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Story Thread 3: The Search for Plot

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
Again, I figured the point of the hauntings and mayhem was exactly what Kid said it was - to clear his name and be avenged upon his corrupt nemesis. There doesn't have to be a secret plot behind everything, you know...
Just most things!
I know, Blind Mew.

I've been through that, which I enjoyed, and I was stating out my thoughts about extending that story bit to include a living mastermind behind it all. Well, I can't focus too much on one thing, but I can say my thoughts about it.

And, I know that there doesn't have to be a secret plot behind everything. I just had my thoughts about who conjured up the spirits to haunt St. Fido's, including Kid and his nemesis, Shrewsbury, making that one of the most things that included a secret plot, that's all, and I understand that.

Anyway, hope I won't have to wait too long for that story bit's extension to happen soon, along with the next part of the main story, because those pictures of the next Book left me excited!

I wonder how Kane and the remaining Armada Elites will step up their game in their plans of getting the rest of Marco Pollo's El Dorado Map Pieces and their Grand Design they've been going on about?

One thing I can say about this, this mission Mycroft Bones gave from Special Branch is sounding to be exciting and daring! I'm certain the Armada will be expecting another visit in Valencia, and I'm sure they'll have their security increased for that. Really looking forward to Book 15, Blind Mew!

May 06, 2009
Blind Mew on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
Yes, there is a little chess metaphor happening there. It doesn't work perfectly - we lack a knight, and what the heck is Deacon? But yes, chess pieces were definitely in mind when the elites were conceived.
Are there no plans to add a Knight? Maybe one of Kane's hidden creations? Or is the story finalized to a point where Knight is rather...unnecessary. But I would love someone in the Armada ranks called Knight

Feb 20, 2010
Dolan here! We see several hints in skull island that suggest that the ancient(?) Aztecans constructed these mighty pyramids, and El Dorado would be no problem. But it is mentioned that the Celestians might have made El Dorado as well. Perhaps it is BOTH! If you sorta think about for a while, it seems plausible tkat Celestia and Skull Island are the same( sharks, water moles, undead pirates in Crustacean Empire, etc.).
So perhaps a collaboration was at hand. Also....

1. Does'nt Azteca stil exsist? We haven't caught up to the Wizards story wise, as it will be a world or two before Xibalba arrive, so why are the dinos gone? Was time travel involved in W101? Please try to answer this without telling anything.

Jul 27, 2012
Blind Mew on Dec 11, 2013 wrote:
I won't confirm anything at this time, but I will suggest that the situation in Valencia is pretty complex. Note that when you saw said destruction and Clockworks out of control, you were in a pretty remote part of Valencia. The situation is very different in the shining center of Valencia.

Trust me, when we go back there, by the time you leave you will have seen Valencian politics up close and personal - indeed, you may know more than you wanted to learn, or more than is safe to know.
Oh, Blind Mew, that sounds just like my kind of story! I'm very much looking forward to Chapter 15 -- all in good time, of course.

And, I have one question I've been mulling awhile (which has nothing to do with Chapter 15, I think), which in all fairness you may not be able to answer, of course. As we go into the tunnels below the Governor's mansion in Port Regal (for our own -unfortunately- nefarious purposes) we stumble across a group of villains there who boldly claim that we are barging in on their kidnapping racket. We don't see them again, but I can't help but wonder -- did we interrupt their attempt to kidnap Mabel? And if so, who hired them?

Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
I know, Blind Mew.

I've been through that, which I enjoyed, and I was stating out my thoughts about extending that story bit to include a living mastermind behind it all. Well, I can't focus too much on one thing, but I can say my thoughts about it.

And, I know that there doesn't have to be a secret plot behind everything. I just had my thoughts about who conjured up the spirits to haunt St. Fido's, including Kid and his nemesis, Shrewsbury, making that one of the most things that included a secret plot, that's all, and I understand that.

Anyway, hope I won't have to wait too long for that story bit's extension to happen soon, along with the next part of the main story, because those pictures of the next Book left me excited!

I wonder how Kane and the remaining Armada Elites will step up their game in their plans of getting the rest of Marco Pollo's El Dorado Map Pieces and their Grand Design they've been going on about?

One thing I can say about this, this mission Mycroft Bones gave from Special Branch is sounding to be exciting and daring! I'm certain the Armada will be expecting another visit in Valencia, and I'm sure they'll have their security increased for that. Really looking forward to Book 15, Blind Mew!
As to what Kane's up to and how he'll up his game, you'll find out. The hard way.

Jan 26, 2012
Cunning Finnigan S... on Dec 17, 2013 wrote:
Are there no plans to add a Knight? Maybe one of Kane's hidden creations? Or is the story finalized to a point where Knight is rather...unnecessary. But I would love someone in the Armada ranks called Knight
Knight would be pretty nifty, though he'd have to be visually distinct from Rooke, who looks pretty knightish to me.

Maybe we'd need to put him on a horse...

