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Companion Ideas!

Feb 16, 2013
1.Mork 'Lor- Prawn WitchDoctor- (Normal Attack does damage in a "+" shape) (Starts with Coward's Bane)
Skills: Ghost Wail and Mojo Strike (Upgrades to Soul Reaver,Mournsong and to Mojo Blast,Mojo Storm)

Level 24- Prawn Genius

Level 42-Prawn MasterMind

I really enjoyed those Prawn guys in the Ghost Rats' Quests. (Looks like those Praw guys, with a few modifications in his promotions) (Buccaneer only companion, because I have come to a conclusion that

and are opposites and & are opposites, with in the middle.)
2. Stanley- Lagoony Brawler-(Starts with Second Chance)
Skills: Kraken's Coils and Triton's Song (Upgrades with promos) (Witchdoctor only)

Level 24- Lagoony Smasher

Level 42-Lagoony Destroyer
3. Eagle Eye Morgen-Dog Musketeer
Skills: Grape Shot & Raise Barricade (Upgrades to Incendiary Shot/Inferno Shot and Claw Trap/Bear Trap
Level 24- Dog Sniper (Redcoat with no hat)

Level 42- RedCoat (Full-On Redcoat)

(Swashbuckler only)

Will Send more ideas for companions soon!

Dec 01, 2012
redroast253 on Dec 8, 2014 wrote:
1.Mork 'Lor- Prawn WitchDoctor- (Normal Attack does damage in a "+" shape) (Starts with Coward's Bane)
Skills: Ghost Wail and Mojo Strike (Upgrades to Soul Reaver,Mournsong and to Mojo Blast,Mojo Storm)

Level 24- Prawn Genius

Level 42-Prawn MasterMind

I really enjoyed those Prawn guys in the Ghost Rats' Quests. (Looks like those Praw guys, with a few modifications in his promotions) (Buccaneer only companion, because I have come to a conclusion that

and are opposites and & are opposites, with in the middle.)
2. Stanley- Lagoony Brawler-(Starts with Second Chance)
Skills: Kraken's Coils and Triton's Song (Upgrades with promos) (Witchdoctor only)

Level 24- Lagoony Smasher

Level 42-Lagoony Destroyer
3. Eagle Eye Morgen-Dog Musketeer
Skills: Grape Shot & Raise Barricade (Upgrades to Incendiary Shot/Inferno Shot and Claw Trap/Bear Trap
Level 24- Dog Sniper (Redcoat with no hat)

Level 42- RedCoat (Full-On Redcoat)

(Swashbuckler only)

Will Send more ideas for companions soon!
I really really want a Prawn least I have Volu...(Volu's a RP character who happens to be a Prawn that was exiled long ago,and spent all that time in hermitage)

First Mate
Mar 30, 2011
Old Shelly
Tortoise Brawler
Level 28 - Tortoise Buccaneer
Level 58 - Tortoise Guard

(Prince/King) Spike
Echidna Warrior
Level 28 - Echidna Prince (Prince added)
Level 58 - Echidna King (King replaces Prince)

(Sssheriff) Sssampson
Rattlesnake Outlaw
Level 28 - Rattlesnake Shootist
Level 58 - Rattlesnake Sheriff (Sssheriff added)

Mr Gobstop
Goblin Necromancer
Level 28 - Goblin Shaman
Level 58 - Goblin Evoker

(Princess/Queen) Honeycomb
Bee Worker
Level 28 - Bee Princess (Princess added)
Level 58 - Queen Bee (Queen replaces Princess)

May 03, 2014
Oct 12, 2010
redroast253 on Dec 8, 2014 wrote:
1.Mork 'Lor- Prawn WitchDoctor- (Normal Attack does damage in a "+" shape) (Starts with Coward's Bane)
Skills: Ghost Wail and Mojo Strike (Upgrades to Soul Reaver,Mournsong and to Mojo Blast,Mojo Storm)

