left or the right, so does that mean there are no more skyways in

3. You said somewhere in another story thread that some companions won't receive a promotion at all. I am sad at that because I have alot of companions that haven't promoted yet that I got in like Book 6. However, it's more about the amount if epics than the look of the companion. I don't want my side quest companions to be a whole lot weaker than main quest companions. My Monquistador companion was promoted at level 30 and only has two epics on my level 60 privateer. Are there any plans for adding companion epics to some of our crew without the need for a complete make over like promotions?
Thanks Blind Mew for answering my questions!!

Petty Officer
Jun 06, 2009
Blind Mew on Dec 10, 2013 wrote:
Funny you should mention Skull Island...
Does that mean that those screenshots on facebook are from a new skyway in Skull Island? Will we have to go there to get into Valencia?
-Brave Samantha Nightingale lvl 65
-Sneaky Sarai Nightingale lvl 10
-Stormy Nikita Nightingale lvl 11(Also why is this symbol and not the actual class symbol?)

Jan 26, 2012
Sky Sailor on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
When we met with Cao Tzu in MooShu, he called El Dorado as "Shangri-La, city of the Immortals" When translated to English that's "remote paradise." In ancient Greek myth, very few mortals ever visited Olympus. There are few stories of people even attempting it. If you wanted to commune with a god you could pray to them, or in some stories sleep in their temples and be visited in your dream. This makes it seem like El Dorado, Shangri-La, and Mt. Olympus might all be the same place. There's the wealth of the gods, and the mysterious danger could be their wrath. In Greek Myth Hercules was granted to Olympus. Would we need Hawkules to get into Olympus/El Dorado/Shangri-La?
The idea was to set up that El Dorado was known to other cultures, and would have different names to them. Associating it with Olympus, that's an intriguing idea, though Wizard's recent sojourn to Olympus would seem to discount it.

Jan 26, 2012
OUducks31 on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
Does the armada have anything to do with chess? Bishop and Rooke got me thinking...
Yes, there is a little chess metaphor happening there. It doesn't work perfectly - we lack a knight, and what the heck is Deacon? But yes, chess pieces were definitely in mind when the elites were conceived.

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
Hey, if an evil living mastermind who would have more than enough power to cause the spirits to do the hauntings, and these spirits would just appear out of nowhere for no reason, then what would be the point of these hauntings and mayhem?

Honestly, out of anyone, spectral hauntings don't just appear for nothing and for no reason. There's always got to be an explanation for these kind of happenings.
Again, I figured the point of the hauntings and mayhem was exactly what Kid said it was - to clear his name and be avenged upon his corrupt nemesis. There doesn't have to be a secret plot behind everything, you know...
Just most things!

Jan 26, 2012
iceblade1233 on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
i dont know what happened to the questions i made. it never came up i dont think but i have more questions

1: Everytime i go around Port Regal Skyway i always see a little island called Parrot Island. Will it be part of the storyline later in the game?

2: I absolutely LOVED Avalon in wizard101 do you think you can make it work in pirate101?

3: Do you think we'll learn about something deep about our pirates? like Bonnie Anne's 3rd promotion quest?

4: What are the possibilities of betrayal in our crew during our quest for El Dorado and do you know which companion is most likely to betray us?

5: I'm stumped on the lighthouse looking world we see throughout the stormgates. Do you think you could give us a little maybe letter hint on what the world is?

6: So so far Rooke and Deacon is gone and they are one of Kane's most priceful clockworks. and we have 3 pieces of Marco Pollo's map from Kane's 2 is Kane just playing this over or is he doing what he can to win this race?

7: How grand do you think Kane's Grand Design is?

8: How many companions do you think we'll get once we end our journey to El Dorado.

so many questions i hope you can answer them
  1. As pointed out, Parrot Island does show up in a quest. It's a little small to have much of a role in the story.
  2. Avalon would be tricky, because it's so fantasy oriented. I think we pulled off Aquila nicely, but there's a strong nautical element in classical mythology (what with the odyssey and all) - Arthurian legend has fewer handles for us to grasp. Don't get me wrong - I took a seminar course on Athurian legend in college and dearly love it, but I think it's not the best fit for Pirate.
  3. Well, I'm hoping that by the end of the El Dorado story your pirate will have come to some understanding about the end and the means.
  4. I've talked about companion betrayal a LOT in these threads - bottom line: it's not really possible tech wise to take a companion away, and even if it were, I don't think its advisable. If if the companion isn't lost, if we just handwave it and say "Oh, so-and-so betrayed you back in Book 10!" and then have you just forgive them, does the betrayal matter without heavy consequences?
  5. Nope. Sorry!
  6. This has come up before too - Kane is pretty smart, and can afford to play a long game here. We're going to learn a lot more about what he's up to later on. And he will start countering your moves.
  7. It's a very big deal.
  8. No idea - that sort of stuff gets built and the Books get created, and we have more than a few Books left.

Jan 26, 2012
Doctor Z on Dec 14, 2013 wrote:
how did Gortez win the war?
One battle at a time. Napoleguin's strategic acumen was essential to the effort.

Jan 26, 2012
Grizzley117 on Dec 15, 2013 wrote:
Oh really, how is it funny? Hmmmmmmm! Oh how you almost make me beg for answers.
1. Will you continue to do puppet shows? They are my favorite part of Pirate101!
2. I only saw one skyway in Marleybone. There was no paths to the left or the right, so does that mean there are no more skyways in

3. You said somewhere in another story thread that some companions won't receive a promotion at all. I am sad at that because I have alot of companions that haven't promoted yet that I got in like Book 6. However, it's more about the amount if epics than the look of the companion. I don't want my side quest companions to be a whole lot weaker than main quest companions. My Monquistador companion was promoted at level 30 and only has two epics on my level 60 privateer. Are there any plans for adding companion epics to some of our crew without the need for a complete make over like promotions?
Thanks Blind Mew for answering my questions!!
As regards Skull Island, you'll see.

  1. Of course we will! They're one of my favorite parts too. You can expect 1 a Book, or more if the plot really demands it (Book 4 had a lot of exposition in it).
  2. Just because they weren't visible doesn't make future expansion impossible. There are more skyways in Marleybone, rest assured. We just don't need them yet.
  3. When it comes to epics and what not, that's really Ratbeard's purview.

Jan 26, 2012
The Fire Buccaneer on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
Does that mean that those screenshots on facebook are from a new skyway in Skull Island? Will we have to go there to get into Valencia?
-Brave Samantha Nightingale lvl 65
-Sneaky Sarai Nightingale lvl 10
-Stormy Nikita Nightingale lvl 11(Also why is this symbol and not the actual class symbol?)
That would be telling.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
The Fire Buccaneer on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
Does that mean that those screenshots on facebook are from a new skyway in Skull Island? Will we have to go there to get into Valencia?
-Brave Samantha Nightingale lvl 65
-Sneaky Sarai Nightingale lvl 10
-Stormy Nikita Nightingale lvl 11(Also why is this symbol and not the actual class symbol?)
Could be the same for why witchdoctor is not a little hoodoo doll. Maybe they just didn't shrink down well?