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Story Thread 5: More Musings

Jan 26, 2012
Thanks for all the hard work you have been going through. Feel free to pass that along to any employee that seems to need one.

As always, the kinds words are very appreciated. Talking to the community is one of the biggest joys I take out of my job, and I'm very glad that our work is so well received (at least by those who post!).

Jan 26, 2012
Will Kraken Skull companions promote again soon? (Or possibly first given companion)

They're definitely due. If it doesn't happen in the next book, I'd say it would certainly happen in Book 16.

Will Quest Finder be introduced soon?

Not my call - I'm not sure. But I think that would be an awesome feature to add, and well worth the effort.

Do we revisit Valencia?

The story pretty much demands it. Yes. Ha! Weren't expecting a straight answer, were you?

Jan 26, 2012
I've this to ask, how do Puppet Shows get made, and what's the process in creating them? Maybe in a new Kingsisle Blog post entry could answer that? I would like to know how Puppet Shows are made in Pirate101.

That would be an awesome blog post. I can give you the short version: when we outline the plot of a new Book, we look for specific places that could use a lot of exposition to explain the backstory. When we find one, we write up the puppet show, and iterate on it a few times to punch up the funny bits and figure out how it will work visually. Then we take it to the puppet show artist (there's one guy who specializes in making them), and he works it up from animatic to rough to full color version. He invariably finds new funny bits. We have many meetings for feedback along the way to verify comic timing and to make sure we hit the right tone.

Also, speaking of Puppet Shows, I had my idea submitted to you about a musical Puppet Show for Book 7 called, "The Ballad of English Bill", that explains how English Bill had become the Duck of Death we've battled in the storyline, and thought it would be nice for the game to have a Puppet Show musical... I pictured that in my head and ears. Can you?
Totally - the origins of the Duck of death were a plot point that kind of got away from us. That said, I'm not sure we'd need to do it in Book 7. He might return, you know...

I know a musical show for a past Book may not be in the cards, but do you think that could happen later on in the main storyline after Book 15? I would like to hear a good song in the form of a Puppet Show.
We're looking at going back and putting puppet shows into places that we had to bypass before - you should see the first of these before too long, I hope. The feud between the Big Sky Hunters and Black Storm Rainders had a lot more depth than what showed in the live version - if we do one for Book 7, I think it will be that one. I am very fond of musicals...

Jan 26, 2012
@Trimond927 (continued)

Also, while I was in the instance with Medusa the Gorgon before the battle with the flying skeleton snakes, I don't hear hissing and sniffing sound effects before Ratbeard says his line, "I smell 'em. Look out!". Think that could be implemented? Thought I would ask you that before the update goes to Test.

Not a bad catch - the sound team has been hard at work filling in missing effects that improve the flow (there's another one from Aquila that may have been added already) - but I hadn't been aware of this one. Sadly, I doubt it could make it in by test, but considering that means we really are on the cusp of the update, that's good news, right?

Jan 26, 2012
1. Why did you shorten the free to play part of Pirate101? When I did it, we could go all the way to getting our first actual ship. Now you can only go as far as Traitor Cave. Why?

Counter-intuitive as it may seem, there is such a thing as too much free to play. Our experience with Wizard has shown that you can lose players if they wander away before you ask them to invest in the game. Our metrics were showing that the first pay gate was too far in. So we moved it, and I think we made the right decision. That said (man, that's like my new catch phrase!), the treatment of that first gate is not yet optimal - in the new update the first paygate and the whole free-to-play experience are going to get a lot of attention, and I think the results are really cool!

2. Will there be more skyways in seemingly done worlds? For example, Marleybone appears to only have Westminster Skyway, with no windlanes leading off into another one. Could another skyway (like Albion or Kent) be added later?
It's a safe bet - I'd prefer to do this sort of thing and treat it like a side world instead of building a whole new world (even a smallish one) from scratch.

3. Who took the picture of Marco Pollo's crew on El Dorado. I think I know...
You'll find out. I hope it will come as a surprise.

