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Story Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo!

Jan 26, 2012
Hey all - I loved how the previous story thread was going, but 13 pages and 300 odd posts was just too much to keep track of.

So - I'm going to begin a new one. The update going live seemed a perfect time to do it.

If I didn't get to your questions, don't worry: the last ones asked will be the first ones I address in this new thread. Once my first avalanche of posts is done, if I missed your question, feel free to ask it again here.

By the way, in addition to this thread, I'm soon going to post some "liner notes' about Marleybone and Aquila, what we were thinking, how we got there, that kind of thing. As soon as they're written, I'll post them in the appropriate world forum and link to them here.

Jan 26, 2012
So let's begin!

@ Tyteen4A03:
Back on topic, question for Blind Mew: Is it intentional that a lot of potential cave entrances were added to MB and AQ?

Absolutely. One of the quirks of our quests is that we like to double back to old worlds, especially in trainer and promotion quests. This keeps you from staring at the same skyways too long, and lets us re-use the places we worked so hard to build.

The problem: when we first build an area, we can't predict what our future needs will be. It's therefore easy to run out of places.

During Alpha and Beta, the number of caves in Cool Ranch tripled, and as of today I think we have one that's not in use. We tried to overbuild the big MooShu exteriors, but even there at least 75% of those caves and pagoda towers are accounted for. So for the new update, we tried to go even further.

There are lots of places you don't get to enter in MB - at least not yet. I fear we still don't have enough unused sewer doors or houses in the Isle of Dogs, but oh well. But in AQ we did better. I remember an environment artist grumbling that there are 35 cave mouths in Achaea. My answer: there should be 50!

Jan 26, 2012
1. ...I know it is probably telling but who is caligistro is it a valencian or someone else that's the way I'd like to put it so you don't spoil anything

Glad you liked it! As for Caligostro, that would indeed be telling. By One-Eyed Jack's standards, I let too many cats out of the bag at the end of Book 14 already, so I'll just repeat what we revealed there: whoever or whatever Cagliostro is, Valencia is where you'll look for it.

2. Meowiarty it was nice to see him in chains after wizard101 will he ver have any important role or was that his only role in the game

Uncertain. I really like what we were able to do with him, and love writing dialogue for him. He may return, but even if he doesn't I think we did him justice, and that was my goal. And he wasn't in chains, by the way, just behind bars. I expect he has it rather cushy in there, due to his influence.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
3. I was very pleased that catbeard joined our crew since a lot of people wanted him so what's the chances of seeing these three as companions one eyed jack, blind mew, and calico jake or will their be more companions that we have seen before so that you don't have to answer specifically

It's a real pain to take an existing NPC out of the world to join them to your crew. The more they do, the more of a pain it is. It was tricky to manage it with Catbeard, and I can say it'd be a nightmare for Jack or Blind mew. It would also take them off the table for future quest use. Calico Jake, on the other hand...

4. I believe someone mentioned something about making Kane human which made want to ask are any or will their be an armada troop that is human?

I'm not into the idea that Kane or his people are cyborgs or people in disguise - I think they're plenty cool without changing them fundamentally and potentially eroding their basic nature for a plot twist. The Armada probably has lots of allies and agents they work with that are flesh and blood, but they themselves are all machines.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
@Baronzemo0123: (last one!)
5. Last is that I know you said once that monkey king should be receiving his promotion at lvl 65 so does that mean in the next update he will receive his promotion.

What I said was, he'd promote within 3-5 Books of Book 12. That was back when I figured a Book would be 5 levels. This update went a bit beyond that, cramming 15 levels into just 2 Books. So forget about level. The soonest he'll promote will be Book 15, but he could promote in Book 15, 16, or 17 - or even later. We want the world to be appropriate to the promotion, so sometimes we stretch or compress the target range a little. He'll promote, don't worry. All in good time.

