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Ship summons

Oct 12, 2012
So you all know the dreaded Scylla fight, and how they have summon Scylla tokens so maybe we could have a sail or some new spot to have allies that board their ships right away and help us battle them if we get boarded/board them. Also could we have a ship ram I would really love hammering a ship and leaving a big dent!

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
I would love to ram ships! my Aquilan galleon would do so much damage and destroy everything in its path! My friends and i always wanted to ram ships! I like the idea of the allies but id don't fully understand it a little more detail possibly.

Jul 07, 2013
Maybe when we get to Grizzleheim...

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Oct 12, 2012
Ryanbold2 on Feb 24, 2015 wrote:
I would love to ram ships! my Aquilan galleon would do so much damage and destroy everything in its path! My friends and i always wanted to ram ships! I like the idea of the allies but id don't fully understand it a little more detail possibly.
Well the summons on the Scylla is from the Earth head I think? It puts these yellow tokens with a crab symbol on it and if you don't get rid of that token before the Scylla Spawn battle you will have a bunch of crabs attacking you. So maybe you could have a horn or figurehead that would have a chance of putting a summon token onto the enemies ship to attack with you :)