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Promoting Positive Ranked PvP

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
zuto4011a on May 24, 2015 wrote:
hello, pvp clan co leader here, we do tell our members to be nice please don't assume we don't.
I'm confused where that falls into play here? Parents tell their kids to be nice all the time, yet they're still rude and disrespectful in their own ways. Telling someone to act one way doesn't really work psychologically unless that person is already nice.

But that's not what this post is about.

Sep 02, 2014
Nightblood1995 on May 24, 2015 wrote:
I'm very confused with your response. You're stating I don't want Ranks implemented, which is entirely false. I clearly stated a great way to implement Ranks, and I clearly stated it was the scoring system that could be fixed so that it's like the Badge system. So, I don't know where you got the "I want nothing but Practice PvP" vibe from. Unless you responded before my response above (that was meant to clarify things) was posted.
Um.. The post that I made was for Anecorbie, as she stereotyped us, we ARE NOT like that at all. Yes, you clearly stated a great way to implement rank, I'm very sorry if you thought this was all to you. If I did say something false ( note it was late at night when I made the post and your "correction" post wasn't up ) I'm very sorry. I wasn't meant to come off as mean at all, just was stating my opinion.

Sep 02, 2014
anecorbie on May 24, 2015 wrote:
If I'm stereotyping PVP players it is because of the fact that number of matches I've competed in both W101 & P101; the egotistical, arrogant, smack talkers out numbered the courteous players.
Although recently I've had a very good experience recently. But my point was that if you want MORE PVE players to join in PVP ( and I hope ranked does come soon ) then some attitudes need adjusting. The more players taking part in a certain activity, the more likely KI will cater to that activity ( badges, prizes, etc. ) If there is only a small group taking part why should KI bother with the time and development of that activity?
Okay, look
I'll be honest with you, you're coming off like you don't want rank. Telling us we're arrogant won't change anything. Telling us we're smack talkers won't change anything. Telling us we're egotistical won't change anything. I understand you've met, how do I say this, "rude" players out there. Yes there are rude players out there, but we're not ALL like that so please stop stereotyping us out to be like that. Look, if you want a game that there isn't rude people, play farmville. I honestly don't know if you noticed yet but in life there's gonna be rude people, and you know what everyone does, they move on. Along with that when you stated: "If I'm stereotyping PvP players it is because of the number of matches I've competed in both w101 and p101 ; the egotistical, arrogant, smack talkers out numbered the courteous players" I don't know how clearer to put this but that is entirely wrong. Who said to meet everyone in wiz/p101? I'm very, sorry if I'm coming off as rude in this, I'm honestly just being real with you. Just if I may ask one thing, please don't stereotype us. Until you've met everyone in pirate101 and also wizard101 you have no right to do that.

Jan 25, 2012
Ah, the debate over Ranked PVP vs no ranking system and how pvp badged supposedly go to some people's heads. If a player becomes good enough in pvp and earns a high level badge, then they deserve it. Anyone can be a bully or nice person despite what badge they have. I have been helped by many a players on wizard with the infamous "PVP warlord" badge... and they were some of the most helpful people I ran into. Pvp is not for everyone, so let those who enjoy it do just that. I play both wizard and pirates and am in a pvp clan on Pirates, and we are all about friendly compitition and not out to ruin the 101 experience, be it pvp or pve, for anyone. I feel ranked will have its up sides and downsides, as everything does, but will be worth it when we do finally get it.

Mar 17, 2011
Voodoo Cornelius on May 24, 2015 wrote:
This may be pirate101, but many people who play wizard101 also play pirate101 and both games have very similar demographics. Also he is not necessarily stereotyping all pvp players who want ranked, he is saying that there will be people who are attracted to this type of pvp system that will focus on said rankings and may not act appropriately in the arena.
There is an ignore button for a reason.

Feb 02, 2013
Nightblood1995 on May 25, 2015 wrote:
I'm confused where that falls into play here? Parents tell their kids to be nice all the time, yet they're still rude and disrespectful in their own ways. Telling someone to act one way doesn't really work psychologically unless that person is already nice.

But that's not what this post is about.
It falls into play here because corbie rudely assumed we dont tell our members to be nice, our word has a lot more sway on here then a parents because we directly affect their experience, with one word of us a player can and will be shunned if they are rude and unsportsman like, most pvp players here will remember hunter, and samir, they did nothing but troll and insult people, and when people had enough nearly everyone ignored them, the pvp community isnt rude at first but if were treated wrong we will treat you with equal hostility, which is what weve been doing

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
DuranteRamses87 on May 24, 2015 wrote:
I think the badge and scoring system sounds reasonable. As for conduct during the match if everybody agrees to be in good sportsmanship then there is nothing wrong with this system. For the players new to pvp would the battles in houses count towards the score? If these places can be used for training there is nothing wrong with better players teaching lesser ones to fight if they so desire.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey
That's actually a wonderful idea! If housing battles count as just practice PvP then that would be a great way for pros to teach the newbies the ropes without fear of being destroyed (rank wise). The only problem would be finding pros that would be willing to teach newbies; my fear is your suggestion won't happen simply because a Warlord is too 'busy' to give aid to the less fortunate.

But still, that's a great idea! I never thought to think about that. Not used to houses having PvP arenas of their own, at least not from the Crown Shop.