Jan 26, 2012
Frozenmuskets on Dec 17, 2013 wrote:
Dolan here! We see several hints in skull island that suggest that the ancient(?) Aztecans constructed these mighty pyramids, and El Dorado would be no problem. But it is mentioned that the Celestians might have made El Dorado as well. Perhaps it is BOTH! If you sorta think about for a while, it seems plausible tkat Celestia and Skull Island are the same( sharks, water moles, undead pirates in Crustacean Empire, etc.).
So perhaps a collaboration was at hand. Also....

1. Does'nt Azteca stil exsist? We haven't caught up to the Wizards story wise, as it will be a world or two before Xibalba arrive, so why are the dinos gone? Was time travel involved in W101? Please try to answer this without telling anything.
I don't recall ever saying that the Celestians built El Dorado. As I recall, the precise quote was that the Celestians and the builders of El Dorado had lots of trade and communication with each other.

As to Azteca and how its plot relates to Wizard and all those ruins, much will be revealed. When the content attached to those barmy screen shots goes live, you'll learn a lot.

Jan 26, 2012
Anne Radcliffe on Dec 17, 2013 wrote:
Oh, Blind Mew, that sounds just like my kind of story! I'm very much looking forward to Chapter 15 -- all in good time, of course.

And, I have one question I've been mulling awhile (which has nothing to do with Chapter 15, I think), which in all fairness you may not be able to answer, of course. As we go into the tunnels below the Governor's mansion in Port Regal (for our own -unfortunately- nefarious purposes) we stumble across a group of villains there who boldly claim that we are barging in on their kidnapping racket. We don't see them again, but I can't help but wonder -- did we interrupt their attempt to kidnap Mabel? And if so, who hired them?

Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
Those were the blokes who kidnapped Norville waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in Book 1.

Who hired them? Somebody named Sammy. The mainline never elaborates, but if you know your side quests, you can make some nifty inferences - there's an oblique plot point there, similar to you arming General Tso. As to what they were doing down there, that will remain a mystery.

Oct 15, 2012
Does the dialouge change when your a girl and your kidnapping mabel?
silver joseph vane

Sep 29, 2010
When we fight Kane will we have some epic Kane battle theme or will it be just the battle theme of the world he is in?

Gunner's Mate
Dec 31, 2009
Blind Mew on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
Yes, there is a little chess metaphor happening there. It doesn't work perfectly - we lack a knight, and what the heck is Deacon? But yes, chess pieces were definitely in mind when the elites were conceived.
Actually, I've done some (*cough* too much) research on this. There is a "fairy piece" in a version of chess called an Archbishop. This piece has the qualities of both a knight and a bishop. This seems to fit Deacon, as he's both clever and on-the-go. Even better, one of the less common names for an Archbishop is Deacon. Could this have been a coincidence, then? Or is there a chess expert in the department?

All the best,


Nov 03, 2012
Hey Blind Mew. This is off topic but I just realized i missed the free crown giveaway and I was wondering if you would ever put that back on. I'm so sad that I missed that.(Wipes off tear with handkerchief)

Anyway I saw two wind lanes in mooshu that go into a big door and I was wondering if that was the imperial sky way and if we would ever go there.

May 06, 2009
Blind Mew on Dec 18, 2013 wrote:
Knight would be pretty nifty, though he'd have to be visually distinct from Rooke, who looks pretty knightish to me.

Maybe we'd need to put him on a horse...
Oh! I love idea collaboration. He could probably be much slimmer than Rooke's bulky size, maybe about the size of Kane or Deacon. I'm actually picturing a moving, gold-trimed Knight armor with a Sword/Jauste and Buckle (to counter Rooke's Halberd and Shield). That thing that covers the eyes on a Knight helmet could be replaced with the eye holes of a mask to go along with the design of the other Clockworks. He could probably have a very important, but mysterious purpose to Kane. Oh! Knight could be Kane's personal body guard or Knight was Rooke's commanding officer/coloniel and helped Rooke plan the attack on Marleybone before his defeat. That would be a cool plot twist. With Deacon gone and Kane being extremely busy, could Rooke and Bishop really pull off the war without someone else orchestrating the troops from Valencia?

I know you can't make any promises, but maybe you could pitch the idea to the other writers and design artists to see what you guys come up with.

Putting him on a metal horse the size of the Centuars would be awesome. You guys have never made a mounted NPC before. Would be very interesting to see.

Nov 17, 2013
Blind Mew on Dec 18, 2013 wrote:
Those were the blokes who kidnapped Norville waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in Book 1.

Who hired them? Somebody named Sammy. The mainline never elaborates, but if you know your side quests, you can make some nifty inferences - there's an oblique plot point there, similar to you arming General Tso. As to what they were doing down there, that will remain a mystery.
Question please . What's with all these books and chapters ?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
DS Devereaux on Dec 19, 2013 wrote:
Actually, I've done some (*cough* too much) research on this. There is a "fairy piece" in a version of chess called an Archbishop. This piece has the qualities of both a knight and a bishop. This seems to fit Deacon, as he's both clever and on-the-go. Even better, one of the less common names for an Archbishop is Deacon. Could this have been a coincidence, then? Or is there a chess expert in the department?

