Ahoy,fellow swashbucklers(and others)!I will be starting a top5 thing for message boards.This week:companions.
# 5.mormo/uga baga totally love the whole "water mole" thing.there stubby little legs and beaver tail.also useful in battle.Tied with Nausica(epic, mega and super!) # 4.Carcaius Grimtooth (he's freckin' awesome)though I wish KI woud improve him a bit # 3.Kan Po awesome crit,great block, what more could you ask? # 2.Handsome Dan also, flippin' awesome crit # 1Hawkules.EPIC in every way!!crit, dodge,health,weapon power.Definete must for bucks (I don't have him on my ,only my, still really beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ,