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Story Thread 5: More Musings

Jan 26, 2012

I was wandering around skull island and by the apartment chamber I noticed a buiding called Tinkeys Warehouse and was wondering what quest or thing it was used for.

It shows up in a Milo Graytail promotion quest.

Jan 26, 2012

1. With Napoleguin free, wouldn't other worlds be concerned? He's a military mastermind, who in real life, tripled France's size and brought a "democracy" (french revolution was a bit shaky) that had the kings of europe afraid that the democracy and ideas of a republic would ruin their royalty, and it took most of the powers of europe and a land war in Asia to truly bring Napoleon down. And with Napoleguin free to help Gortez win his revolution, what will the other powers of the spiral think?

A VERY good question. Yes, our Napoleguin parallel would definitely presume that the other Spiral powers would be very nervous (indeed terrified) about it. But bear in mind the two biggest players (Marleybone and Valencia) are a bit busy at the moment. Monquista is getting along with he Penguin (at least for the moment). And as for Polaris... well, let's just say that once his obligations to Monquista were finished, Napoleguin went home to set his house in order. It'll keep him busy for a while.

2. With the question raised of who's the person who took the El Dorado crew pic, this also brings in the question: why didn't said hypothetical 8th person get a piece of the map?
Why indeed? Learning a thing or two more about the expedition will help clear that up.

3. It's a bit obvious that Skull Island, movie-wise, is in King Kong, full of lost dinosaurs, angry natives, and the big man himself, King Kong. Has doing something with King Kong and the pirates ever crossed your mind?

it has, though doing mega-scale monsters is a bit beyond our scope (the Stupendor X fight is as close as we can come, and that was a nightmare). I'd rather leave Kong out that fail to do him justice.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012

4. How will you handle the dad in the game, since each character we make has a different set of hair, eyes, and skin color than the other characters? I'm assuming since the PC's mother is in the pic, a model or sketch of what she looks like has been made.

The issues you bring up are all very real. Given that, I can think of an excellent way to handle him...

5. Being a history lover myself, I want to ask, in your opinion: What's your favorite historical topic to study? (I'm purely in love with Rome, with vikings/ norse culture as a runner up)

I used to be a sucker for European History, the older the better. But over time I've gotten much more modern in my tastes - 20th Century history is amazing, and to me the revelations I got in learning about the 19th century, and how all its big events gave rise to the modern world, was truly awesome. I remain too much of a gamer to lose sight of the old-old stuff, though, rest assured.

Also, I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism: I honestly thought that Aquila was the least best (aka worst) world in P101. I thought that doing it all in one book really just crammed too many greek myth-y things and events to do, and it really should have been separated into two books... to make it seem more memorable and more impactful.
I see you rpoints, and are not offended at all. There were some big changes that happened in Aquila over the course of development - I lost a bit I wanted to do, and its replacement ended up being a bit bigger than I planned for. We ended up with a story that was about 1.5 Books long - too big for one, but splitting it would leave two really wimpy books, and making Aquila even longer was just beyond our power given the sheer size of the update. So we went big. The suitors? Yes, less than epic, but true to the sources. I was hoping the serious plot revelations at the tail end would balance things.

Jan 26, 2012
@Noble Arthur Fairl...
(sorry, I couldn't seem to get the rest of your name)

do you have any other doc who refferences
Yup! We don't go as far as Wizard has, but there are more than a few in Marleybone. In fact, there's one in the War Golem quest line that I haven't seen get raised in the threads yet. i wonder if we got it by y'all...

Jan 26, 2012

1. Since Gracie is a part of our crew, does she know about how we started the war with Marleybone and Valencia, or does she not know?

OH WOW! That is a serious oversight on my part. I'd been thinking about writing that scene on the Isle of Fetch so long (before we'd even thought of Gracie, much less giving her out as a Companion) that she slipped my mind. My first thought was "well, she'd never hear about it" - but she's there on Fetch. Hard for the cat to stay in that bag. Long as that scene is, looks like some revision is in order.

2. Would we ever find out why Lucky Jack Russell wears a mask? Or possibly see him without it?
It's just that they're terribly comfortable. He thinks everyone will be wearing them in the future. Seeing him without it may be tricky...

