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What type of country is valencia supposte to be?

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
Skull Island - South America ( Maybe )

Monkeyista - Spain?

Cool Ranch - North American West

Mooshu - China + Japan

Marlybone - Great Britain

Aquilia - Greece and rome

Valencia - Spain?

Here is my reasoning.

Valencia = Made the Armada

Armada = Spanish for French fleet.

Spain and Britain went to war at one point ( Hint, Marylebone storyline. )

In Conclusion, I think that Valencia is a another Spain World?

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
witchdoctor of awe... on Nov 6, 2014 wrote:
Skull Island - South America ( Maybe )

Monkeyista - Spain?

Cool Ranch - North American West

Mooshu - China + Japan

Marlybone - Great Britain

Aquilia - Greece and rome

Valencia - Spain?

Here is my reasoning.

Valencia = Made the Armada

Armada = Spanish for French fleet.

Spain and Britain went to war at one point ( Hint, Marylebone storyline. )

In Conclusion, I think that Valencia is a another Spain World?
Armada does not mean French Fleet. It means armored or armed ships, basic usage is now for a fleet of ships numbering in the hundreds. The Spanish Admirals called their fleet "The Invincible"
Valencia represents Italy during the Renaissance. During this time Spain and France both laid claim to Italy.

First Mate
Dec 29, 2012
witchdoctor of awe... on Nov 6, 2014 wrote:
Skull Island - South America ( Maybe )

Monkeyista - Spain?

Cool Ranch - North American West

Mooshu - China + Japan

Marlybone - Great Britain

Aquilia - Greece and rome

Valencia - Spain?

Here is my reasoning.

Valencia = Made the Armada

Armada = Spanish for French fleet.

Spain and Britain went to war at one point ( Hint, Marylebone storyline. )

In Conclusion, I think that Valencia is a another Spain World?
It is a virtual representation of the real life cities of Seville, Spain and Venice, Italy...during the Renaissance period like Anecorbie pointed out.

Feb 11, 2010
Valencia to me looks like it's based off of Italy.

Dec 19, 2010
anecorbie on Nov 7, 2014 wrote:
Armada does not mean French Fleet. It means armored or armed ships, basic usage is now for a fleet of ships numbering in the hundreds. The Spanish Admirals called their fleet "The Invincible"
Valencia represents Italy during the Renaissance. During this time Spain and France both laid claim to Italy.
I was wondering why Kingsisle named that world for a Spanish city. Now I know . Yay

Petty Officer
Feb 27, 2009
I made a post about how Monquista and Valencia May be based off of. It's called: The difference between Monquista and Valencia, in the Valencia page section.