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World Idea!

Feb 08, 2009
Hey guys.. So basically, a while ago I designed a really long world idea over on Pirate101 Central, but I thought I would go ahead and post a link over here on the main Message Boards as the entire post wouldn't fit into the character limit, to give people over here a chance to view the idea. I accept and welcome any suggestions/feedback to this idea; so here is my idea for a possible new world; Corteccia.

Corteccia is basically an Italian-Renaissance themed world, with similar values of a Pre-Armada Valencia, which formed due to an adventurer betraying the Monquistan Crown by colonizing a newly discovered land himself, instead of giving it to the Queen of Monquista. Long ago as the Polarian Empire was beginning to rise as a power of The Spiral, Corteccia faced internal civil wars, until the Celestial Gods intervened; causing the society to forever be indebted to worship them in a yearly festival. Through this time of peace, Corteccia allied with Celestia, becoming a true force to be reckoned with, as their army grew as the society continued to develop.

As Corteccia is known to have the ancestry of Aquilan Scholars, along with the brute force of their massive army with the perfect ancestral mix of Aquilan Warriors and Cool Ranch Sharpshooters/Battlers, Corteccia is known as the world in The Spiral with the best kept secrets of knowledge and information, as it is rumored to have the largest vault system of hidden information in the entire Spiral. Your pirate basically comes to this world in a time of vulnerability due to some unfolding events, to try to get information from an imprisoned Scholar, who eventually joins your crew.

~Thanks for taking the time to read, and please leave Feedback/Suggestions/Changes! ~

Jan 21, 2013
AndrewMythdust101 on Jul 12, 2015 wrote:
Hey guys.. So basically, a while ago I designed a really long world idea over on Pirate101 Central, but I thought I would go ahead and post a link over here on the main Message Boards as the entire post wouldn't fit into the character limit, to give people over here a chance to view the idea. I accept and welcome any suggestions/feedback to this idea; so here is my idea for a possible new world; Corteccia.

Corteccia is basically an Italian-Renaissance themed world, with similar values of a Pre-Armada Valencia, which formed due to an adventurer betraying the Monquistan Crown by colonizing a newly discovered land himself, instead of giving it to the Queen of Monquista. Long ago as the Polarian Empire was beginning to rise as a power of The Spiral, Corteccia faced internal civil wars, until the Celestial Gods intervened; causing the society to forever be indebted to worship them in a yearly festival. Through this time of peace, Corteccia allied with Celestia, becoming a true force to be reckoned with, as their army grew as the society continued to develop.

As Corteccia is known to have the ancestry of Aquilan Scholars, along with the brute force of their massive army with the perfect ancestral mix of Aquilan Warriors and Cool Ranch Sharpshooters/Battlers, Corteccia is known as the world in The Spiral with the best kept secrets of knowledge and information, as it is rumored to have the largest vault system of hidden information in the entire Spiral. Your pirate basically comes to this world in a time of vulnerability due to some unfolding events, to try to get information from an imprisoned Scholar, who eventually joins your crew.

~Thanks for taking the time to read, and please leave Feedback/Suggestions/Changes! ~
First of all, Welcome to the message boards!

About this world idea, I absolutely love it except there is one problem. I know how you said pre(before) Valencia(armada) but Valencia is still based off of Italy. Maybe this would be cool in the terms of the professor coming to pirate101 and taking us back in time to old Valencia. Even though this wouldn't work, I love the idea. Keep up the fan fic!!

Au Revoir