Jan 26, 2012
1) Is Aquila based off the Iliad and Odyssey with the overall quest to get Pollo's Map

The Illiad, the odyssey, and all the Greek myth we could cram in there. The trick was getting it to fit the El Dorado storyline, and I think we did a pretty good job.

2) I'm confused is it Golden Apollo or Golden Apoyo?

It's spelled Apollo, but pronounced Apoyo, as in Spanish. If you look closely at his statues, he's a chicken.

3) This is more so like a typo, but in several quests it says that Achaea is in Ithaca Skyway

Hmmmmm... Report that.

4) Why didn't we get the Eagles that look like the Stern General Eagleamemnon or any Cyclops companions? Or are they side companions that a certain class gets and I have to search for them?

We wanted to hold some guys in reserve for future use as companions. Argos joins one class, but regular Cyclopses don't join anybody - yet.

To be continued...

Jan 26, 2012
5) Finally, why don't the Foxes of Albion get better independence the Civil and legal way instead of trying to make Marleybone lose the War (I mean they are toast if MB loses the war, don't they know that the Armada is heartless, soulless and ruthless?) It makes more sense and is less bloody, in my opinion anyway.

Well, bear in mind that the Radicals don't speak for all the Foxes of Albion - they just happen to be most of the ones you run into in Book 13. Back home that there are many Foxes working tirelessly to win home rule, but it's been generations with very little result. The brutal truth is that it's not yet in the Dogs' interest to change things. Thus, some of the Foxes are looking to violence as a solution. The Radicals don't know much about the Armada - they see the threat of crippling Marleybone as leverage they can use to get what they want. Bonnie Anne agrees with you, if it's any consolation.

Jan 26, 2012
OK, I've finally read though all the pages and it seems you guys were talking and asking about betrayal. I know we've had enough of this stuff, but I want to show you guys something you didn't notice: Blind Mew never said that someone from our side was betraying us, he just said there would be betrayals. Maybe someone from a bad guy team might betray his team. Or someone from Monquista, Cool Ranch, or some other place might betray their team. Hopefully this will calm you guys down about your companions possibly betraying you.

Am I on the right track, Blind Mew?

Oh yeah - betrayals outside your crew will continue to be very common - this is still a pirate game, after all...

Petty Officer
Nov 21, 2010
Dec 28, 2010
I know this is off topic but do you think that Wizards will experience Aquila to?

May 21, 2009
When I asked a few questions a few months back I had no idea it would turn into a 300-odd thread and a SECOND story thread. Yowzas. Well, onto the questions....

1. Is it more likely for you guys to create side-storylines in an existing world with side skyways (i.e. Gibbonia to Monquista, Albion to Marleybone, Florenzia to Valencia) rather than entire side worlds like Grizzleheim was designed for Wizard? It would be pretty neat having a nice side story.
2. Duck Holliday seems quite the scoundrel, in his own words. Are we going to learn more about him in a future promotion?
3. I was really surprised with the Professor Challenger NPC, as well as all the 'Doctor Who' references in Fetch! I was a bit disappointed that 'the Professor', Wizard101's version of the Doctor, didn't appear. Any thoughts?
4. The Banana Seed Heresy was mentioned in Monquista before we get to Aquila - will it be expanded upon?
5. I assume Gracie Conrad, Catbeard, and Hawkules will all eventually receive promotion quests, correct? And as you mentioned in an above post, whose class does Argos join?
6. Speaking of Argos - if he joins a class, does that make him a side-companion? Because as a keeper of Marco Pollo's Map Piece, shouldn't he have an important character role like Catbeard?
7. Will the situation in Rajah, as a completely controlled world courtesy of Marleybone, be talked about?
8. Umm...Electric Boogaloo? I don't quite get the reference....

Jul 27, 2012
Peabotz on May 23, 2013 wrote:
Should you be break dancing at your age?
Ha, ha, ha! thump (falling off chair laughing). Perhaps doing the 'Electric Slide' instead?
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Hey, Blind Mew, since you started fresh with the new story thread, I ask you this.

