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An Orange's Guide to Witchdoctor

Nov 26, 2010
So as everyone can probably tell by reading the message boards a lot of people struggle to play Witchdoctor in the current meta game even with all the buffs given. That's understandable as Witch IMO is the hardest to use with it's extreme amount of versatility and it's not an easy going class, if you're interested in getting to Champion with it you MUST be able to sacrifice some $$$&time on companions and gear.

Understanding our Pros+Cons:

Pros of Witch - High Will (High crit chance on non-will units), great offensive spell based powers (Combo'd w/ Scratch) and Drains allowing for a very powerful late game in stall wars vs other ranged classes.

Cons of Witch - Lowest strength IG meaning the class that relies on chains will almost 100% of the time fully chain you, low dodge meaning you'll pretty much even with elusive 3 most of the time not dodge if they have tide 2 or an accuracy buff.

So lets start to create a gear set that helps answer some of these problems I've discussed.
(I've taken the liberty of linking the central wiki page of these items to the name of it here so just click on it if you don't know where it's dropped)

Hat: Corrupted Wushi's Hat (Tower w/ Mourn+Drain)
Robe: The Robe of Houndini (Fort)
Boots: Swami's Slippers (Big Guns)
Weapon: Nefarious Staff (Scorpions)
EyePatch: Death's Bargain (Shroud)
Totem: Grizzled Heart Banner (3 Star Beastmaster Banner) HAS TO BE 3 STARS
Charm: Spirit Walker's Charm (Absorb) this is the best version but Medicine Circle also works
Ring: Ring of Recalcitrance (Levy Call)
Pet Recommendations: At least have scent 2 (Or 3) with Elusive grant, Rally+Kraken Lam grant. The rest are up to you or whatever you get access to. This is just the bear minimum. Mine personally gives Webs, Scent 2, Grants Kraken Lam, Triton Song, Rally and Elusive.

Companions: I personally have fallen in love with (In this order) El Toro, Scratch, Nausica. They're an amazing core on how I personally play Witchdoctor.

First off Toro allows for amazing control for your scorpions as you can keep up with Privateers as well as punish other scorpion players or tree users who can't increase there units acc as they'll miss the scorpions, this just helps us so much with what our class is based around. Controlling the board and creating potential pressure and occupying the board with smaller spike lashing summons.

Scratch is just a staple this meta, not much else to be said about 100% spell power increases...

Nausica is a staple IMO, she gives us amazing amount of pressure and hard counters Muskets. You'll understand when I go in depth about how to react to each class later on in this guide.

Well I'm running out of space, I'll continue in the comments below when this is approved

Nov 26, 2010
Part 2

Class vs Class in Depth (Advanced)

Musket vs Witch is the easiest match up as we naturally have the advantage. Every class has an amazing match up and weak one. This is our strong one. All you have to do is have Nausica and keep her alive. Don't worry about your minions. Protect Nausica in the following order, shield, fort, absorb (Use 100% the turn you fort so absorb will be like 2.6k) then rush her in. You can also if they play passively use your haste buffs to give her 9 haste and quick draw+return fires. This is a pretty self explanatory and doesn't have any need to go more in depth. Nausica control wins us the game.

Privateer vs Witch is an interesting match up as it comes down to whose the more controlling player. The person who makes the most pressure will come out on top. First off if they're melee play normally and you'll win. If they're using Nef staff then this is where it comes down to control and could be a difficult match up if not executed correctly. First off if you go 2nd spread everyone out right away where they're in range of your character (4 w/ nef staff) but also separated so they all can't be bombed. Luckily since we're using nef staff Scratch's buff can be played from anywhere on the board and still given to our pirate! If you go first use the 100% buff then spread out the following turn while using bombs on there team. After this, summon your scorpions and if you're red use Toro buff while if you're blue save it until next round and move Toro up but out of range by 1 meaning if he doesn't have Nausica+Goro 6 away from his nearest unit should do (Toro has 5 range meaning he can walk 5 then hit anyone in front of him so this gives us placement advantage) if they have Nausica+Goro ignore this step and keep him back. Finally, use Nausica to kill of scratch and possible Bonnie's, ignore there Nausica for last. When it comes to late game line up and just spam them down with reduce mojo's (TBC)