4. What are the languages on Marco Pollo's map? I know the red symbols on Argos' piece are is Celestian, but what are the others?
Lots of ancient MooShu astrological symbols.

5. I think I know what Kane's weakness is, along with the whole Armada: Water. Don't mechanical things rust around water?
You could also say that aside from fish, water is a weakness for most living things as well - too much and you drown, too little and you perish. Yes, it would mess them up, but i don't think water is anything like their kryptonite.

6. What will happen after the El Dorado adventure. I doubt our pirate will retire with incredible wealth...
That would be boring, wouldn't it? We have a few ideas...

Jan 26, 2012
Blind Mew, I get that you're thinking of how boss music is going to be done in the game, but if you're still not sure how boss combat music is going to be made in the game's worlds, then how about starting slow? It's my advice on this. Go through one world at a time, you know? This is the solution. Go through one world, starting with Skull Island, for example, have the game's composer compose new boss combat music for the world's bosses, both on land and in the Skyways, then add them in a small game update in between instead of being part of a larger update to bring all of it in one time, then move on to the next, and et cetera. Get this? I'm just thinking of ideas on how to get that around, but if you're still not sure, that's fine.
Bear in mind that our resources for music are finite, and that we'd have to balance any new music for past content with music any new content would require. Something like what you describe could indeed work, but it's outside of my purview - I'm content to let the Sound guys build their best process.

Also, the preview pictures after the Avery's Court renovation, I'm guessing there are some all-new Zones in Skull Island, right? And the Temple of Fire sounds like it could be another new adventure instance. Can't wait to see more, along with Advanced Pets arriving to the game, too!
You'll find out, and very soon! As regards new zones, the previews barely scratch the surface. I'm REALLY jazzed about what's coming!

Jan 26, 2012

i love the sneak peek panoramas, and thanks so much for staying on top of the thread! i cannot wait for the update . here are a few more questions, if you arent too busy:

Trust me, I can't wait for it either.

1) will we be getting more companions with lines? with the recent additions of gracie, and hawkules, and catbeard, the crew of characters pertinent to the story seems to be getting thinner, with origin companions seeming to clam up a little.
Yes - our intent is to add more talking companions in each book. Story wise, they're very useful - Gracie filled a very specific role: she can explain how big Armada machines work, and figure out how to break them. Nobody else really fit that bill, and suddenly in Book 13 we had a very big need for that. Having companions serve as "native guides" to add flavor to their world and explain why it's the way it is also a great tool. That said, the more we add, the tougher it is to balance them all - as you've noticed, some of them are much less chatty that they used to be...

2) why did the mag7 companions receive quest promotiomns? it seemed (up to that point) that they were not characters involved in the story, meaning they had no lines. what caused the decision to suddenly give them quest promos?
Short answer: because we love them. They didn't get lines because that would have boosted the number of talking companions too fast, but we really didn't want Book 9 to be the last we saw of them. There are some others who may get the same treatment...

3) on a scale from one to ten, how cool are bowties?
Pretty darn cool, though they lost a point or two for being so hard to tie. I'd say a solid 7 at least.

Jan 26, 2012
Is it possible for the Mooshu 5, Kraken Skulls 5, or Presidio 5 to lose their speaking roles in the main storyline in the future? I know it sounds crazy cutting them off so far in the story but this is a concern. The more talkative companions the PC recruits, the harder it is keeping them all relevant. Unless you really stretch the gap between PC getting new talkative companions, I fear that in the future, the three groups will be demoted to speaking only for their promotion quest.

As I mentioned above, it's tricky to balance. I don't think they'd ever lose their roles entirely - they just might say very little for a while. We're applying a more systematic approach in Book 15 to make sure nobody falls off completely. The three groups you mention are specific targets of this effort. You'll hear more from them in the future. Also, bear in mind that each of them has a specific role - Old Scratch talks the magic and the mojo, which there was very little of in Book 13. There are some future places where he'll be much more in his element.

Jan 26, 2012
1. Is Bestia a world, an Aquila expansion (or any world expansion), or something else?
You'll find out, and very soon. I think Jack may already have let this out of the bag...

2. Is the Colosseum from the 2nd sneak peek the Pirate101 Pet Pavilion that Massively was talking about?
See above.

3. Will there be a whole new puppet show based on the advanced pets system?
Yup, to introduce it and offer up some humor.

Something completely (more or less) off the point:

4. Will y'all release crafting, gardening, ship PvP, or PvP tournaments anytime soon? Maybe what's to come in Spring 2014???...
I'm really not at liberty to say, and systems stuff is a little out of my purview anyway - I'm unsure what the future strategy is with regard to new systems. All of the systems you mention are on the radar, it's just a question of where and when and how.

Jan 26, 2012
1: When you travel in a spiral thread, you can notice some World Icons. Some of them are identified and some remain a mystery. I can't insert images, so I might as well describe them. What are these worlds?

-One of the unidentified worlds is a Lighthouse on the left side with a bunch of these rocks.
-One of them is a green tree with a platform.
-One is a platform with a bunch of trees on it, except a bit more orange.
-One is a...Um...I don't know how to describe it. I THINK it has those Purple...Thorns or whatever? This one is really a mystery.

Can't comment on this too much, except to say that some of them are wizard worlds, and that some of the guesses offered up by others in this thread are pretty accurate.

2: Is Pirate101 still in Beta?
Before Marleybone and Aquila came to Pirate101, Pirate101 was in Beta. Is it still in Beta or is it past Beta?

Pirate101's beta ended in September 2012 - when beta ended and the game went live the story content ended at the conclusion of Book 12 in MooShu. Marleybone and Aquila were our first significant story update after we went live. Now, each update goes through a testing phase on the test server that is, in effect, a kind of beta test, but no, we haven't been in beta for a LONG time.

3: When we reach El Dorado and defeat Kane and such, will the storyline continue?
...or will it be the end-game for all? Wizard101 is pretty long, I think. Haven't played it before but...
It will continue, rest assured.

Jan 26, 2012
1) Will we be revisiting Cao Tzu, when the Map is comple
I recently answered this on another forum - my take is no. I'm sorry if it wasn't presented clearly, but the idea is that you don't need Cao Tzu to translate every piece of the map - your work with him is done. BUT, because the Map works around astronomical calculations and predicting the perturbations of Stormgates while compensating for the motions of worlds within the Spiral, you need all 7 pieces of the Map to use it: there's no X marking the spot on one piece that in theory makes all the other pieces unnecessary. Cao Tzu taught you to read the tables and so forth - you just need to have all those tables to solve the problem. That said, i can think of other reasons why a return to him might be cool from a story perspective, especially as regards future promos.

2) Will we be getting more MB Companions, I'm a bit bias to MB, but still, any chance?
I'd definitely like to see that - I'm very partial to MB myself, and am well aware that compared to the potential number of MB companions, the number we gave out was pretty low.

3) Will the newest update contain a new book? (I think I know the answer to this one, lol)
You'll find out. And very soon.

Jan 26, 2012
In the phrase of a question, this is the best way I could find to ask it: In relation to our pirate's story, where would the main charecter of Wizard 101 be in their story?

Like this: When our pirate gets broken out of jail by Boochbeard and Gandy, where would the wizard be in their storyline? Have they defeated Malicestare yet? Have they alredy defeated him? Have they even been enrolled in Ravenwood yet?

The answer I've given to chronology questions in the past is that the two games are running "vaguely simultaneously" - and I don't want to get more specific than that, so we can never get tripped up by the continuity.

Now, in general terms, we can use this to shed light on some of the points you mention. Figure that the Wizard and Pirate both begin the main story pretty close in time - the jailbreak and Ravenwood enrollment don't happen on the same day, but it's close enough not to matter (indeed, since the two are unlikely to ever meet, the entire question may not matter all that much). The biggest set of references one way or the other are in MooShu and Marleybone - your pirate visits them in the opposite order that Wizards do, thus we hint that the Wizard MooShu story is going on in some other Skyway while you're there - it may be just about to begin, it may have ended a few hours ago, or it may be in the middle - again, I don't think specifics matter here. BUT, when you get to Marleybone, the Wizard is by definition after Marleybone since they'd finished MB before they got to MooShu. Thus, we hint that the Wizard story is complete by the time you get there.