3. Can you give us an oblique hint even in the slightest about the Aquilan Coliseum seen in the teaser?

Hmmmm... It's big, and you'll get to go there. Two hints!

Jan 26, 2012
This is my only question I have. Since skyways are like the sky, could we ever fly blimps or old fashioned airplanes in the skyways? An old fashioned airplane would be way too cool!

Not a bad question - given speed factors and the way they maneuver, I'm nut sure that planes would be very viable - also, how would they do deckside combat? Now blimps, on the other hand...

Jan 26, 2012

On a serious note, will we ever encounter friendly robots? Like Data who was on our side vs Lore who was not in "Star Trek: The Next Generation." I still would love to have a friendly one as a companion, even though you said it's impossible and your reasons were good. What if it would look, talk, act different, so we wouldn't connect it to the Armada army and we could separate the two that way?

I'm still very leery. The situation you describe would definitely work better than a straight up converted Armada, but I'm still very leery about it.

Also, will you eventually explain in depth how we activate stormgates? I mean, we get a windstone and then we put it in that windstone page? Then what? Does the thing on that page do something? Would love to see an mini movie of the machine on that page sparking up and shoot a beam at the stormgate making it open or something. So we'll go "AHA, so that's how that thing works!" Also there seems to be gears or latches on it, am curious what they do.
That thing on the page is meant to be a sort of orrery/astrolabe that your ship uses to activate the stones. We'd hoped to build a big 3D one below decks, but we'll have to wait for ship interiors to see it. The way we presume Windstones work is basically this: the Spiral threads between the worlds are VERY tumultuous, exerting stresses that would shatter any unprotected ship that enters them. The Windstone exudes a magical field to counter this and get the ship through intact. Each thread exerts its own intensity of turbulence, that turn into general bands - thus, stones run up the specturm in color - red Windstones can overcome the strongest turbulence. This, incidentally, is why two gates to the same world might require different color Windstones. So there ya go.

Jan 26, 2012
Will you ever make a video on how Kingsisle made Pirate101?

Not my call - I'd love to be a part of one, but i worry that it would distract us a lot. A video about building a current update would be cool, but going back and giving info about the old days before we went live would be very hard to do.

In any of Ratbeard's future promotions will we encounter any Waponis?

That'd be cool, but finding an area to squeeze level appropriate Waponis in would be tricky (not to mention dangerous for anybody of average Skull Island level who might wander through). That said, Ratbeard's relationship with the Waponis is a thread we left unresolved, and those are ideal promo fodder...

Will there be any more encounters of The Rat Pack?

See above. I really like them though, so that's definitely a point in their favor. I'd love to do more with them.

Jan 26, 2012
Hey all -

Sorry for the delay, but this thread is once again open! If I take a bit to reply, please don't fret. I hope you take it like Commissioner Gordon with the bat signal - if I don't answer, it's because I'm busy (and trust me, that's a good thing).

Community Leader
Heya Blind Mew, glad the thread's re-open, I do have a couple questions!

1) Will we be revisiting Cao Tzu, when the Map is complete?
2) Will we be getting more MB Companions, I'm a bit bias to MB, but still, any chance?
3) Will the newest update contain a new book? (I think I know the answer to this one, lol)

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Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Blind Mew on Mar 24, 2014 wrote:
Hey all -

Sorry for the delay, but this thread is once again open! If I take a bit to reply, please don't fret. I hope you take it like Commissioner Gordon with the bat signal - if I don't answer, it's because I'm busy (and trust me, that's a good thing).
I understand totally Sir Mew. Any time you are swamped and ticking tapping away means more cool goodies for us are being cooked up and that is Always good. The more you take your time the better things get be it the game or your musings. But since you are here...............x Huge Chrissy Hug x. Thanks for all the hard work you have been going through. Feel free to pass that along to any employee that seems to need one.
Oh I DO hope you are a Hugga, if not then ok, I understand, feel free to convert it to an encouraging smile that warms the barnacles of their hearts.

Mar 02, 2009

Will Kraken Skull companions promote again soon? (Or possibly first given companion)
Will Quest Finder be introduced soon?
Do we revisit Valencia?

