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Paramount Parrot Mount question???

Jun 23, 2012

I am proud to admit that I have the Boochbeard Bundle and was one of the beta players and have been hooked by this game since it launched. I have had an active membership since this game went live and have enjoyed all the things that pirate has to offer. As beta was getting its start, a first P101 bundle was introduced. As stated for the purchase of this bundle, all items included in this package will be retired once the sale was over. I really liked this idea, for the simple sake that it made us owners, somewhat unique. It wasn't the fact that I was showing off by riding high on the back of a parrot. It was the fact that it was a one time gift from KI for backing the game at the start.

So now I come back to the game after a short delay only to find that there are 7 day parrot mounts. I'm not angry at the fact others are riding around on birds, but why does it have to be the same parrot mount? If the colors were different or a different skin, I wouldn't care.

Now I know that these mounts were only available during the birthday/Christmas time frame and I realize that the mounts will only last a few days but I wonder what others think about this. Should KI remove the mounts before the next birthday/Christmas gifts left for us? Should they change the colors or design? Or should they let other in on the parrot party?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Butterblitz on Feb 4, 2016 wrote:

I am proud to admit that I have the Boochbeard Bundle and was one of the beta players and have been hooked by this game since it launched. I have had an active membership since this game went live and have enjoyed all the things that pirate has to offer. As beta was getting its start, a first P101 bundle was introduced. As stated for the purchase of this bundle, all items included in this package will be retired once the sale was over. I really liked this idea, for the simple sake that it made us owners, somewhat unique. It wasn't the fact that I was showing off by riding high on the back of a parrot. It was the fact that it was a one time gift from KI for backing the game at the start.

So now I come back to the game after a short delay only to find that there are 7 day parrot mounts. I'm not angry at the fact others are riding around on birds, but why does it have to be the same parrot mount? If the colors were different or a different skin, I wouldn't care.

Now I know that these mounts were only available during the birthday/Christmas time frame and I realize that the mounts will only last a few days but I wonder what others think about this. Should KI remove the mounts before the next birthday/Christmas gifts left for us? Should they change the colors or design? Or should they let other in on the parrot party?
As one who couldn't afford the Boochbeard bundle when it was offered, though I've been playing before launch date, let me say I was thrilled when KI generously allowed us to have the Parrot Mount ( even if it is a one week rental. )
I don't think any changes are necessary and I'm surprised at the tone of this post - how can this affect you as a "special" player? KI hasn't brought back the Boochbeard Bundle; no one else will be getting the Cat Pirate or Volcano House, so why be upset by a rental mount?
Parrot Party it is, me hearty!

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
I also have played since Beta, purchased the Boochbeard bundle, and have absolutely no problem with a Rental version of the mount being available. The permanent version is retired, as promised.

I also kind of wish they would re-introduce a Cat Pirate companion, such as was available in the Boochbeard bundle as well. I only bought the one, but I'd really like to have one for the rest of my pirates.

Just because others can have something similar doesn't detract from the value I've gotten from my purchase.

May 30, 2010
Doesn't bother me at all. I'm riding around on the rental parrots and my permanent parrots are flapping about my pirates' houses, happy as clams (maybe happy as larks since they're both birds?). The color is unimportant to me; I often select mounts that complement my pirate's color scheme. For seven days I flap about on a bird that is going to vanish on me, often at an awkward moment. Once all the mounts are used up (some time in June, it looks like) I'll go back to whatever permanent mount that pirate had. My skarakeet and my cool volcano island are still unique. That cat pirate (and the ninja pig) are still super rare and special for me. Why should my enjoyment of the game hinge on whether someone else has a thing I have as well?

Jun 23, 2012
anecorbie on Feb 4, 2016 wrote:
As one who couldn't afford the Boochbeard bundle when it was offered, though I've been playing before launch date, let me say I was thrilled when KI generously allowed us to have the Parrot Mount ( even if it is a one week rental. )
I don't think any changes are necessary and I'm surprised at the tone of this post - how can this affect you as a "special" player? KI hasn't brought back the Boochbeard Bundle; no one else will be getting the Cat Pirate or Volcano House, so why be upset by a rental mount?
Parrot Party it is, me hearty!

So very sorry if I came off as rude in my post, I guess when writing it I was feeling a bit compromised. So let me rephrase what should've been my 2nd paragraph.