That certain Valencian genius Captian Avery mentioned during the game's 5th Puppet Show, who constructed Supreme Commander Kane and the Clockwork Armada troops and their Elites during the Polarian War years ago, I think that certain genius must be the same Valencian creator, King Casimir, correct? His name was mentioned in the game's website, but not in the game itself... yet. Will his name be mentioned in the game soon? And will we ever get to hear of King Casimir's origins about the Armada's creation before his passing... I guess?

May 06, 2009
Ah! Blind Mew, this is a wonderful way to start things fresh from all the clutter that was piling up on the other, popular post! Though I think you're a tad bit late on spring cleaning. No, only I kid! But I do have some questions cluttering my mind that I'm hoping you can clear out:

1. Marleybone has many colonies and stations around the Spiral: Krokotopia, Darkmoor, Rajah, Zafaria, Skull Island, and a Research Center in Celestia (I can already tell Marleybone and Spiral Geographic Society will be involve when we go we go to this world). My questions centers on Darkmoor. Rajah boosts spices and military arms for Marleybone. Zafaria provides trade for Zafarite (mentioned in Wizard's Zafaria) and I pray nothing more. Krokotopia has ancient artifacts and materials for amunitions. But Darkmoor? What do they need a morbid world like that for? Are the Queens for both worlds "friends" or something?

2. I'm confused on the Spiral Geographic Society's residence. They have another location in Marleybone City used as Wizard's dungeon and sneak peek to Celestia. Is it possible the one here is their main work place and Wizard's is either a way of communication or there old station now that is been run over by thugs?

3. Why were no Cat Burglars from Wizard included? They'd make fine Swashbucklers with Hurl Knife! Will we ever see a Snake Archer and Swordsmen companion? They're sooo cool!

4. It seems I have a very good eye, Blind Mew. I found that in Beachhead, you reused parts of Newgate Prision. I love all the graphics there [Beachhead]! But I thought you said it wasn't as time saving as just going custom. Why try it again?

5. Could Rajah be used as a means to reveal backstory for our PC, based off of what Jabal said? I think that could reference something...Johnny Quest maybe? I dunno but it came into my head lol.

6. IF we went to Grizzlehiem, would Wintertusk somehow fit in?

7. Since we go Catbeard and Argos, shouldn't we get Egg Foo Young and Christopher?

Feb 08, 2013
This isn't a question, just a comment.

A lot of people say Cool Ranch is too long, stressful, and hard. ( A couple of people asked about it, too. )

I actually take Cool Ranch as a challenge. With a short break in book 8.

Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2013
I was wondering.When wicthdoctors do the sato dungeon Kan po says they are giving us the mooshu bumbs rush.When the other classes do it monkey king says it.Would it not make sense for the mooshu starters to sayit?

Aug 14, 2012
i was a little confused about catbeard saying we had the piece of map the whole time. we were supposed to get it from him but since we never did. does that mean that there wasnt one to begin with and that he just lied. so we did all that work basically for nothing? just wondering

merciless martin roland

Petty Officer
Feb 13, 2013
Merciless Martin on May 26, 2013 wrote:
i was a little confused about catbeard saying we had the piece of map the whole time. we were supposed to get it from him but since we never did. does that mean that there wasnt one to begin with and that he just lied. so we did all that work basically for nothing? just wondering

merciless martin roland
Well you did fix the war you started.He never had his piece since it was the first one our pirates get.

Jan 26, 2012
Peabotz on May 23, 2013 wrote:
Should you be break dancing at your age?

Jan 26, 2012
Gobbler Junior on May 23, 2013 wrote:
I know this is off topic but do you think that Wizards will experience Aquila to?
I hope so - it'd certainly be cool. The world's fantasy themes are arguably a better fit for Wizard than Pirate, though I think we fit in there pretty well.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on May 23, 2013 wrote:
When I asked a few questions a few months back I had no idea it would turn into a 300-odd thread and a SECOND story thread. Yowzas. Well, onto the questions....