All the best,

Wow I have never heard of that before. But then again I am just a run of the mill chess player. With the emphasis on run, lol. If I am playing a really good player then it takes them a while to pin me down as I am a slippery player. Although I do remember my Mom, in my teen years telling me to stop beating all the boys in the neighborhood as she said those that I defeated in chess would never date me. I shrugged that one off, I figured that if they can't handle me being better than them on something then they weren't the guy for me.

Oct 15, 2010
Rooke23 on Dec 20, 2013 wrote:
Question please . What's with all these books and chapters ?
Here are the books and chapters of the current game.

Gunner's Mate
Oct 11, 2012
Blind Mew, I thank thee dearly for shedding light upon mine burning questions. Now, because I'm a sucker fer yer enigmatic hints, I have some more questions who's answers shall probably drive us bonkers!

1) Would the destruction of Azteca affect Skull Island in any way?

2) By any conceivable chance, might there be a Prague, Salem, or New Orleans in any of the worlds? (wait for it…)

3) I Love the Ophidians (and maybe have been routing for Troy a bit) and I must ask: WHy aren't there more Ophidian Companions and might there be a slight chance that we might pick one up during a trip back to Aquilla?

4) Is it just me, or am I the only person who has the feeling that the Machine is larger than what we see in the Aragorn Skyway?

5) On a side note, that Aztec-ish Shark in Vadima's Sanctum makes me suspicious…

6) Before the launch, I for some reason distinctly remember a screenshot with a pirate i front of Queen Eleanor within the Opposition Stronghold with what looked like Old Scratch holding a cannon. Was he a scrapped Companion concept or might my mind be playing tricks on me?

7) How mush do you enjoy playing around with us here and why?

Apr 08, 2010
hey blind mew why is milo graytail promotion quests about a yum factory

Feb 21, 2010
I find this Q&A very interesting I have some questions myself
1. Why did we stop at lvl 65? Example: If you make a new world and add 10 lvls, the cap would be 75. It bugs me to just see that extra 5 lvls there, because I am so used to wizards being 60,70,80 etc.

2. Why do we have to find another way into Valencia if we already have a way in, it just bothers me that we have to go through another set of quests to find another way in when we already have one.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Fiery Luke Silver on Dec 22, 2013 wrote:
I find this Q&A very interesting I have some questions myself
1. Why did we stop at lvl 65? Example: If you make a new world and add 10 lvls, the cap would be 75. It bugs me to just see that extra 5 lvls there, because I am so used to wizards being 60,70,80 etc.

2. Why do we have to find another way into Valencia if we already have a way in, it just bothers me that we have to go through another set of quests to find another way in when we already have one.
I suspect your answer is because Valencia is a big place and next time, Blind Mew tells us that we are going to see a very different Valencia. He also mentioned that the Valencia we now know is in the far outskirts and we will be seeing the much busier central area.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
The Undead Obeah on Dec 22, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I thank thee dearly for shedding light upon mine burning questions. Now, because I'm a sucker fer yer enigmatic hints, I have some more questions who's answers shall probably drive us bonkers!

1) Would the destruction of Azteca affect Skull Island in any way?

2) By any conceivable chance, might there be a Prague, Salem, or New Orleans in any of the worlds? (wait for it…)

3) I Love the Ophidians (and maybe have been routing for Troy a bit) and I must ask: WHy aren't there more Ophidian Companions and might there be a slight chance that we might pick one up during a trip back to Aquilla?

4) Is it just me, or am I the only person who has the feeling that the Machine is larger than what we see in the Aragorn Skyway?

5) On a side note, that Aztec-ish Shark in Vadima's Sanctum makes me suspicious…

6) Before the launch, I for some reason distinctly remember a screenshot with a pirate i front of Queen Eleanor within the Opposition Stronghold with what looked like Old Scratch holding a cannon. Was he a scrapped Companion concept or might my mind be playing tricks on me?

7) How mush do you enjoy playing around with us here and why?
Delightfully phrased. Ya made me giggle again.

Jan 26, 2012
thatonevalenciansw... on Dec 19, 2013 wrote:
Does the dialouge change when your a girl and your kidnapping mabel?
silver joseph vane
No, it doesn't.

Jan 26, 2012
TheRoyalEmpoleon on Dec 19, 2013 wrote:
When we fight Kane will we have some epic Kane battle theme or will it be just the battle theme of the world he is in?
Unsure as of yet - the "music budget" of themes that gets set up for an update is set pretty late in the process. But having a "Kane theme" instead of a generic location combat theme is a very good idea.

Jan 26, 2012
Rooke23 on Dec 20, 2013 wrote:
Question please . What's with all these books and chapters ?
It's how we divide up the story. Unlike Wizard, we think in story beats instead of "worlds." Some worlds have many more books than others, because there's more story to tell on them.

Jan 26, 2012
DS Devereaux on Dec 19, 2013 wrote:
Actually, I've done some (*cough* too much) research on this. There is a "fairy piece" in a version of chess called an Archbishop. This piece has the qualities of both a knight and a bishop. This seems to fit Deacon, as he's both clever and on-the-go. Even better, one of the less common names for an Archbishop is Deacon. Could this have been a coincidence, then? Or is there a chess expert in the department?

All the best,

I'd say that's a coincidence. Although a very cool one.