I'm not angry that others are riding around on birds, they are beautiful mounts, every time someone would see it they would start up a conversation with me. Can you recall those fights when you got to see the bears fight for the first time? That's the joy I feel when someone gets to see the cat pirate for the first time or the parrot. Its all about seeing the kids eye's light up through the screen. So I ponder "Does it have to be the parrot mount?" What if the colors were different? Would anyone notice me? What about a different skin? I say bring joy to the masses, give them all equal shares to the bundle? But wouldn't that dull the luster? .... ???

Btw, just so you all know, I'm not angry that it happened, I just wanted to start a discussion within the community to see how others feel

May 31, 2009
Butterblitz on Feb 4, 2016 wrote:

I am proud to admit that I have the Boochbeard Bundle and was one of the beta players and have been hooked by this game since it launched. I have had an active membership since this game went live and have enjoyed all the things that pirate has to offer. As beta was getting its start, a first P101 bundle was introduced. As stated for the purchase of this bundle, all items included in this package will be retired once the sale was over. I really liked this idea, for the simple sake that it made us owners, somewhat unique. It wasn't the fact that I was showing off by riding high on the back of a parrot. It was the fact that it was a one time gift from KI for backing the game at the start.

So now I come back to the game after a short delay only to find that there are 7 day parrot mounts. I'm not angry at the fact others are riding around on birds, but why does it have to be the same parrot mount? If the colors were different or a different skin, I wouldn't care.

Now I know that these mounts were only available during the birthday/Christmas time frame and I realize that the mounts will only last a few days but I wonder what others think about this. Should KI remove the mounts before the next birthday/Christmas gifts left for us? Should they change the colors or design? Or should they let other in on the parrot party?
Well, I wasn't expecting anyone to be scathing at the decision to let those who didn't have the opportunity to purchase a Boochbeard Bundle ride a pirate parrot for a week. It's a rental, for Pete's sake; there's no need to act as if it's an insult to you and others who are lucky enough to own the permanent mount. Besides, like Anecorbie said, it's just the mount, not the outfit, house, or gorgeous Cat Pirate that we folks can get our hands on.

As for your questions, no, the rental should not be removed from the gift boxes. It's a very generous opportunity for us to experience the mount, if only for a short while. I would not mind if KingsIsle decided to edit the colors of the rental, but they have much more important things to be working on at the moment (cough, cough, Book 15 and beyond) so it would be ridiculous if they chose to change something like that just because someone feels like their "unique" status is threatened.

In conclusion, I give a resounding AYE for temporary parrot-riding as it affects absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Butterblitz on Feb 5, 2016 wrote:

So very sorry if I came off as rude in my post, I guess when writing it I was feeling a bit compromised. So let me rephrase what should've been my 2nd paragraph.

I'm not angry that others are riding around on birds, they are beautiful mounts, every time someone would see it they would start up a conversation with me. Can you recall those fights when you got to see the bears fight for the first time? That's the joy I feel when someone gets to see the cat pirate for the first time or the parrot. Its all about seeing the kids eye's light up through the screen. So I ponder "Does it have to be the parrot mount?" What if the colors were different? Would anyone notice me? What about a different skin? I say bring joy to the masses, give them all equal shares to the bundle? But wouldn't that dull the luster? .... ???

Btw, just so you all know, I'm not angry that it happened, I just wanted to start a discussion within the community to see how others feel
I thought your complaint was that, by allowing the Parrot Mount, that KI may have broken a promise and compromised your status as a Beta player.
I completely understand this. If KI had included the Parrot Mount in the Crown Shop ( even as a rental ) those feelings would be justified.
However, if a player curious about your mount clicks on your pirate they can see the mount that is equipped is permanent, while if they click on me, they will see that the mount is a rental. Who are they more likely to ask about the mount?
How do you feel when you tell them it was a part of a bundle that is no longer available and they express their disappointment? If you feel sorry for them, then you should be glad that they get to experience that mount ( if only for a short time. )

Jun 23, 2012

I thought I would rewrite this post since everyone thought I was upset or had a complaint. So, I thought I would take "me" outta the equation.

Unique: One that stands out from the herd...Let's start with the ninja pig. Aside from the cat pirate, the ninja pig is the holy grail of companions. It can only be acquired thru a code ( map promotion in the early days, contests or giveaways, or if lucky enough to have a friend with an extra code.) Now, if KI introduced a 7 day companion system with the ninja pig involved, sure it would make the pirate community happy to have one at their side but would it take away from the uniqueness that is the ninja pig? What about Nausica? What if they introduced her in the crown shop? Wouldn't that take away the uniqueness from the empire bundle? Or the bears? I remember before the regatta if someone had Cap'n Swing's hat or jacket that they would stand out from the rest. Now that the regatta is dropping the outfit, I see A LOT of pirates with the purple hat or jacket. The player's suddenly lose their unique status only to become ordinary or common. I think that's why some gear cant be auctioned, it keeps a certain amount of unique to the players.

