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Karo's Lair or Joey's Place

Apr 28, 2012
I was about to enter the Sigil to fight Joey Karo. The name on the Team Up! Screen is Karo's Lair. The Sigil description says Joey's Place. The Quest Journal says Karo's Lair. It would be nice if they all agreed.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
The Helpful Pirate on Feb 14, 2015 wrote:
I was about to enter the Sigil to fight Joey Karo. The name on the Team Up! Screen is Karo's Lair. The Sigil description says Joey's Place. The Quest Journal says Karo's Lair. It would be nice if they all agreed.
You know, I think our repeat encounter with Joey Karo in "Wolf's Grievance" sounds very confusing to me... a lot. I mean, how could we have met Joey Karo again in a main storyline quest if we have thwarted his plot to sell the MooShu Falcon in the side quest that is named after the treasure itself?

If you ask me, he definitely should be replaced by a new different character during that storyline quest, & one that is properly suited to a new recurring boss enemy later on. If we encounter Joey Karo again in a new side quest or quests, he will properly remember us & will no doubt plot to exact revenge for failing to sell the Falcon. Don't you agree? Bring this thought up to the P101 team & I'm sure they will replace Joey Karo for a new character taking place as a boss enemy in that quest.