I hope to never have to get that close to it again. it's an interesting balancing act, and it's always fun to reference Wizard, but it'd get really annoying to have to do this sort of thing in every new Book.

Jan 26, 2012
Will PC reuse the Stupendor X in the future? I hate to see this 'ship' to be exclusive to one boss.

Given the Hawkulean effort it took to get that fight into the game, and the intense pain it took to get the fight fun and balanced once it was in game, my first response to this question is to scream in terror and dive under my desk. That said, you raise a great point - doing all that for a one and done boss fight diminishes the worth of that effort. It'd be great to see Stupendor return. The context would be the trick, though. It'd have to be something really gonzo.

So, my second response to this question is to steeple my fingers and squint evilly...

Mar 02, 2009
Blind Mew on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Will Kraken Skull companions promote again soon? (Or possibly first given companion)

They're definitely due. If it doesn't happen in the next book, I'd say it would certainly happen in Book 16.

Will Quest Finder be introduced soon?

Not my call - I'm not sure. But I think that would be an awesome feature to add, and well worth the effort.

Do we revisit Valencia?

The story pretty much demands it. Yes. Ha! Weren't expecting a straight answer, were you?
1. Yay

2. It'd be cool if it was

3. I weren't expecting a straight answer :), so i'm assuming we'll be able to ride the green/yellow windlanes into the huge Armada.....factory (Looks like BeachHead w/o cannons and is 10x bigger)?!? Or possibly a new Valencian skyway?

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Blind Mew on Mar 24, 2014 wrote:
Hey all -

Sorry for the delay, but this thread is once again open! If I take a bit to reply, please don't fret. I hope you take it like Commissioner Gordon with the bat signal - if I don't answer, it's because I'm busy (and trust me, that's a good thing).
Hello Blind Mew, thank you for taking the time to answer the fans questions during a time I am sure is creatively frantic. I have some questions that are related to past content and The Man behind the Mew.

1] I believe I read that Cool Ranch was the first world that either was put into developing or that was conceived. How did the thought of a cowboy themed world even enter into the minds of the great folks at KI?

2] In hindsight, do you feel it was risky tackling a world players possibly might view as non-pirate-y or in contrast was the team's collective feeling that it would be well received, so it was full-sails from the start?

3] Looking at in the rearview mirror, what is your take on how Cool Ranch was received by the community and do you feel that the risk paid off?

That said, (borrowing one of your newest phrases)- I must say that Cool Ranch was personally my favorite world and I am glad that your team went out on a limb and took that risk. I personally believe it was the most polished and creative worlds to date- hence the length of it. Not to mention it provided the down right funniest content, dialogue, characters and quests my pirates encountered.

I also rather enjoyed the Marquis Mark and the Funky Bunch quest with the great MW/SNL line of "Say hi to your mother for me, okay?". I too am a big SNL fan and a child of the 80s/90s (well teen of the 90s). So, my other questions (which relate to the Cool Ranch ?s) are...

4] Do you think that in future gameplay we will see any more classic SNL phrases/parodies tied into the story? Like perhaps, " in a raft down by the river", "...just 2 wild and ca-razy guys" or "...and we're here to a-pump...a-you up"?

5] Will we be revisiting CR, at least for a CR companion promotion?

If so I have an idea for one that could incorporate a classic SNL phrase...