Should KI make everything in game available to all so that we all get a chance at the things we want? Or should they preserve certain things to make the players "stand out from the herd"?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Butterblitz on Feb 7, 2016 wrote:

I thought I would rewrite this post since everyone thought I was upset or had a complaint. So, I thought I would take "me" outta the equation.

Unique: One that stands out from the herd...Let's start with the ninja pig. Aside from the cat pirate, the ninja pig is the holy grail of companions. It can only be acquired thru a code ( map promotion in the early days, contests or giveaways, or if lucky enough to have a friend with an extra code.) Now, if KI introduced a 7 day companion system with the ninja pig involved, sure it would make the pirate community happy to have one at their side but would it take away from the uniqueness that is the ninja pig? What about Nausica? What if they introduced her in the crown shop? Wouldn't that take away the uniqueness from the empire bundle? Or the bears? I remember before the regatta if someone had Cap'n Swing's hat or jacket that they would stand out from the rest. Now that the regatta is dropping the outfit, I see A LOT of pirates with the purple hat or jacket. The player's suddenly lose their unique status only to become ordinary or common. I think that's why some gear cant be auctioned, it keeps a certain amount of unique to the players.

Should KI make everything in game available to all so that we all get a chance at the things we want? Or should they preserve certain things to make the players "stand out from the herd"?
And this is exactly what they have done by retiring he Boochbeard Bundle, preserving the "unique" qualities of the Beta players who bought that bundle.
The Parrot Mount was only available through gift box drops; it wasn't released into the Crown Shop. Your mount is still unique.
Your notion of a seven day companion system is rather ridiculous, and you know it. I have the Empire Bundle and anyone can buy it, so Nausica isn't as unique as the Ninja Pig or Cat Pirate. I don't consider either her or any of the bears as being "unique" ( There are many players with a complete set of Bears or Bundle companions. )
Before the Regatta, those players who knew about not turning in Bonnie's promotion were able to farm Captain Swing - those items were well deserved, because they earned them through days or weeks of farming. The Regatta allows the same opportunity to gain the items by earning them through game play, just as those who farmed Swing did.
All I'm seeing in this post is a disgruntled player wishing to deny others a small taste of what he has every day.

Dread Pirate
May 27, 2009
Butterblitz on Feb 7, 2016 wrote:

I thought I would rewrite this post since everyone thought I was upset or had a complaint. So, I thought I would take "me" outta the equation.

Unique: One that stands out from the herd...Let's start with the ninja pig. Aside from the cat pirate, the ninja pig is the holy grail of companions. It can only be acquired thru a code ( map promotion in the early days, contests or giveaways, or if lucky enough to have a friend with an extra code.) Now, if KI introduced a 7 day companion system with the ninja pig involved, sure it would make the pirate community happy to have one at their side but would it take away from the uniqueness that is the ninja pig? What about Nausica? What if they introduced her in the crown shop? Wouldn't that take away the uniqueness from the empire bundle? Or the bears? I remember before the regatta if someone had Cap'n Swing's hat or jacket that they would stand out from the rest. Now that the regatta is dropping the outfit, I see A LOT of pirates with the purple hat or jacket. The player's suddenly lose their unique status only to become ordinary or common. I think that's why some gear cant be auctioned, it keeps a certain amount of unique to the players.

Should KI make everything in game available to all so that we all get a chance at the things we want? Or should they preserve certain things to make the players "stand out from the herd"?
I don't particularly care about standing out from the herd. If something is really cool, then everyone wants it - it's human nature. Wanting to prevent others from getting what you have is also human nature, but not a very nice part. Have you read the Dr. Seuss story of the Star-bellied Sneetches?

Does my Ninja Pig lose anything if someone else has a Ninja Pig? No -- they are NOT unique, there are several thousands of them running around, and many who own them don't even use them. Nausica is not unique, anyone can still buy the bundle. There is no way to predict that another Centaur companion will not be introduced, and if one is, that would be really, really cool

Nothing is taken away from a Permanent Mount by the introduction of Rental mounts. My Parrot is still a permanent mount, and in a few weeks, there will be fewer riders of them around as the rentals expire. So if I equip mine, will I be better than anyone else? No, I just had the money to spend on the mount and was in the right place at the right time to buy it -- it makes me old.