1. Is it more likely for you guys to create side-storylines in an existing world with side skyways (i.e. Gibbonia to Monquista, Albion to Marleybone, Florenzia to Valencia) rather than entire side worlds like Grizzleheim was designed for Wizard? It would be pretty neat having a nice side story.
2. Duck Holliday seems quite the scoundrel, in his own words. Are we going to learn more about him in a future promotion?
3. I was really surprised with the Professor Challenger NPC, as well as all the 'Doctor Who' references in Fetch! I was a bit disappointed that 'the Professor', Wizard101's version of the Doctor, didn't appear. Any thoughts?
4. The Banana Seed Heresy was mentioned in Monquista before we get to Aquila - will it be expanded upon?
5. I assume Gracie Conrad, Catbeard, and Hawkules will all eventually receive promotion quests, correct? And as you mentioned in an above post, whose class does Argos join?
6. Speaking of Argos - if he joins a class, does that make him a side-companion? Because as a keeper of Marco Pollo's Map Piece, shouldn't he have an important character role like Catbeard?
7. Will the situation in Rajah, as a completely controlled world courtesy of Marleybone, be talked about?
8. Umm...Electric Boogaloo? I don't quite get the reference....
Yeah, pretty cool huh? I've always loved this kind of interaction with players and fans, and will gladly continue as long as my workload allows. Now, on to questions:

1. I certainly want to, and it's come up in discussion a few times. I agree that it would definitely strengthen our setting by having things go on that aren't abiout the Armada and El Dorado. The wrinkle is, of course,schedule. I'd hate to skimp the main story or insert a really long delay in continuing it because we did a full side update instead of a main one.

2. I'm fond of leaving it vague... Though we might touch on it someday.

3. I grew up on the original Doctor Who, back in the cardboard monster days. References were an absolute must, since this was our Britain analogue. As for Challenger, I love turn of the century fiction, and thought he'd make a fun addition. Perhaps he needs to go to Azteca someday... with his colleague, Professor Nickelmass.

4. There's a whole big line of sidequests in Book 3 that deals with the whole "which came first" and banana seeds religious schism. Those quests offer a decent introduction to the story element. Will it come back up? I have some ideas about returning to Monquista - we created the whole religious schism as our hook if we ever return for more than Stormgate authorization.

5. If they talk in quests, we're committed to giving them promotion quests. And Hawkules, he never stops, talking, does he? As for Argos, he's a Privateer grant, I believe.

6. All the map keepers aren't on the same level of imporatance - look at Clark and Egg Foo Young, for instance. We liked the idea of giving Argos away, but not as a universal companion: we're trying not to do more than one of those per Book, and Hawkules wins that contest hands down. So what about Book 13? Well, I said we try... Gracie was critical to the plot, and ultimately we love the character of Catbeard too much not to have him join the player's crew.

7. Future dealings with or in Marleybone could easily sprinkle more details about Rajah. It's our analogue to Colonial India - for now I think that's enough.

8. Oy. I'm a child of the 80s. I don't think I've ever actually seen it, but the phrase has been part of me and my friends' jokey vernacular for 30 odd years now. Man I'm old... Suffice to say, it's easily googled.

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on May 24, 2013 wrote:
Hey, Blind Mew, since you started fresh with the new story thread, I ask you this.

That certain Valencian genius Captian Avery mentioned during the game's 5th Puppet Show, who constructed Supreme Commander Kane and the Clockwork Armada troops and their Elites during the Polarian War years ago, I think that certain genius must be the same Valencian creator, King Casimir, correct? His name was mentioned in the game's website, but not in the game itself... yet. Will his name be mentioned in the game soon? And will we ever get to hear of King Casimir's origins about the Armada's creation before his passing... I guess?
The origins of the Armada will be dealt with in good time. And never forget, just because we mention a name, you shouldn't go pinning them to every mystery we have. There are quite a few people in Valenica, and that Valencian genius isn't very well known.