Level 24- Prawn Genius

Level 42-Prawn MasterMind

I really enjoyed those Prawn guys in the Ghost Rats' Quests. (Looks like those Praw guys, with a few modifications in his promotions) (Buccaneer only companion, because I have come to a conclusion that

and are opposites and & are opposites, with in the middle.)
2. Stanley- Lagoony Brawler-(Starts with Second Chance)
Skills: Kraken's Coils and Triton's Song (Upgrades with promos) (Witchdoctor only)

Level 24- Lagoony Smasher

Level 42-Lagoony Destroyer
3. Eagle Eye Morgen-Dog Musketeer
Skills: Grape Shot & Raise Barricade (Upgrades to Incendiary Shot/Inferno Shot and Claw Trap/Bear Trap
Level 24- Dog Sniper (Redcoat with no hat)

Level 42- RedCoat (Full-On Redcoat)

(Swashbuckler only)

Will Send more ideas for companions soon!
I would like if the Red Coat was for Buccaneers only, Whitchdoctors only, or everyone, b/c I really want one. I even suggested it already.

Feb 16, 2013
1of1 Buccaneer on Dec 10, 2014 wrote:
I would like if the Red Coat was for Buccaneers only, Whitchdoctors only, or everyone, b/c I really want one. I even suggested it already.
I guess it could be unlocked in the crown shop or something if you are not a Swashbuckler OR maybe you could choose between the Prawn or the Red coat or something, where YOU can Choose what companion you get, pretty cool right?

Jun 09, 2013
Name: Mister Skitch

Title: Marleybonian Beggar

Species: Dog

Class: Witchdoctor

Abilities/Epics: Beggar's Bane - drains health, criticals, and accuracy; Improved Mojo Blast 2; (choose epics)

Weapon: walking staff; beggar's can

Quest: Blind Mew Marleybone expansion quest

Oct 22, 2014
Oct 22, 2014
name: Cluck Norris

title: chicken ruffian

species:cool ranch chicken


weapons: fists and beard

quest: meet him at saloon in coopers roost

Oct 22, 2014
name: Porkie Chan

title: ninja pig

class: swashbuckler

weapons: dual ninja swords

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Sir Francis Drake, a drake from Dragonspyre, lol the name is so obvious, I wonder why KI hasn't used it?
For those who don't know: Sir Francis Drake was an English sea captain and second man to circumnavigate the world; he was also a privateer ( legal pirate ) and a hero of the battle against the Spanish Armada.
The Spanish feared him and called him El Draque ( the Dragon ).

Petty Officer
Jun 17, 2013
c4usticj3ster on Dec 16, 2014 wrote:
name: Cluck Norris

title: chicken ruffian

species:cool ranch chicken


weapons: fists and beard

quest: meet him at saloon in coopers roost
I love cluck norris but make him a cross between buccaneer and musketeer and he has fists and 2 revolvers but in marleybone gets modern weapons and a new look.

Jun 22, 2014
Harry Harrison -

Debut - Ape Swordsman
Tier 1 (Level 67) - Ape Warrior
Tier 2 (Level 78) - Ape Master

Location: Skull Island - Skull Island - Skull Mountain
How Acquired: Dialogue
Class(s) Required: All Class

Description: Friend of your Presido companion. He was held in Glass House Prison with Catbeard. He is a swordsman who fought in the Valencia and Marleybone war, until he somehow got captured. He has a giant sword who wears worn out armor.

-I hope you enjoyed this companion. I will post more soon.

Silly Noah Underwood - Level 56

Jun 22, 2014
Werefulas -

Debut - Wolf Sergeant
Tier 1 (Level 76) - Wolf Gunner

Location: Aquila - Nova Aquila Docks
How Acquired: Boss Fight
Class(s): All Class

Description: Werefulas was a evil mastermind of Darkmoor. He was going to start a war, until you, Pirate, stopped him. He felt terrible. He made it up by helping out a little bit.