Type: Promotion Quest for any Cool Ranch companion
Location: Maybe one of the Chicken Ranches
Quest Name: Agents of Fortune
Quest Goal: Gather more cow bells
NPC (Quest Giver)- Crispopher Squawkin (Chicken Rancher)


To get promoted a CR companion has to go to Crispopher Squawkin's Ranch, who informs your pirate that he is hosting a luncheon or meeting for a society of fortune seekers at his ranch. Only problem, is that the society is all mustangs and nags and ol' Chrispopher has a hard time distinguishing between the Brays and Neighs needed to vote on the topics of discussion. So, he has the idea for the members to answer Bray with the ringing of a cow bell. But he happens to be low on supplies and enlists your pirate to go round some up. Because in his words, "I just gotta have more cow bell".

6] Lastly, I know you stated you were a child of the 80s and you had the Electric Boogaloo Thread. Was this just for amusement or were you in fact an avid breakdancer...and perchance one of the original B-boys. If you did enjoy it, were you a fan of the Breakin' and Beat Street films?

Community Leader
Blind Mew on Mar 24, 2014 wrote:

On a serious note, will we ever encounter friendly robots? Like Data who was on our side vs Lore who was not in "Star Trek: The Next Generation." I still would love to have a friendly one as a companion, even though you said it's impossible and your reasons were good. What if it would look, talk, act different, so we wouldn't connect it to the Armada army and we could separate the two that way?

I'm still very leery. The situation you describe would definitely work better than a straight up converted Armada, but I'm still very leery about it.

Also, will you eventually explain in depth how we activate stormgates? I mean, we get a windstone and then we put it in that windstone page? Then what? Does the thing on that page do something? Would love to see an mini movie of the machine on that page sparking up and shoot a beam at the stormgate making it open or something. So we'll go "AHA, so that's how that thing works!" Also there seems to be gears or latches on it, am curious what they do.
That thing on the page is meant to be a sort of orrery/astrolabe that your ship uses to activate the stones. We'd hoped to build a big 3D one below decks, but we'll have to wait for ship interiors to see it. The way we presume Windstones work is basically this: the Spiral threads between the worlds are VERY tumultuous, exerting stresses that would shatter any unprotected ship that enters them. The Windstone exudes a magical field to counter this and get the ship through intact. Each thread exerts its own intensity of turbulence, that turn into general bands - thus, stones run up the specturm in color - red Windstones can overcome the strongest turbulence. This, incidentally, is why two gates to the same world might require different color Windstones. So there ya go.
And also, Grace is a mechanic. She can build labor golems, robots and machines. It would be cool if she built one for us. I also would love the little shooting machines that we encounter with Bishop and other battles as a pet or a companion. I mean, I bet Grace can reprogram it and make it work for us instead?

Wow that sounds amazing regarding the windstones. I honestly think if you added that astrolabe, it would make it even more cooler. It sounds like something that HAS to be added. I sure hope that could be done soon. Regarding ship interiors, is it on the radar for future additions? Would love a Captain's Quarters too.

Can't wait for the upcoming updates. I sure hope that it also includes a world or two. Am itching to explore more of the spiral. Thanks for all of the hard work you do!

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Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
@Trimond927 (continued)

Also, while I was in the instance with Medusa the Gorgon before the battle with the flying skeleton snakes, I don't hear hissing and sniffing sound effects before Ratbeard says his line, "I smell 'em. Look out!". Think that could be implemented? Thought I would ask you that before the update goes to Test.

Not a bad catch - the sound team has been hard at work filling in missing effects that improve the flow (there's another one from Aquila that may have been added already) - but I hadn't been aware of this one. Sadly, I doubt it could make it in by test, but considering that means we really are on the cusp of the update, that's good news, right?
So, what you're saying is, that bit may not make into Test for the moment, since it's getting closer and all, but it may be after the Test Realm opens again and the Live update to follow? Ok. Good.

Oh! I almost forgot to ask you this, Blind Mew!