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on Mar 19, 2014 wrote:
Well, what I mean is, from the times I've heard the voices of Gortez, Deacon, and Lieutenant Smollet, for examples, they're those characters that have had performed some same written lines, but have vocally revised them during the course of the game's update to make them sound more better than before... Not to criticize, mind you. Just stating out my opinions. At least... well... that's what I figure from my perspective.

I getcha. On this one I think we'll agree to disagree, as we sometimes do.

Maybe so, Blind Mew, but to me, I think she should have said "Whoever that was, went up to the Rafters!". It was clear to me that she didn't see the ghost's shape when she said that line, which led me to think of how that line should be revised. Just thinking.

I see your logic, but I still think the line works as is - after all, a glowing, transparent though still humanoid shape could well be a "whatever' - I figure she did see him. Changing the line would be a bit of a hassle, so I'm content to leave it as is.

If I know how the Armada works, once they have found a Map Piece outside of Valencia, they deliver it to Kane in Cadiz... He should have told the Pirates that they were far too late to wrestle the Map Piece from him, if that's what they were attempting to do, which was kind of the point of that idea at the time, at least. That would be the reason why.
Well, he had all your time in Subata, ,Port Regal, and Marleybone to deliver it, and there is a Stormgate direct from MooShu to Valencia. He's had more than enough time - I figured he thinks it goes without saying.
#1. I understand ya. It's nice to know you understand that.

#2. Oh. Well, I had my thoughts that the church inside was dark enough to imply that. If changing that line would be a bit of a hassle, then I understand.

#3. So Rooke had more than enough time and utilized it to make his delivery while us Pirates were busy trying to reach Cao Tzu, gain entrance to Marleybone, and make amends to the consequences we've forged from waging war between the Armada and the Marleybone Navy back in Book 8 before he commenced his strategem. I believe that. Eh. Thought I would suggest some new dialogue lines for him. It was worth asking you that, anyway.

Now, then, on to new questions.

I liked the Puppet Shows you whipped up so far, and no doubt the latest update will bring in more, as I have seen that the preview that includes one, with many to come after that. Although, I'm willing to imply that the show is pretty much an optional Puppet Show, a first for the game because prior to the preview, we've had Puppet Shows that are parts of the major storyline and all.

I've this to ask, how do Puppet Shows get made, and what's the process in creating them? Maybe in a new Kingsisle Blog post entry could answer that? I would like to know how Puppet Shows are made in Pirate101.

Also, speaking of Puppet Shows, I had my idea submitted to you about a musical Puppet Show for Book 7 called, "The Ballad of English Bill", that explains how English Bill had become the Duck of Death we've battled in the storyline, and thought it would be nice for the game to have a Puppet Show musical, what with the singing and dancing, and all. I didn't know who would be singing the ballad, but my guess would have been the Dos Amigos y Uno from the side quests, but, you know, that's just a guess. I pictured that in my head and ears. Can you?

I know a musical show for a past Book may not be in the cards, but do you think that could happen later on in the main storyline after Book 15? I would like to hear a good song in the form of a Puppet Show.

Also, while I was in the instance with Medusa the Gorgon before the battle with the flying skeleton snakes, I don't hear hissing and sniffing sound effects before Ratbeard says his line, "I smell 'em. Look out!". Think that could be implemented? Thought I would ask you that before the update goes to Test.

Thanks once more for answering my questions!

Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2011
A few questions:

1. Why did you shorten the free to play part of Pirate101? When I did it, we could go all the way to getting our first actual ship. Now you can only go as far as Traitor Cave. Why?

2. Will there be more skyways in seemingly done worlds? For example, Marleybone appears to only have Westminster Skyway, with no windlanes leading off into another one. Could another skyway (like Albion or Kent) be added later?

3. Who took the picture of Marco Pollo's crew on El Dorado. I think I know...

4. What are the languages on Marco Pollo's map? I know the red symbols on Argos' piece are is Celestian, but what are the others?

5. I think I know what Kane's weakness is, along with the whole Armada: Water. Don't mechanical things rust around water?