Nov 26, 2010
Part 3 (Privy continued)

Now that you've lined up after killing all there companions and we're in the late game hopefully with 1 companion alive if not that's fine just going to make things a bit more grindy. Reduce Mojo is our best friend here and will allow us to just deal mass amount of damage with them unable to recover forcing them to go offensive. This is where you start to bring them to around red over time with spells+drains while staying 4 away so you can hit with basic hits but they can't and I have Witch Hunter+Readied spell trained so if they move up 2 they get Readied, if they move up then basic hit they give me a chance to chain via Hunter and negate there damage. So forth. As you see you start to create mass amount of pressure saving your drains as well or using maybe 1 to get back to full HP while at this point they're in yellow or red using up all there protections. So now you've drained there protections they'll start to heal spam to recover to full with any heals they haven't used. Just run away but staying in range of 4 so they have to move instead of heal (If you have a companion still alive). Over time you'll kill them as you can drain all there heals and still have your own heals via drains for later on.

Most likely the worst match up for Witchdoctors as they can play aggro and if we can't react we will lose. So how do we react? We rush them before they rush us. First off we have Nausica. Normally Buck's can't fit her into there team meaning it'll usually be all Buck's or El Toro/Wu Tang with 2 other Bucks (Normally Pete+Goro/Temujin)

If you go first, you're lucky. Fort Nausica, 100% scratch buff, Absorb rush her. Next turn Widow's touch there Peter Quint and move up Toro while killing there Pete with Nausica (If they fort him kill there Pirate, if he's protected, there temujin/goro slot) You can normally train Nausica 1 for 1 and sometimes 2 for 1 (TBC)

Nov 26, 2010
Part 3 (Buccaneer part 2)

Now that you've taken down one threat, scorpion into banner while applying pressure. Toro buff forcing them to now rush you but they will most likely be unable to as they would have to use Highland first to help Pete's haste increase. Levy first. If they highland you levy as you have scorpions up yes but it doesn't matter if you die. If they can't Highland as they did before and focused on Nausica then you're fine to Banner. At this point you just need to keep applying pressure while keeping your pirate alive. Shroud does an amazing job here. Use Scratch's buff and if you know he's about to die use up the 10 turn one so you can at least be left with using 2 of his buff's if not all of them. Focus down targets 1 by 1, Toro isn't a big threat so focus on Pete or the Goro/Temujin slot that you've not kill yet. Make sure to keep there pirate above tide so they can't frenzy without the risk of dodging. Finally you should be in the 1v1 stage where you can still shield+kraken while drain spamming them down. Most likely with a couple of scorpions. You can shadow step across the board or move out of range if you have a lot of scorpions still that will block his path forcing him to x2 haste to reach you. Over time you will kill, just play it smart and safe at this point and you'll win.

This match is quiet RnG based in some situations where if they critical everything (mostly there curse) you probably will just have to accept defeat but that's how the class was designed. The chances of that happening are slim so dw about it. But you have to understand you have normally 3 turns to react to the board vs Buckler which is nice. You can use one turn to scorpion+mojo buff, the next to bombs there team (or just fan if you're forced to choose between only 1) Don't banner until after they use there fog, also make sure to have a shield+Fort on yourself, toro buff, etc use your resources as fast as possible. (TBC)

Nov 26, 2010
Part 4 (Swashbuckler Part 2)

Now at this point they've probably killed your Scratch+Nausica. If not then you should use Scratch's drain/10 turn buff and nausica's super to use there resources and possible kill a unit. I recommend killing Fan first if possible. Now you can safely Banner and start to take down units 1 by 1, you need to apply pressure quickly or else you'll lose. Hope your scent pet shows up so you can follow it or it remove one units hidden then bum rush kill it that turn, etc. You need a bit of RnG but most of the time 1 unit will not get there hidden attack off sometimes none if you're lucky. RnG is a factor but with practice you'll be able to learn tricks to help you survive against bad RnG this is all I can really help you with TBH you will understand when the time comes my young Jedi.

