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No Caps?

Nov 25, 2012
I have text chat and I have realized that you cant capitalize! I like to have proper grammar but it wont let me! Every time I capitalize it just puts it in lower case when I press enter. I dont know if anyone else really cares, but the same thing happens with wizard101. I dont know if this is a bug or if its meant to be but if it is a bug i would really like to use my proper grammar.

Cunning Andrew Jellico level 37 Swashbuckler

Oct 27, 2009
They have a good reason for this. On Wizard, people were using innocuous and innocent words to build some very bad words to go through the chat filter. The caps highlighed what would have been red, banned, words if they'd been typed plainly. They really struggled to solve it other ways, but it was too big a loophole for the maliciously creative. They could not ban every innocent word that might conceivably be misused this way. I feel your pain, as you try to use good grammer, but K I made the right call on this one.

Oct 15, 2012
adog7777777 on Apr 28, 2013 wrote:
I have text chat and I have realized that you cant capitalize! I like to have proper grammar but it wont let me! Every time I capitalize it just puts it in lower case when I press enter. I dont know if anyone else really cares, but the same thing happens with wizard101. I dont know if this is a bug or if its meant to be but if it is a bug i would really like to use my proper grammar.

Cunning Andrew Jellico level 37 Swashbuckler
no my friend, blame it on all those people who break their necks just to get around the filter and curse and say other things they shouldnt

they would do thins like, if they wanted to say: age, they would just say, what is you pAGE? or say how fOLD are you? they would do that with other words, such as: cass :P clever isnt it? so Ki had to take the caps, or, at least i think that is why you cant use caps no more :P i am not quite sure, but i know people did that.

that is something i REALLY respect Ki for, their game is really really safe good work but i still miss the caps sorely, i love shouting! XD

but something that could happen is that they could make it so that either the whole words is caps, or just the first letter, and we still avoid the scoundrels

X (Helper of the Helpless)

Feb 27, 2009
I got a idea. Only let us capitalize at the beginning of the sentence. Ever thought of that?

Oct 27, 2009
That sounded good to me at first. U. N. T. I. L. I thought of that. People were very creative. Too big a loophole.

May 13, 2011
people will always find loopholes, no matter what. censoring a word to stop swearing is trying to stop something unstoppable. the only thing they do is limit chat for innocent people

Oct 27, 2009
Yes, people keep finding loopholes, and yes, trying to keep swearing out of the game limits the chat of the innocent. We all were supposed to read the terms of use before we joined though. It was stated clearly that this game has rules about what is not allowed in chat. I disagree with the idea that if it can't be perfectly enforced, don't have any restrictions or even try. With the filter, and the ability to report violations, it keeps it from gettting beyond certain levels. Limiting chat is not the only thing they do. They also keep the atmosphere of the game at a level where it does not drive people away because it is so foul and uncivil. This game is intended for families and children; adults play too, but there are other games out there aimed at adults. It is sad that there are those who so enjoy breaking the rules that caps had to be removed from filtered chat, and Adog7777777 can not use caps and practice good grammer.