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Will Musketeers Ever Get Some Diversity?

Petty Officer
Nov 22, 2010
Hey I got a membership again! Anyway, as a decent musketeer, I was wondering if we will ever get some diversity. According to only everyone ever, the best and really only team for muskets is Chantal, Nausica(or Duck), and Scratch. If anybody has any other teams they think are good, feel free to share, and hopefully we will one day get some diversity with our companions.

Feb 11, 2010
My musketeer NEVER uses Old Scratch, and rarely uses Chantal. As a team right now, my musketeer uses Louis Le Bisque, Pepe DeTorteau, and Zeena. My strategy is traps, and Louis and Pepe can supply you with two Rains of Mortarshells, and Zeena has that fire trap. I also use Duck Holliday and Rooster Cogburn when any of them die and I need to switch them out. I've gotten through 90% of the game without using Bonnie Anne. So...yeah.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
HoodooNerd on Jun 12, 2016 wrote:
Hey I got a membership again! Anyway, as a decent musketeer, I was wondering if we will ever get some diversity. According to only everyone ever, the best and really only team for muskets is Chantal, Nausica(or Duck), and Scratch. If anybody has any other teams they think are good, feel free to share, and hopefully we will one day get some diversity with our companions.
My team as a musketeer usually consists of Chantal, Louis LeBisque, and a melee fighter - often El Toro, Ratbeard or Ridolfo; depending on my mood.

Feb 25, 2012
Not the team I use! In PvP, I use Chantal, Anne, and Le Bisque.

Chantal for the range, Bonnie for the heal/reduce, and Le Bisque for the exploding barrels/bombs combo.

I don't use Nausica because I don't have her, and If I did have her I wouldn't use her for the same reason that I don't use scratch: I don't like crutch companions. And I've been quite succesful in PvP thus far: 21 wins, 10 losses, (half those losses to champions with more than double my score)

In PvE, I use random companions and have all companions available. the wild variance makes every single battle unique and fun. I found that playing with the same OP team time and time again simply wasn't interesting. a little bit of RNG in companion selection does wonders for keeping the game fresh; Its a shame that KI has made so much incentive to simply use the same companions over and over

Petty Officer
Nov 22, 2010
Well, this wasn't the response I imagined. However, I would like to thank all of you for breaking my "bubble". I will be sure to try all of your teams soon. 3 cheers for all of you!

Petty Officer
Nov 30, 2012
Well personally I have every single of my companions maxed out so in PVE when I'm bored I do random companions, same in PVP where a couple times that I've tried to challenge myself and pick randomly.

On a serious note when I'm actually trying to win, I use Chantal, Duck, as well as Yohr, the Grizzleheim swashbuckler.

Petty Officer
Jul 25, 2013
HoodooNerd on Jun 12, 2016 wrote:
Hey I got a membership again! Anyway, as a decent musketeer, I was wondering if we will ever get some diversity. According to only everyone ever, the best and really only team for muskets is Chantal, Nausica(or Duck), and Scratch. If anybody has any other teams they think are good, feel free to share, and hopefully we will one day get some diversity with our companions.
I can't say that musketeers will ever get some diversity, but Ratbeard and Exter are great replacements for the duck/ nausica slot, as they are both effective ways to shut down nausica and other high power units. However, when looking at some of the other classes, Bucks and bucklers also seem to lack diversity, as both of them usually only use a selection of maybe 4-5 different companions. However, as KI begins to add more and more worlds into the game, I'm sure that muskets will get some diversity in companions, and strategy. I'm sure when some of the older companions like Louis get new promotions, I'm sure they'll be more widely used in the meta. I mean in the future imagine if he got knockbacks or scatter spike :P. However, for now, the team of Scratch, Chantal, and Nausica/Duck seems to be working for the majority of muskets currently, at least before the Valancia P2 update, so why not continue using them?