6. What will happen after the El Dorado adventure. I doubt our pirate will retire with incredible wealth...

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I get that you're thinking of how boss music is going to be done in the game, but if you're still not sure how boss combat music is going to be made in the game's worlds, then how about starting slow? It's my advice on this. Go through one world at a time, you know? This is the solution. Go through one world, starting with Skull Island, for example, have the game's composer compose new boss combat music for the world's bosses, both on land and in the Skyways, then add them in a small game update in between instead of being part of a larger update to bring all of it in one time, then move on to the next, and et cetera. Get this? I'm just thinking of ideas on how to get that around, but if you're still not sure, that's fine.

Also, the preview pictures after the Avery's Court renovation, I'm guessing there are some all-new Zones in Skull Island, right? And the Temple of Fire sounds like it could be another new adventure instance. Can't wait to see more, along with Advanced Pets arriving to the game, too!

Feb 25, 2012
i love the sneak peek panoramas, and thanks so much for staying on top of the thread! i cannot wait for the update . here are a few more questions, if you arent too busy:

1) will we be getting more companions with lines? with the recent additions of gracie, and hawkules, and catbeard, the crew of characters pertinent to the story seems to be getting thinner, with origin companions seeming to clam up a little.

2) why did the mag7 companions receive quest promotiomns? it seemed (up to that point) that they were not characters involved in the story, meaning they had no lines. what caused the decision to suddenly give them quest promos?

3) on a scale from one to ten, how cool are bowties?

Jan 19, 2014
Is it possible for the Mooshu 5, Kraken Skulls 5, or Presidio 5 to lose their speaking roles in the main storyline in the future? I know it sounds crazy cutting them off so far in the story but this is a concern. The more talkative companions the PC recruits, the harder it is keeping them all relevant. Unless you really stretch the gap between PC getting new talkative companions, I fear that in the future, the three groups will be demoted to speaking only for their promotion quest.

Dec 22, 2010
Apology accepted. I know you've been really hard at work, trying to get the new book ready, or the new world, or whatever it is! I'll be asking questions about the new sneak peeks: the advanced pets system and the panoramas.

1. Is Bestia a world, an Aquila expansion (or any world expansion), or something else?

2. Is the Colosseum from the 2nd sneak peek the Pirate101 Pet Pavilion that Massively was talking about?

3. Will there be a whole new puppet show based on the advanced pets system?

Something completely (more or less) off the point:

4. Will y'all release crafting, gardening, ship PvP, or PvP tournaments anytime soon? Maybe what's to come in Spring 2014???...

Fishy Devesh Higgins - Level 63 Buccaneer
Firstmate: Catbeard
"Let's set the skies on fire!" - Monkey King

Oh, and P.S. I finally made it to Aquila! The puppet show from Eaglememnon is probably my favorite puppet show thus far! Now I gotta talk to Eagilles about the war with the Ophidian snakes. Probably the best world.

Jan 28, 2014
Ahh, I have waited this moment to finally come!

I have some questions to ask, so I might as well ask here.

1: When you travel in a spiral thread, you can notice some World Icons. Some of them are identified and some remain a mystery. I can't insert images, so I might as well describe them. What are these worlds?

-One of the unidentified worlds is a Lighthouse on the left side with a bunch of these rocks.
-One of them is a green tree with a platform.
-One is a platform with a bunch of trees on it, except a bit more orange.
-One is a...Um...I don't know how to describe it. I THINK it has those Purple...Thorns or whatever? This one is really a mystery.

2: Is Pirate101 still in Beta?
Before Marleybone and Aquila came to Pirate101, Pirate101 was in Beta. Is it still in Beta or is it past Beta?

3: When we reach El Dorado and defeat Kane and such, will the storyline continue?
...or will it be the end-game for all? Wizard101 is pretty long, I think. Haven't played it before but...

Jun 14, 2013
Hey Blind Mew,

I know you're not a game designer for Wizard 101, but I would like your opinion on this.

In the phrase of a question, this is the best way I could find to ask it: In relation to our pirate's story, where would the main charecter of Wizard 101 be in their story?

Like this: When our pirate gets broken out of jail by Boochbeard and Gandy, where would the wizard be in their storyline? Have they defeated Malicestare yet? Have they alredy defeated him? Have they even been enrolled in Ravenwood yet?

Just wanted to know what you think of this.

-Miserable Elizabeth Hawkins lvl 11 swashbuckler

Gunner's Mate
Apr 13, 2010
MizzyPirate13 on Mar 25, 2014 wrote:
Hey Blind Mew,

I know you're not a game designer for Wizard 101, but I would like your opinion on this.