Witch vs Witch is always a fun match up, now first off you need to understand that it all comes down to who controls the board. Focus in this sense in removing some big threats. For example rush your Nausica w/ a protection to keep Nausica board control. Nausica is huge in this match up if you can make it a 4-3 with them not having access to spike minion damage. Then use her to remove Scratch. Also use bombs+move in range for mournsongs to keep applying pressure. Remove Scratch+Nausica then remove all there minions and play your own Scorpion+Banner then line up for reduce mojo. You win. It's simple as that. React to how they move and try to be the first to strike. It's quiet simple.

Well that's it for this guide. It's something small yes but I hope it helps you guys understand some ways to play Witch in the ranked meta. It's not that hard you just need to be very controlling and aggro. Aggro Witch is deadly, just remember that.

Jun 02, 2013
Nov 26, 2010
witchdoctor daruis on Jan 15, 2016 wrote:
Sorry but this guide costs 40$ American
Then I better not see any comments from you on here about witch's being under powered or I'll be replying to all your comments with "Go do some chores for those 40$ American" it's USD btw not 'American' I:

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
TechnomagePvP on Jan 15, 2016 wrote:
Then I better not see any comments from you on here about witch's being under powered or I'll be replying to all your comments with "Go do some chores for those 40$ American" it's USD btw not 'American' I:
Actually, Technomage, Witchdoctor Darius has his own post on "What witches really need" It's very good and in depth, check it out.

Petty Officer
Jul 25, 2013
Hi, so I was wondering whether i could use the Wrangler's Ring instead of the Ring of Recalcitrance for the extra absorb if i can in fact get a pet with Kraken's Lam + Triton. Would it still work? Thanks.

Nov 26, 2010
Celestialmaster147 on Feb 11, 2016 wrote:
Hi, so I was wondering whether i could use the Wrangler's Ring instead of the Ring of Recalcitrance for the extra absorb if i can in fact get a pet with Kraken's Lam + Triton. Would it still work? Thanks.
It comes to personal preference, I highly suggest the Levy Ring over the Absorb though since if the Absorb doesn't break on a hidden units initial hit they get to keep there hidden making the Absorb reward the enemy in some cases, considering half of Rank atm is Bucklers the chances are you'll run into this problem more then often but once again, personal preference. If you find yourself liking the 2nd absorb more, go for it. If it causes you more problems then normal vs Bucklers as you get further into the rankings try getting the Levy ring. :)

Petty Officer
Nov 22, 2010
Um Jeremy....what happens if the musketeer you're facing has purge? As a musket my self, I can assure you I would purge your Nausica, super with Chantal as with my Nausica. May I recommend you make a video of you facing a musket on your witch? Other than that, great guide. BTW, in your SB guide, it's "quite" not quiet.

Nov 26, 2010
HoodooNerd on Mar 11, 2016 wrote:
Um Jeremy....what happens if the musketeer you're facing has purge? As a musket my self, I can assure you I would purge your Nausica, super with Chantal as with my Nausica. May I recommend you make a video of you facing a musket on your witch? Other than that, great guide. BTW, in your SB guide, it's "quite" not quiet.
The ranked meta is way to fast for purge, if you purge my Nausica you give up offensive that turn which in turn I could mojo storm/mournsong and keep pushing for offense. Over time you would lose from the sheer pressure I can put on you mostly if you fail to kill my Nausica in that one turn when you purge.

Petty Officer
Nov 22, 2010