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Not What I Expected

Petty Officer
Dec 16, 2010
After visiting PvP for the first time live, I did not like what I saw. It's TOO confusing. While a match is going on any player is allowed to roam free. It's distracting and annoying as you combat and battle. Another reason I did not like PvP is you have to wait forever just for them to end a battle. There's only 2 PvP arenas. Honestly, I like Wizard101 PvP arena. It was more formatted, less annoying and understandable.

Suggestions: There should be a ranked PvP arena. There should be a PvP with your ships. There should be a PvP arena in all the main worlds. Example: Cool Ranch: Cooper's Roost etc. There should be a level maximum. Like when I was battling there was low levels, and honestly I don't think it's fair.

Please Kingsisle fix PvP. Thank you!!!

Romantic Pearl Roland 44
Silver Valeria Xaiver 12

Community Leader
iUnknowned on Dec 16, 2012 wrote:
After visiting PvP for the first time live, I did not like what I saw. It's TOO confusing. While a match is going on any player is allowed to roam free. It's distracting and annoying as you combat and battle. Another reason I did not like PvP is you have to wait forever just for them to end a battle. There's only 2 PvP arenas. Honestly, I like Wizard101 PvP arena. It was more formatted, less annoying and understandable.

Suggestions: There should be a ranked PvP arena. There should be a PvP with your ships. There should be a PvP arena in all the main worlds. Example: Cool Ranch: Cooper's Roost etc. There should be a level maximum. Like when I was battling there was low levels, and honestly I don't think it's fair.

Please Kingsisle fix PvP. Thank you!!!

Romantic Pearl Roland 44
Silver Valeria Xaiver 12
All the things you mentioned are things that are being planned, as I understand it. The reason it's not more organized is that it isn't meant to be in it's current incarnation. The intent right, as stated by J Todd Coleman, is to figure out how best to implement PvP into the game. Practice PvP is just the first salvo. There is a lot more on the way, we've been told.

As far as it being too crowded, you can always try jumping to a different realm to see if there is an open spot. Or, if you have one of the houses from a bundle, like the Volcano house from the Boochbeard Bundle, you can invite someone there to do some 1v1!

Host of the Talkin' the Plank Podcast, where we talk about Pirate 101 every Friday!
Oct 13, 2012
iUnknowned on Dec 16, 2012 wrote:
After visiting PvP for the first time live, I did not like what I saw. It's TOO confusing. While a match is going on any player is allowed to roam free. It's distracting and annoying as you combat and battle. Another reason I did not like PvP is you have to wait forever just for them to end a battle. There's only 2 PvP arenas. Honestly, I like Wizard101 PvP arena. It was more formatted, less annoying and understandable.

Suggestions: There should be a ranked PvP arena. There should be a PvP with your ships. There should be a PvP arena in all the main worlds. Example: Cool Ranch: Cooper's Roost etc. There should be a level maximum. Like when I was battling there was low levels, and honestly I don't think it's fair.

Please Kingsisle fix PvP. Thank you!!!

Romantic Pearl Roland 44
Silver Valeria Xaiver 12
I must agree, i like wizard101 arenas a lot better because pirate101 arena, too confusing, We should also have like planned arena fights, like in wizard101. You wouldn't have to wait forever to get a battle if it was like wizard101 battle( pvp) arenas. The subject of pvp is to fight other players. With pirate101, most people never get to pvp because its not all planned out like wizard101. We also need more in skull island, and in flotsam, monquista, valencia, cool ranch, and mooshu in main towns. Example: Monquista, monquista city.

I hope this message is understandable.

Pirate101 character: Smart Autumn Morris
Class: Swashbuckler

Thank you

May 13, 2011
you dont like people in your face? place some traps. they literally stop them

Nov 02, 2012
iUnknowned on Dec 16, 2012 wrote:
After visiting PvP for the first time live, I did not like what I saw. It's TOO confusing. While a match is going on any player is allowed to roam free. It's distracting and annoying as you combat and battle. Another reason I did not like PvP is you have to wait forever just for them to end a battle. There's only 2 PvP arenas. Honestly, I like Wizard101 PvP arena. It was more formatted, less annoying and understandable.

Suggestions: There should be a ranked PvP arena. There should be a PvP with your ships. There should be a PvP arena in all the main worlds. Example: Cool Ranch: Cooper's Roost etc. There should be a level maximum. Like when I was battling there was low levels, and honestly I don't think it's fair.

Please Kingsisle fix PvP. Thank you!!!

Romantic Pearl Roland 44
Silver Valeria Xaiver 12
You DO realize they just released pvp you cant expect for them to do everything perfectly its early in development

Hi! A much better PvP system is in the works, but for now we've only introduced a "practice" or "simple" PvP system. You can read more about this from J Todd Coleman by clicking here.

*One-Eyed Jack, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
May 17, 2011
Talkin The Plank on Dec 17, 2012 wrote:
All the things you mentioned are things that are being planned, as I understand it. The reason it's not more organized is that it isn't meant to be in it's current incarnation. The intent right, as stated by J Todd Coleman, is to figure out how best to implement PvP into the game. Practice PvP is just the first salvo. There is a lot more on the way, we've been told.

As far as it being too crowded, you can always try jumping to a different realm to see if there is an open spot. Or, if you have one of the houses from a bundle, like the Volcano house from the Boochbeard Bundle, you can invite someone there to do some 1v1!
I don't have those houses, so I just go on the vadima server (it is very underpopulated) very early in the morning to do my 1v1.

-Dark Amber