I TRULY envy someone who had the patience and persistence to farm Captain Blood and get all of his gear. All I ever got was the boots. If they added Captain Blood's Jacket to the Crown Shop, then I could see the problem, but in this situation, I don't see any problem at all.

May 30, 2010
I don't get why I should stand out from the herd at all. Yeah, I was lucky enough to be able to blow some bucks early on and get the cat pirate. Was also lucky enough to get Marco Pollo's map so I got the ninja pig. Do I now need some sort of badge that says "Was Here Since Beta" or some sort of halo that hovers over my pirates' heads?

A ninja pig rental (even if you could rent companions for a week) doesn't make my ninja pig any less permanent or any less mine. Same with the skarakeets. Same with the rental mounts. That I was here and had money at a particular point in time doesn't make me special, sorry. It makes me lucky.

Doesn't worrying about what everyone else may have or not have distract one from playing the game and having fun? And isn't the point of playing games to have fun?

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Well, I must come to the support of Butterblitz. I can see that the original post may have come across as being a bit bitter over the temporary mounts being the same as (in apearance) the supposed, BB mounts. But he did state that he wasn't angry over this- just thought that maybe KI could have used a different skin for the temporary mounts to help preserve the uniqueness of the bundle parrot. He also just wanted to hear any opinions about KI offering up "everything" to all players.

To me the ending questions in the OP were just someone wanting to hear others thoughts, not necessarily seeking whether he was right to question the matter. It just seems that he's been a bit blasted just for having an opinion & respectfully asking others for theirs. I mean there have been many posts & threads where players have requested that the Cat Pirate & Ninja Pig be offered to all others, which have been met with scores of "those companions are unique/special & should not be available to all". The argumentative response in this thread of, "don't be angry at the thought or idea of your mount losing it's uniqueness, & be happy for your fellow pirates getting the same chance"...but should that hold true for all supposed unique "things" the game has to offer?

I truly don't think the original post posted out of pure whining or complaining but more so just to state an opinion & genuinely wanting to hear what other player thought about it. I guess I don't quite get the bitter undertones directed towards Butterblitz, for merely asking what others thought. I took his posts as more of, "do supposed unique (& even discontinued) items lose that unique factor if they are made available to all" and "should KI continue to make them available"-- valid questions, to me. Not, "I don't want others to enjoy them, because I was supposed to be special." But that's just how I took it & I don't really get the "salt" thrown at him for asking some reasonable questions & wanting to hear others' thoughts.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
ValkoorTheVictorio... on Feb 8, 2016 wrote:
Well, I must come to the support of Butterblitz. I can see that the original post may have come across as being a bit bitter over the temporary mounts being the same as (in apearance) the supposed, BB mounts. But he did state that he wasn't angry over this- just thought that maybe KI could have used a different skin for the temporary mounts to help preserve the uniqueness of the bundle parrot. He also just wanted to hear any opinions about KI offering up "everything" to all players.

To me the ending questions in the OP were just someone wanting to hear others thoughts, not necessarily seeking whether he was right to question the matter. It just seems that he's been a bit blasted just for having an opinion & respectfully asking others for theirs. I mean there have been many posts & threads where players have requested that the Cat Pirate & Ninja Pig be offered to all others, which have been met with scores of "those companions are unique/special & should not be available to all". The argumentative response in this thread of, "don't be angry at the thought or idea of your mount losing it's uniqueness, & be happy for your fellow pirates getting the same chance"...but should that hold true for all supposed unique "things" the game has to offer?

I truly don't think the original post posted out of pure whining or complaining but more so just to state an opinion & genuinely wanting to hear what other player thought about it. I guess I don't quite get the bitter undertones directed towards Butterblitz, for merely asking what others thought. I took his posts as more of, "do supposed unique (& even discontinued) items lose that unique factor if they are made available to all" and "should KI continue to make them available"-- valid questions, to me. Not, "I don't want others to enjoy them, because I was supposed to be special." But that's just how I took it & I don't really get the "salt" thrown at him for asking some reasonable questions & wanting to hear others' thoughts.
I think your being entirely too fair minded, he wanted to know how others felt, he was told.

May 30, 2010
ValkoorTheVictorio... on Feb 8, 2016 wrote:
Well, I must come to the support of Butterblitz. I can see that the original post may have come across as being a bit bitter over the temporary mounts being the same as (in apearance) the supposed, BB mounts. But he did state that he wasn't angry over this- just thought that maybe KI could have used a different skin for the temporary mounts to help preserve the uniqueness of the bundle parrot. He also just wanted to hear any opinions about KI offering up "everything" to all players.