In the phrase of a question, this is the best way I could find to ask it: In relation to our pirate's story, where would the main charecter of Wizard 101 be in their story?

Like this: When our pirate gets broken out of jail by Boochbeard and Gandy, where would the wizard be in their storyline? Have they defeated Malicestare yet? Have they alredy defeated him? Have they even been enrolled in Ravenwood yet?

Just wanted to know what you think of this.

-Miserable Elizabeth Hawkins lvl 11 swashbuckler
Since he once said wizards and pirates are in Mooshu roughly the same time, when we're in Skull Island, they'd be in Wizard City. Monquista, Valencia, and Cool Ranch throw it off. So when we're in Marleybone and Aquila, they'd be in Dragonspyre and Celestia. Now, for my questions.

1. The stormgate battle music is exactly the same as the Celestia battle music in Wizard. Why?
2. How many features do our pirates actually acknowledge?

Oct 11, 2009
itsamemario4 on Mar 25, 2014 wrote:
Ahh, I have waited this moment to finally come!

I have some questions to ask, so I might as well ask here.

1: When you travel in a spiral thread, you can notice some World Icons. Some of them are identified and some remain a mystery. I can't insert images, so I might as well describe them. What are these worlds?

-One of the unidentified worlds is a Lighthouse on the left side with a bunch of these rocks.
-One of them is a green tree with a platform.
-One is a platform with a bunch of trees on it, except a bit more orange.
-One is a...Um...I don't know how to describe it. I THINK it has those Purple...Thorns or whatever? This one is really a mystery.

2: Is Pirate101 still in Beta?
Before Marleybone and Aquila came to Pirate101, Pirate101 was in Beta. Is it still in Beta or is it past Beta?

3: When we reach El Dorado and defeat Kane and such, will the storyline continue?
...or will it be the end-game for all? Wizard101 is pretty long, I think. Haven't played it before but...
1.) Nobody knows about the lighthouse. But, the other ones you're referring to are Wizard City, Grizzleheim, and Wysteria. All worlds from Wizard101.

2.) Pirate101 left Beta in September 2012. It officially launched in October 2012. It's been out of Beta for a while.

3.) I can't answer this one, for I don't work for KingsIsle. But it's most likely that they will do another story arc like Wizard101 did.

Mar 19, 2014
itsamemario4 on Mar 25, 2014 wrote:
Ahh, I have waited this moment to finally come!

I have some questions to ask, so I might as well ask here.

1: When you travel in a spiral thread, you can notice some World Icons. Some of them are identified and some remain a mystery. I can't insert images, so I might as well describe them. What are these worlds?

-One of the unidentified worlds is a Lighthouse on the left side with a bunch of these rocks.
-One of them is a green tree with a platform.
-One is a platform with a bunch of trees on it, except a bit more orange.
-One is a...Um...I don't know how to describe it. I THINK it has those Purple...Thorns or whatever? This one is really a mystery.

2: Is Pirate101 still in Beta?
Before Marleybone and Aquila came to Pirate101, Pirate101 was in Beta. Is it still in Beta or is it past Beta?

3: When we reach El Dorado and defeat Kane and such, will the storyline continue?
...or will it be the end-game for all? Wizard101 is pretty long, I think. Haven't played it before but...
I can answer these for you!

1) a) Lighthouse world is unknown, b) Green Tree - Bartleby, so it's Wizard City c) Zafaria d) Purple Thorns, could be Darkmoor or Wysteria, most likely the former.

2) Pirate101 exited beta on the 6th of October 2012 at 5pm Central (Ah, the Memories) and the Game officially launched October 15th (October 8th for Head-Start People)

3) Book 20 will mark the end of the Armada Arc, Book 21 will mark the beginning of a new arc. As long as we keep playing, they keep making! :D

May 21, 2009
Hello there!

With all these content sneak peeks coming out, I'm worried that we'll only receive side content...and I most certainly love new content, but...are we going to get the next bit of the storyline in the Spring Update?


Jan 19, 2014
Will PC reuse the Stupendor X in the future? I hate to see this 'ship' to be exclusive to one boss.