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Throw-back Thrusday

Jul 11, 2009
Ok how about some thursday / as a one day only chance / offer up all the old crown shop bundles & pets & companions that are no longer available.

I know a lot of us would really love to get a few of the old things

Please please pretty please / with a banana on top

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Oct 16, 2012
anecorbie on Feb 19, 2015 wrote:
Bring back the Boochbeard bundle!
If I could 'Yar' this post a thousand times, I would! A Throwback Thursday sale would be awesome!

May 30, 2010
anecorbie on Feb 19, 2015 wrote:
Bring back the Boochbeard bundle!
Except that some people would immediately snark because they have the swashbuckler cat that was never supposed to be re-released and now just ANYBODY could cough up a few bucks and get it and it's not fair and yada yada yada.

I'd love to see the BB bundle back -- I have two other accounts who would like some of the gear from that. But if it doesn't come back then it doesn't, and life goes on.

(If it does come back then it does, and life still goes one with one or two pirates rather happier and KI a smidgeon richer....)

Mar 24, 2013
That would be a great idea to have this event in pirates.

I can't wait to have that rear ninja pig companion on sale or a certain items from the Boochebeard Bundle like that cat pirate or the blue macaw mount in the crown shop for one day. That would nice to ride that bird mount through out the spiral. I just love that blue and gold/yellow combo color.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
Great Idea! I would love to see the old stuff return!