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Revising an Old Idea

May 01, 2010
As with the last few threads I've started, I've been thinking of Events that could be added to Pirate101 like they do for the Wizards. After thinking and rethinking for a few months I've decided to return to my first event idea that was a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's. Now before anyone says ANYTHING, just keep your hands off the keyboard and hear me out. It couldn't be more obvious that most people, if not everybody, did not take that idea very well. Though there are certain aspects I decided to keep, there's no doubt I had to change the plot around a different concept to make it more accepting to this game. So, sorry Freddy, party's cancelled. Here's what I'm thinking:
There will still be five young pirates (one of each class) and one main villain involved like before. The villain however isn't cursing the children, or worse, into animatronic suits. He/she is actually kidnapping them and trading, or selling, them to the Armada. The real plot behind this is actually a sort of propaganda. These children are being placed into five different "Armada Boarding Schools" located in different worlds, where they're brainwashed by Armada ideology. Our pirate's role is to find these "Boarding Schools", destroy them, and save the children. Once we enter the schools, KI may add whatever variety of challenges they see fit. But at the boss fights, we face off against one of the main five kidnapped children (whose now brainwashed and is wearing some sort of Armada garb), the teacher (presumably an Armada clockwork in the style of university instructor), and two other "lesser" students or Armada soldiers. At the end of the fight, the main kidnapped child snaps out of the "Armada ideology", whether through talking or a blow to the head from the fight. At the final part of the event, we find the one who's been kidnapping the children. Along with the five young pirates we rescued, we defeat this main villain and finally put an end to the propaganda (at least this attempt). As an added bonus, we also get one of the five young pirates as a companion; perhaps the one that matches our own pirate's class and has (at least) half of the same powers and talents we do.

So how is this version? I think I know for a fact that this revision is a lot more tolerable than my original. Please, share your comments about this event......(considerately this time around please). Thanks.
Golden Mycin Inglewood Lvl 65 Witchdoctor

Dec 16, 2012
It sounds really cool, but it sounds to similar to the nefarious 5.

May 01, 2010
Voodoo Cornelius on Jul 2, 2015 wrote:
It sounds really cool, but it sounds to similar to the nefarious 5.
Nefarious Five? I'm not really seeing much connection other than fighting five pirates of different classes.
I see the Nefarious Five in more connection with a movie I saw once about King Arthur: One of his knights (not Lancelot in this version) is in search for the Holy Grail and, after many months of pain and suffering, is tempted by Arthur's evil half-sister Morgan Le Fay (called Morgana in the film) to drink from a chalice she offers and join her side. The Five were tempted by Moo Manchu to drink his elixir, maybe in a similar fashion as Morgana with Arthur's knight, and soon paid the price for it.
The five pirates in this event idea are actually on a sort of parallel with our own pirate's background: They too were separated from their parents at a very young age and were captured by the Armada; although their parents might not necessarily be dead and we have more of a head-start with our foster parents.
Even so, KI loves to mix real historical themes and events into P101, and this event idea does stress a major historical and even modern theme: propaganda. Propaganda has had unparalleled influence on many nations, especially during the two World Wars and most notably on the nations' youth. I see no reason why the Armada wouldn't have developed a similar means of control. I suspect this event idea could also shed light on the role of Phule or maybe the unknown female elite.

Jun 09, 2013
Serpent10611 on Jul 1, 2015 wrote:
As with the last few threads I've started, I've been thinking of Events that could be added to Pirate101 like they do for the Wizards. After thinking and rethinking for a few months I've decided to return to my first event idea that was a reference to Five Nights at Freddy's. Now before anyone says ANYTHING, just keep your hands off the keyboard and hear me out. It couldn't be more obvious that most people, if not everybody, did not take that idea very well. Though there are certain aspects I decided to keep, there's no doubt I had to change the plot around a different concept to make it more accepting to this game. So, sorry Freddy, party's cancelled. Here's what I'm thinking:
There will still be five young pirates (one of each class) and one main villain involved like before. The villain however isn't cursing the children, or worse, into animatronic suits. He/she is actually kidnapping them and trading, or selling, them to the Armada. The real plot behind this is actually a sort of propaganda. These children are being placed into five different "Armada Boarding Schools" located in different worlds, where they're brainwashed by Armada ideology. Our pirate's role is to find these "Boarding Schools", destroy them, and save the children. Once we enter the schools, KI may add whatever variety of challenges they see fit. But at the boss fights, we face off against one of the main five kidnapped children (whose now brainwashed and is wearing some sort of Armada garb), the teacher (presumably an Armada clockwork in the style of university instructor), and two other "lesser" students or Armada soldiers. At the end of the fight, the main kidnapped child snaps out of the "Armada ideology", whether through talking or a blow to the head from the fight. At the final part of the event, we find the one who's been kidnapping the children. Along with the five young pirates we rescued, we defeat this main villain and finally put an end to the propaganda (at least this attempt). As an added bonus, we also get one of the five young pirates as a companion; perhaps the one that matches our own pirate's class and has (at least) half of the same powers and talents we do.

So how is this version? I think I know for a fact that this revision is a lot more tolerable than my original. Please, share your comments about this event......(considerately this time around please). Thanks.
Golden Mycin Inglewood Lvl 65 Witchdoctor
If this were to be made, I would expect numerous references to Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall.

Our crew would break into a classroom and perhaps Bonnie would say (in that wonderful accent of hers), "Hey! Teacher(s)! Leave them kids alone!"

One of the children might chant, "We don't need no education! We don't need no thought control!"

I would crack up if one of the Clockwork instructors said, "If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding!
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?!"