Sep 17, 2012
Blind Mew on May 28, 2013 wrote:
Yeah, pretty cool huh? I've always loved this kind of interaction with players and fans, and will gladly continue as long as my workload allows. Now, on to questions:

1. I certainly want to, and it's come up in discussion a few times. I agree that it would definitely strengthen our setting by having things go on that aren't abiout the Armada and El Dorado. The wrinkle is, of course,schedule. I'd hate to skimp the main story or insert a really long delay in continuing it because we did a full side update instead of a main one.

2. I'm fond of leaving it vague... Though we might touch on it someday.

3. I grew up on the original Doctor Who, back in the cardboard monster days. References were an absolute must, since this was our Britain analogue. As for Challenger, I love turn of the century fiction, and thought he'd make a fun addition. Perhaps he needs to go to Azteca someday... with his colleague, Professor Nickelmass.

4. There's a whole big line of sidequests in Book 3 that deals with the whole "which came first" and banana seeds religious schism. Those quests offer a decent introduction to the story element. Will it come back up? I have some ideas about returning to Monquista - we created the whole religious schism as our hook if we ever return for more than Stormgate authorization.

5. If they talk in quests, we're committed to giving them promotion quests. And Hawkules, he never stops, talking, does he? As for Argos, he's a Privateer grant, I believe.

6. All the map keepers aren't on the same level of imporatance - look at Clark and Egg Foo Young, for instance. We liked the idea of giving Argos away, but not as a universal companion: we're trying not to do more than one of those per Book, and Hawkules wins that contest hands down. So what about Book 13? Well, I said we try... Gracie was critical to the plot, and ultimately we love the character of Catbeard too much not to have him join the player's crew.

7. Future dealings with or in Marleybone could easily sprinkle more details about Rajah. It's our analogue to Colonial India - for now I think that's enough.

8. Oy. I'm a child of the 80s. I don't think I've ever actually seen it, but the phrase has been part of me and my friends' jokey vernacular for 30 odd years now. Man I'm old... Suffice to say, it's easily googled.
Are you sure Argos is in this update? I know Privateers who finished the main story and did not recruit Argos. And I finished on a Musketeer and did not unlock him in the Crown Shop

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew on May 28, 2013 wrote:
The origins of the Armada will be dealt with in good time. And never forget, just because we mention a name, you shouldn't go pinning them to every mystery we have. There are quite a few people in Valenica, and that Valencian genius isn't very well known.
I wasn't pinning names on mysteries, just theorizing.

Since you have a main story crew that continues the game's main story arcs including yourself, Blind Mew, why not have a side story crew that's in charge of creating side story arcs for Pirate101 in cooperation with the main story crew someday? I'm not talking about side quests forming as mini-arcs in current worlds by the main story arc crew, I was talking about actual side story arcs taking place in different worlds made by the side story arc crew, and much like the main arc quests, side story arcs should also have Puppet Shows in them. Pirates may need to have adventures outside of the Armada Arc and beyond, just like Wizard101 has got it's side story arcs and it's arcs' worlds just to keep Wizards busy while the W101 team made new major story arc worlds. I understand that you and the crew want to get the main arcs going, but Pirates may need to have something to keep themselves busy while more new main story Books are made in the works. Hey, there's always got to be other treasures found besides El Dorado, right? Think about this.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, will we get to recruit Erika the Red someday? I would love to have her on the crew since she was with Marco Pollo's crew in their quest for El Dorado, and I'm sure there we'll get to see her soon. I really want to have Erika as part of the crew really soon as a universal grant companion in the main story!

This is a bit out of the topic, but answer me this. I've sent my idea about dungeon checkpoints and described about it. Will you apply the dungeon checkpoints feature soon? I'm all for longer dungeons in the game, but I would also like to see checkpoints appear in those longer dungeons. I'm sure many Pirates like that idea, so I'm hoping you do, too, Blind Mew. If this is more of Ratbeard's forte, then I'm sure he will agree to this. Thanks!