After pulling the final switch in the end of Beachhead's last dungeon after Bishop's battle #2 in Book 13, I hear and see the explosions, but didn't hear no warning siren sound effect played in afterwards. Plus, that large Armada station doesn't give out a larger explosion after we leave the place via our ship as the quest's goal. In many adventures, when many evil villains' lairs built from technology start to self-destruct after either the heroes finished destroying the control panels or hitting the self-destruct button or mechanism on purpose, or villains accidentally hitting or pulling it, or et cetera, they usually give out a warning siren sound effect, or numerous alarms playing at the same time, with small explosions and various falling debris to follow, giving the "Escape!" feeling it should need of leaving the said lair before it explodes via a larger explosion that decimates the lair in it's entirety. I'm sure a usual countdown to that isn't necessary for that one, though, so there's no need for that to happen in Beachhead, but maybe in later Armada stations after that. Think that could happen after the next larger update goes live?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
Blind Mew, I get that you're thinking of how boss music is going to be done in the game, but if you're still not sure how boss combat music is going to be made in the game's worlds, then how about starting slow? It's my advice on this. Go through one world at a time, you know? This is the solution. Go through one world, starting with Skull Island, for example, have the game's composer compose new boss combat music for the world's bosses, both on land and in the Skyways, then add them in a small game update in between instead of being part of a larger update to bring all of it in one time, then move on to the next, and et cetera. Get this? I'm just thinking of ideas on how to get that around, but if you're still not sure, that's fine.
Bear in mind that our resources for music are finite, and that we'd have to balance any new music for past content with music any new content would require. Something like what you describe could indeed work, but it's outside of my purview - I'm content to let the Sound guys build their best process.

Also, the preview pictures after the Avery's Court renovation, I'm guessing there are some all-new Zones in Skull Island, right? And the Temple of Fire sounds like it could be another new adventure instance. Can't wait to see more, along with Advanced Pets arriving to the game, too!
You'll find out, and very soon! As regards new zones, the previews barely scratch the surface. I'm REALLY jazzed about what's coming!
I understand that, because you're more suited with the game's story, and all. I'm just dishing out some good solutions to get around that, you know? Just offering. Wizard101's Aquila harbored good boss combat music playing in it's dungeons, but only on some bosses for the moment, not for every boss, examples being some of the Immortals themselves, which I was mostly happy to hear, by the way, so I had thought to give Pirate101 a familiar addition. I'm not sure why W101's sound team took long to do boss combat music in the game, but at least they've finally done that. If only they could do the same to about every world, too. Regardless, I hope to see how that works out soon, even if you're content with letting the sound team do their best process.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Hey! I just had a realization moment, Blind Mew!

Rooke said that he would see to the Map piece's translation after General Tso presented it to him before he had his urgent business in Marleybone, in Book 11's end, but that would mean using the Scroll of Secrets, which was located in the Library of Contemplation in Subata. Governor Umeboshi said that they would be heading there to do so, but judging from what happened when we visited the Library in Subata to pursue and stop them, the Amber Horde was there first. I think they must have driven the Armada out, so they didn't get to translate the Map. Amazing! For a bunch of robotic puppets, they sure don't know how to handle a group of fierce, tough barbarians.

Did Quan-shi said it was taken? Yes, but who? Was it either the Armada or the Amber Horde? If it was the Amber Horde, then we would've been entrusted to take the Scroll back from them and return it to the Library of Contemplation during our quest to receive the 5 Turtle Balls in the storyline. Do we get to recover the Scroll of Secrets back from the Amber Horde? I was hoping for that to happen. I was sure we would find the Armada troops in Subata, but they're not there at all. And when we finally reached Cao Tzu on Maruzame at Book 12's end, he was fine, as if he'd never gotten a visit from the Armada at all in the first place, and taught us the translations of the markings, which I haven't truly seen how he does that, by the way, though I'm sure it's from the Scroll of Secrets. I'm guessing he's one to avoid the enemy so easily. Clever legendary entity, he is.

In any case, that's something of a big plot gap to rectify later on, eh?

Sorry. I was having so many questions about this when I was going through Book 12.

Thanks once again for answering, Blind Mew!

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 26, 2014 wrote:
I've this to ask, how do Puppet Shows get made, and what's the process in creating them? Maybe in a new Kingsisle Blog post entry could answer that? I would like to know how Puppet Shows are made in Pirate101.

