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Regarding Bishop and Rooke

Petty Officer
Dec 30, 2012
I noticed something odd about Bishop and Rooke while battling them. After I defeated them, they got away!(Bishop got away the second time too, but Rooke was defeated for good the second time.)How did they survive the first battle? Is there a specific reason they survived, like the material they were made of, or was their defeat not severe enough? I hope Blind Mew can answer this, but if not, anyone else who knows can answer.

Jan 26, 2012
CyberMaster12 on May 13, 2013 wrote:
I noticed something odd about Bishop and Rooke while battling them. After I defeated them, they got away!(Bishop got away the second time too, but Rooke was defeated for good the second time.)How did they survive the first battle? Is there a specific reason they survived, like the material they were made of, or was their defeat not severe enough? I hope Blind Mew can answer this, but if not, anyone else who knows can answer.
Bishop's a tricky guy... And he has many wonderful toys.

We've had bunches of fights where baddies slip away to come back later - I recall all the baddies int he El Toro plot of Book 6. I can shed little light on the specifics, but the ultimate answer is he survived to give you a taste of what he's about, but so I can still use him later.

The interesting thing is the dent the pirate put in his ego. How will he respond, especially to the knowledge that he himself is vulnerable. Fear is a new thing for him. Were I Bishop, I'd start investing heavily in upgrades...

May 06, 2012
Blind Mew on May 13, 2013 wrote:
Bishop's a tricky guy... And he has many wonderful toys.

We've had bunches of fights where baddies slip away to come back later - I recall all the baddies int he El Toro plot of Book 6. I can shed little light on the specifics, but the ultimate answer is he survived to give you a taste of what he's about, but so I can still use him later.

The interesting thing is the dent the pirate put in his ego. How will he respond, especially to the knowledge that he himself is vulnerable. Fear is a new thing for him. Were I Bishop, I'd start investing heavily in upgrades...
Upgrades gulp. Also blind mew I have a question. Are we sure all of Kane's elit clock works are clock works? There wearing mask any one could disguise as them. Maybe even posiible allies.
Quiet Zachary Armstrong

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Doctor Z on May 14, 2013 wrote:
Upgrades gulp. Also blind mew I have a question. Are we sure all of Kane's elit clock works are clock works? There wearing mask any one could disguise as them. Maybe even posiible allies.
Quiet Zachary Armstrong
I remember I made a interesting fan-faction story and posted it in Deviantart about Pirate101 where it ended in the possibility of Kane being Human. We've never actually seen Kane to this point, so nobody actually knows what he looks like. Anyone who faces him in a battle ends up dead. Anyone who's ever seen him in person would end up dead, if he's as deadly as they say. What Captain Avery told us, he could of possibly assumed Kane was an Armada robot as well (as well as the rest of the spiral did). And remember that Armada outfit we made in Valencia? If Kane did, for whatever reason, come out of his palace, he could of been in disguise as well.

"Why the deception for the king of the Armada?" you may ask? Well, we built a disguise to deceive the Armada, did we not? So he built a disguise to deceive the people...

~~ Bloody Belle

Dec 01, 2012
Bloody Belle on May 16, 2013 wrote:
I remember I made a interesting fan-faction story and posted it in Deviantart about Pirate101 where it ended in the possibility of Kane being Human. We've never actually seen Kane to this point, so nobody actually knows what he looks like. Anyone who faces him in a battle ends up dead. Anyone who's ever seen him in person would end up dead, if he's as deadly as they say. What Captain Avery told us, he could of possibly assumed Kane was an Armada robot as well (as well as the rest of the spiral did). And remember that Armada outfit we made in Valencia? If Kane did, for whatever reason, come out of his palace, he could of been in disguise as well.

"Why the deception for the king of the Armada?" you may ask? Well, we built a disguise to deceive the Armada, did we not? So he built a disguise to deceive the people...

~~ Bloody Belle
Kane is boochbeards(or averys) long lost brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feb 02, 2013
i found that fighting the war golems was harder then fighting bishop or rooke

Petty Officer
Jul 28, 2011
Bloody Belle on May 16, 2013 wrote:
I remember I made a interesting fan-faction story and posted it in Deviantart about Pirate101 where it ended in the possibility of Kane being Human. We've never actually seen Kane to this point, so nobody actually knows what he looks like. Anyone who faces him in a battle ends up dead. Anyone who's ever seen him in person would end up dead, if he's as deadly as they say. What Captain Avery told us, he could of possibly assumed Kane was an Armada robot as well (as well as the rest of the spiral did). And remember that Armada outfit we made in Valencia? If Kane did, for whatever reason, come out of his palace, he could of been in disguise as well.

"Why the deception for the king of the Armada?" you may ask? Well, we built a disguise to deceive the Armada, did we not? So he built a disguise to deceive the people...