Jun 22, 2014
Dundas -

Debut - Polaris Five Rogue
Tier 1 (Level 71) - Polaris Five Hougan



Timbers -

Debut - Polaris Five Bodyguard
Tier 1 - (Level 71) - Polaris Five Warrior



Toted -

Debut: Polaris Five Gunner
Tier 1 (Level 71): Polaris Five Marksman



Prina -

Debut: Polaris Five Lookout
Tier 1 (Level 71): Polaris Five Captain



Kitas -

Debut: Polaris Five Ninja
Tier 1 (Level 71): Polaris Five Spy



Location: Polaris - Unknown
How Acquired: Help

Description: Five awesome penguins help Polaris in crimes and war. As the Polaris Five. Every class gets a warrior from the tribe after helping them as allies. Every class will get a warrior.

Mar 24, 2013
So far we got our Moo Shu companions, as well as the Skull Karken, Parsidio and recently class companions.Here is a great companion idea this is called quest companion, this quest is based on your pirate(s) class. It will trigger an event and must go to a dungeon in a certain places to obtain the companion. The level requirement is level 65.

- A Walrus Brawler ( Male ), with a heavy harpoon weapon. From polaris, with vengeance strike ability.
Dungeon location- Skull Island in Scrimshaw

- A Cat Spymaster ( Female ), with a dagger weapon. From Mirage, with first strike ability.
Dungeon location- Valencia ( in the Florancia sky way )

- A Zebra Shaman ( Male ), with a spooky weapon. From Zafaria, with a new ability.
Dungeon location- Korkotopia

- A Swan Archer ( Female ) with a bow and arrow weapon. From Avalon with a new ability.
Dungeon location- Marylebone ( in the Abilon Sky way )

- A Snake Ranger ( Male ) with a sward and light shield set. From Cool Ranch, with hold the line ability.
Dungeon location- Polaris

This is my idea of a Companion the quest companions.

Jun 22, 2014
Name: Brittany Catson -

Debut: Singing Princess

Location: Cool Ranch - Tumbleweed
How To Get: Gather Things

Silly Noah Underwood - Level 56

Jul 07, 2013
c4usticj3ster on Dec 16, 2014 wrote:
NINJA PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(random Mooshu name, like River Walker)- Ninja Pig Apprentice
Promo: 35, Ninja Pig Criminal 54, Ninja Pig Outlaw (this makes sense because the ninja pigs are outlaws)
Starts with: Sniper Shot, Dodgy 1, Accurate 1
Weapon: 1st-Normal Small Throwing Stars, 2nd-Iron Large Throwing Stars, 3rd-Stolen Golden Throwing Stars
(another random Mooshu Name)- Ninja Pig Duelist
Promo: 35, Ninja Pig Brawler 54, Ninja Pig Spy
Starts with: Jump, Dodgy 1, Accurate 1
Weapon: 1st-Short Blade (in left hand), 2nd-2 Slightly Larger Blades (one in each hand), 3rd-Stolen Cutthroat Blades!

(yet another random Mooshu name)-Ninja Pig Witch
Promo: 35, Ninja Pig Necromancer 54, Ninja Pig Mastermind
Starts with: Jobu's Embrace
Weapon: 1st-A Normal Staff (stick with a few feathers hanging from the top) 2nd-Stolen Small Version of A Water Mole Staff, 3rd-A Crystal Orb

Sorry, no Buccaneer or Privateer. Ninja Pigs-Best thing in the UNIVERSE!

Dec 12, 2014
Name:Torts Blast
Pirate Species:Turtle Musketeers
Promotions:Turtle Gunner @ 23, and Turtle Soldier @ 34
Weapon of choice:Small Sparquebus as musketeers, big thunder bus at gunner, and giant dual thunderbusses as Soldiee
Get from:I don't care how you get him, just make him good
Origin:I came up with him because of Blastoise from Pokemon

May 20, 2012
If I were to create a companion he would be:
Kaiye Nataii

A Swashbuckler
Cow Assassin
A cow from Mooshu who was raised by ninja pigs.

He would start off with riposte
He would also be a kid

Charming Isaiah Thompson, Lvl. 35