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Stuck in skull island

Jul 29, 2013
I completed the traitors cave questline but cant see to find the quest to get me to jonestown or to get a skiff (im still on the raft). I have no quests left so im really confused. Jack is still standing in traitors cave with lasko but neither of them have a questionmark yellow or grey above their heads. Anyone have any idea where i took a left turn here??

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
aedanday on Jun 11, 2016 wrote:
I completed the traitors cave questline but cant see to find the quest to get me to jonestown or to get a skiff (im still on the raft). I have no quests left so im really confused. Jack is still standing in traitors cave with lasko but neither of them have a questionmark yellow or grey above their heads. Anyone have any idea where i took a left turn here??
Well, if only Jack and Lasko are there, I take it you have a membership or bought the areas you needed to complete Manny and Moe's quests. Jack's quest starts with "Sharks in the Water," requiring you to defeat some Crabs in the Grotto, and then sink Cutthroat Ships and finally talk to Captain Avery. Here is a link to the beginning quest:

Is it possible you didn't accept the follow-up quest from Avery? Check in Avery's Office for your yellow question mark. If it's not there, maybe you need to talk to Mordekai...

Sep 19, 2012
aedanday on Jun 11, 2016 wrote:
I completed the traitors cave questline but cant see to find the quest to get me to jonestown or to get a skiff (im still on the raft). I have no quests left so im really confused. Jack is still standing in traitors cave with lasko but neither of them have a questionmark yellow or grey above their heads. Anyone have any idea where i took a left turn here??
traitor's cave has a 3-part questline they go to the shack outside to continue one piece.. did you check p101 central wiki? keep us posted..
welcome to the message boards though :)
stormy jen silver

Apr 28, 2012
After talking to Jack in the Traitors Cave, you would fight Humongo Crab and Cutthroat Sharks in the Underwater Grotto - Cutthroat Cave. Next, you would fight Cutthroat Ships in Skull Island Skyway. Next you would talk to Captain Avery who sends you to talk to Merdekai, the Buccaneer Trainer. He sends you down the Escape Tunnel and you fight Sergeant Seger and Sneaky Sharky McFin. Return to Mordekai, who sends you to talk to Vadima, the Witchdoctor Trainer. She sends you to find Sergeant Seger in the Ancient Tunnels behind the Waterfall. There you have to locate the Ancient Antechamber and fight Red Dougal and Seger. Then you have to talk to Seger and then talk to Mordekai who sends you on the next quest "Shrimp on the Barbie"

If that doesn't get you back on track, let me know, or if you need help in locating certain areas.