To me the ending questions in the OP were just someone wanting to hear others thoughts, not necessarily seeking whether he was right to question the matter. It just seems that he's been a bit blasted just for having an opinion & respectfully asking others for theirs. I mean there have been many posts & threads where players have requested that the Cat Pirate & Ninja Pig be offered to all others, which have been met with scores of "those companions are unique/special & should not be available to all". The argumentative response in this thread of, "don't be angry at the thought or idea of your mount losing it's uniqueness, & be happy for your fellow pirates getting the same chance"...but should that hold true for all supposed unique "things" the game has to offer?

I truly don't think the original post posted out of pure whining or complaining but more so just to state an opinion & genuinely wanting to hear what other player thought about it. I guess I don't quite get the bitter undertones directed towards Butterblitz, for merely asking what others thought. I took his posts as more of, "do supposed unique (& even discontinued) items lose that unique factor if they are made available to all" and "should KI continue to make them available"-- valid questions, to me. Not, "I don't want others to enjoy them, because I was supposed to be special." But that's just how I took it & I don't really get the "salt" thrown at him for asking some reasonable questions & wanting to hear others' thoughts.
As always, Valkoor, you are very fair-minded. He did ask others' opinions, and heard them. I suspect that the folks that agreed with him whole-heartedly just didn't see the original post, or didn't bother to respond. Part of that may be the flavor of the original post -- it did seem a bit "Why is my special thing not special any more?" when it really is still just as special. Our responses tended to the "It's still special" side, but they may have been a bit firmer than warranted if OP's intent was as you read.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
anecorbie on Feb 8, 2016 wrote:
I think your being entirely too fair minded, he wanted to know how others felt, he was told.
Well, I do agree & I suppose I am being fair minded.

It just appears to me that some replies included friction aimed directly at him & what he felt-- & based upon how some judged the intent behind his post. He just seemed to want to chat about the subject, not how it was right/wrong for him to bring it up or feel a certain way.

He seemed curious how others felt about KI offering up supposed unique items & if perhaps KI should make the offerings differ slightly from the originals. Not that he wanted to be judged on what he felt. Instead it seems he got some replies more directed at him & how he may be wrong to want to keep that "special, unique feeling." It was implied that he doesn't want others to enjoy what he had, which didn't seem to be the case.

I get both sides. If something was retired to, in part, preserve a sense of uniqueness, well I can understand why some may want that. Doesn't mean I wouldn't want others to enjoy the same wonderful things. But I think it's ok for others to want to feel cool, different & special, even though that doesn't appeal to me. It would be neat for other players to purchase a bear, dino, Cat Pirate, Ninja Pig companion via crowns, but I don't see any problem with them having some subtle differences than the "original" counterparts, that may be viewed as more special by some. I'd have some qualms with original versions of pack companions being sold, but only because some paid $200 for one, versus someone paying $10. Again, doesn't mean I wouldn't be happy for those that got the cheap & easier version of the same thing, because that would be awesome.

Some like "rare" stuff to: be different; some because they earned it; some because it is rare; some because it means something. So, in this regard I think any counterparts of so-called rare, retired, unique stuff, could possibly be offered with slight changes. Doesn't bother me if they aren't, but it may be nice for those that do like to feel their uniqueness & rarity are preserved.

Jun 23, 2012

I just wanted to say thanks to all for your posts to this subject. But once again, let me state that I'm not upset or feel gypped because this happened. Part of me wants the BB to come outta retirement so I can buy it for my other pirates, while another part of me thinks it should remain the same. But the true message of the post isn't I know that my original post might've come off as harsh or brash, but while I was writing it, I had a calm voice in my head, not one of anger or seclusion. But I must admit, my writing skills aren't as eloquent as it should be and at the time of writing my first post I was compromised on time.

Thank you Valkoor for seeing the true meaning in what I was trying to discuss. Although, I can see why others would be put off by me by thinking I was complaining about this subject matter. Pirates are in fact very passionate about their loot they receive.

But its still a subject that I mull over from time to time. One of the things I like about this game is the originality they give to us to design our pirates stats and epics the way we want. Instead of a cookie cutter approach that all Musketeers are built the same. It gives a certain unique feeling that not all pirates are the same.

So in conclusion, this game, as in life, has a certain uniqueness per player. From the costumes we don or the epics we choose, to the mounts or the companions that follow us...I contemplate...stay genuine or stay the same as all....???

Jun 02, 2013
Just remember your unqiue ness will never be taken away, even if you wear the worst clothing you are still unqiue nobody is going to be wearing clothing that gives plus 1 health