That would be an awesome blog post. I can give you the short version: when we outline the plot of a new Book, we look for specific places that could use a lot of exposition to explain the backstory. When we find one, we write up the puppet show, and iterate on it a few times to punch up the funny bits and figure out how it will work visually. Then we take it to the puppet show artist (there's one guy who specializes in making them), and he works it up from animatic to rough to full color version. He invariably finds new funny bits. We have many meetings for feedback along the way to verify comic timing and to make sure we hit the right tone.

Also, speaking of Puppet Shows, I had my idea submitted to you about a musical Puppet Show for Book 7 called, "The Ballad of English Bill", that explains how English Bill had become the Duck of Death we've battled in the storyline, and thought it would be nice for the game to have a Puppet Show musical... I pictured that in my head and ears. Can you?
Totally - the origins of the Duck of death were a plot point that kind of got away from us. That said, I'm not sure we'd need to do it in Book 7. He might return, you know...

I know a musical show for a past Book may not be in the cards, but do you think that could happen later on in the main storyline after Book 15? I would like to hear a good song in the form of a Puppet Show.
We're looking at going back and putting puppet shows into places that we had to bypass before - you should see the first of these before too long, I hope. The feud between the Big Sky Hunters and Black Storm Rainders had a lot more depth than what showed in the live version - if we do one for Book 7, I think it will be that one. I am very fond of musicals...
That version is much appreciated, thanks. Glad to know.

Ooh...! Sting! And I had thoughts that destroying his ship might have the Duck of Death completely gone. As they say, nothing lasts forever, especially peace. Can't imagine how that's going to turn out. Well, if he does return for revenge, we'll be prepared. Also, if you're not sure, then I have one word of advice... improvise. I'm sure you'll have that made.

Ooh! Really? That's nice! If you're doing that, then I recommend you go for that one! I can't wait to see how that Puppet Show musical turns out! I could be dancing to it real soon when this happens... I may feel my heart beating to the rhythm, even going so far as to... (singing) ...SINGING! (back to speaking) Hey, maybe the forthcoming musical could be one of the... actually, the first actual musical made for an MMO game!

Also, if you're going for that, would it mean... we'd have to go back to previously completed story quests to see these Puppet Shows? Or do they appear instantly after clearing the quests?

Once again, thanks for answering!

Dec 13, 2008
So, in the video of Spring 2014, the announcer mentions a Skull Island expansion. Is this part of Book 15? Or just an update to free-to-play areas?

Dec 22, 2010
is the entry into ithaca skyway in aquila a reference to the lord of the rings after the fellowship leaves lothlorien?

Fishy Devesh Higgins - Level 63 Buccaneer
Nautical Level 42
Firstmate: Catbeard
"Let's set the skies on fire! - Monkey King

Apr 23, 2013
sense Monkey King is a celestial trickster is his home wold celestia?

Apr 06, 2009
I have one quick question! Will we ever get more "boss companions" that we unlock through badges?

Jul 27, 2012
clockworkAngelPrin... on Mar 28, 2014 wrote:
sense Monkey King is a celestial trickster is his home wold celestia?
I hope I am not being impertinent coming in here, but I may be able to help you, clockwork Angel Princess. Monkey King is an important folklore figure in China, being one of the heroes of the great classic tale, Journey to the West, which is splendidly and gently parodied in our adventures in Chapter 27 (entitled, very helpfully, 'Journey to the West'). And yes, in classic tales he really did get a mountain dropped on him (mostly for being overwhelmingly arrogant and annoying, and the Buddha just had enough...) Being an immortal, Monkey King is subject to the Heavenly Emperor and his Court, also called the 'Celestial Emperor'... not that this matters a whole lot, as Monkey King is always ignoring rules and getting into mischief. Still, his home world would be Mooshu, as this is the setting for his story. Though in Pirate101, you never know... there could be connections elsewhere...

Monkey King is a very popular character in Chinese operas, and in the short time I spent in China I saw that he was well-beloved in children's cartoons!