~~ Bloody Belle
there are actually 2 places we get to see kane's face.

1. the armada puppet show

2. the fan sites page, which looks more realistic

Petty Officer
Jan 01, 2013
Blind Mew on May 13, 2013 wrote:
Bishop's a tricky guy... And he has many wonderful toys.

We've had bunches of fights where baddies slip away to come back later - I recall all the baddies int he El Toro plot of Book 6. I can shed little light on the specifics, but the ultimate answer is he survived to give you a taste of what he's about, but so I can still use him later.

The interesting thing is the dent the pirate put in his ego. How will he respond, especially to the knowledge that he himself is vulnerable. Fear is a new thing for him. Were I Bishop, I'd start investing heavily in upgrades...
Delete this message! Don't give him any ideas! If he helps Kane take over because of your ideas, it'll be all your fault!!

Petty Officer
Sep 23, 2012
Bloody Belle on May 16, 2013 wrote:
I remember I made a interesting fan-faction story and posted it in Deviantart about Pirate101 where it ended in the possibility of Kane being Human. We've never actually seen Kane to this point, so nobody actually knows what he looks like. Anyone who faces him in a battle ends up dead. Anyone who's ever seen him in person would end up dead, if he's as deadly as they say. What Captain Avery told us, he could of possibly assumed Kane was an Armada robot as well (as well as the rest of the spiral did). And remember that Armada outfit we made in Valencia? If Kane did, for whatever reason, come out of his palace, he could of been in disguise as well.

"Why the deception for the king of the Armada?" you may ask? Well, we built a disguise to deceive the Armada, did we not? So he built a disguise to deceive the people...

~~ Bloody Belle
bloody there one thing wrong with that kane is the original clockwork so how could he disguise him self ?

Jan 06, 2011
truesaviorofthespi... on Aug 1, 2013 wrote:
bloody there one thing wrong with that kane is the original clockwork so how could he disguise him self ?
Perhaps Kane is the true genius behind all the Clockworks, and if he is indeed an evil genius, he'll have his ways. My question is how does the actual king/ruler of Valencia play into this? After all, to instate Kane as Supreme Commander of his Navy, he has to be alive, and it might look bad for Kane if he suddenly turned up dead.
Then again, if Kane is really just a human masquerading as a Clockwork, the so-called king might be another of his Clockwork puppets... the real king may have died off long ago.
I personally support this idea that Kane is secretly human, and I'm evolving a fan fiction around it, as I'm sure many others have done.
One more thing about the Armada: the two main bosses in Marleybone are named after chess pieces. I'm sensing a theme here. Will there perhaps be a Knight, or a Queen? And what about the King- would the King be Kane, or would it be his Clockwork puppet made to look like the real King?

First Mate
Dec 12, 2011
Lady Lightning on Aug 4, 2013 wrote:
Perhaps Kane is the true genius behind all the Clockworks, and if he is indeed an evil genius, he'll have his ways. My question is how does the actual king/ruler of Valencia play into this? After all, to instate Kane as Supreme Commander of his Navy, he has to be alive, and it might look bad for Kane if he suddenly turned up dead.
Then again, if Kane is really just a human masquerading as a Clockwork, the so-called king might be another of his Clockwork puppets... the real king may have died off long ago.
I personally support this idea that Kane is secretly human, and I'm evolving a fan fiction around it, as I'm sure many others have done.
One more thing about the Armada: the two main bosses in Marleybone are named after chess pieces. I'm sensing a theme here. Will there perhaps be a Knight, or a Queen? And what about the King- would the King be Kane, or would it be his Clockwork puppet made to look like the real King?
Well, I was thinking, "What if the true Armada creator never died at all?"

My point being, what if Kane was the actual creator of the clockworks (if he was actually a human in a disguise). Kane could had created the clockworks, then made it seem as if his own creation turned on him and lost their minds. He could had then disguised himself as a clockwork to fool anyone who ever saw him. Why, you may ask? Well, to deceive anyone who saw him, making them think that he can't die since he's a 'robot'.

You remember the puppet show Avery showed us? Where it was said Kane to be the strongest, fastest, and toughest and how no other human can compete? Well, that can't be all true. If it was, then it'll be impossible for us to beat something stronger than anything 'humanly' possible (since that's what we are)...

But anyhow, that's what I was thinking. Now that I've finished Aquila *SPOILER* and discovered that there's some guy that knows how to defeat the Armada, I realized that he is probably the actual creator. Unless it's a trap set by Kane (which I highly, highly doubt). Now, the only way Kane could actually be human is if the guy who wrote the letter isn't the actual creator, or Kane is someone who overthrew the creator and reprogrammed the robots to do his bidding, making the Toymaker (i think that's what this mystery-man called) run for his life and live in hiding...