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
The White Rose on May 25, 2015 wrote:
Um.. The post that I made was for Anecorbie, as she stereotyped us, we ARE NOT like that at all. Yes, you clearly stated a great way to implement rank, I'm very sorry if you thought this was all to you. If I did say something false ( note it was late at night when I made the post and your "correction" post wasn't up ) I'm very sorry. I wasn't meant to come off as mean at all, just was stating my opinion.
So sorry, I went back and realized you weren't talking to me. My apologies. It's been forever since I was last on a forum, I wasn't paying attention.

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
So, since some of you don't like the idea of losing the scoring system in favor of a system similar to the Badge system (which is still challenging in its own right), what are you suggestions for bettering the PvP system? Maybe Tournaments that don't cost Crowns for beginners to 'train' in? Or are you behind the idea of having specific arenas designated to each world where only players within a certain level range can enter? (I say 'enter' because there's also the annoying issue of cheats bringing their friends in just to have their friend berate the other person so as to distract/demoralize them).

So what do you all suggest could be done to better the PvP system (which would also better the PvP community as a whole in itself)?

Btw: please don't get off track on this thread. This thread is about bettering the Ranked PvP system so as to better the PvP community in general, not to argue over PvE/PvP issues. Lets work together here guys and gals, not against one another

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
zuto4011a on May 24, 2015 wrote:
actually companions arent harmed at all after a pvp, where you got this from is beyond me,

The new players wont be fighting pros until they get to warlord, they start at private like everyone else, i am trash at wiz pvp i am 5-27 with a 157 rating, the system is fair, i suck at it so i lose, there shouldnt baby bumpers in RANKED pvp, all i do is pvp, i've blocked 2 players because of pvp in 2 years, thats one a year, pretty good ratio, the atmosphere of hostility you make pvp seem to have is completely false
Well, my experiences and your experiences will always be the same; it's kind of the same thing when it comes to life in general. You've had a positive experience, which is awesome! I, though, haven't. I always ended up against Knights and Commanders with PvP gear when I was a Private, not players around my Rank and Level. I guess you could just call it bad luck, this is just my experience in the field. I can't speak positively about it because I haven't had much of any positive experiences with Ranked PvP. However, I'm not, and never will, saying that my experience is the one and only, that this is how PvP is and always is, I'm just stating my concerns just because of my it.

I'm not just talking about myself either. I'm thinking about the kids that come to play this game because it is advertised as 'family-friendly', it was originally created and catered towards kids. Yes, the rating makes it 'for all ages' and I understand that; however just because a 10 yr old wants to PvP and isn't as 'smart' as an 18 yr old opponent shouldn't mean the kid shouldn't PvP. Do they need to learn? Absolutely! Do they need to be crushed in the process? Absolutely not. Is it our fault a 10 yr old wants to jump into Ranked PvP? No way! I'm just trying to find a perfect median to where adults and kids can enjoy the game together, as originally intended by the developers.

I can handle a defeat or twenty, especially if I love the game, but that's because I'm an adult. A child will see things differently because they can't understand; no we shouldn't baby them but we shouldn't treat them like adults or ghosts either.

As for Companions, I could've sworn my Kobe had to recover when I PvPed my friend a few months ago, though my memory could be confusing that instance with something else. Either way, it's still something to think about, don't you think?

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
The White Rose on May 25, 2015 wrote:
Um.. The post that I made was for Anecorbie, as she stereotyped us, we ARE NOT like that at all. Yes, you clearly stated a great way to implement rank, I'm very sorry if you thought this was all to you. If I did say something false ( note it was late at night when I made the post and your "correction" post wasn't up ) I'm very sorry. I wasn't meant to come off as mean at all, just was stating my opinion.
Btw (forgot to address this in my previous post to you, sorry for the double reply): you weren't being mean at all, I respect your opinion. and viewpoints and am very grateful you took the time to share them! Every little bit helps, after all

Petty Officer
Feb 29, 2012
anecorbie on May 22, 2015 wrote:
If its RANKED PVP why should the players have auto health restore for themselves and companions? Shouldn't ranked ( which comes with rewards ) make a real penalty for playing just as if you've run the Smuggler's Arena?
In the arena the prize is scrip ( for a challenge match ) and wounding of companions with players losing health is real.
Why should ranked PVP be different?
Wait, are you saying that companions will get wounded in Ranked PVP?

Feb 02, 2013
DuranteRamses87 on May 24, 2015 wrote:
I think the badge and scoring system sounds reasonable. As for conduct during the match if everybody agrees to be in good sportsmanship then there is nothing wrong with this system. For the players new to pvp would the battles in houses count towards the score? If these places can be used for training there is nothing wrong with better players teaching lesser ones to fight if they so desire.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey
currently most pvp players dont count house pvp as a win or loss unless its the cove house pvp where its a big board, because generally whoever moves first will win due to the instant attacking ability and usually insta kills someone, house pvp would be decent practice but not the best unless its cove where i do in fact help a friend of mine who is a witch learn pvp strats

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
The White Rose on May 25, 2015 wrote:
Okay, look
I'll be honest with you, you're coming off like you don't want rank. Telling us we're arrogant won't change anything. Telling us we're smack talkers won't change anything. Telling us we're egotistical won't change anything. I understand you've met, how do I say this, "rude" players out there. Yes there are rude players out there, but we're not ALL like that so please stop stereotyping us out to be like that. Look, if you want a game that there isn't rude people, play farmville. I honestly don't know if you noticed yet but in life there's gonna be rude people, and you know what everyone does, they move on. Along with that when you stated: "If I'm stereotyping PvP players it is because of the number of matches I've competed in both w101 and p101 ; the egotistical, arrogant, smack talkers out numbered the courteous players" I don't know how clearer to put this but that is entirely wrong. Who said to meet everyone in wiz/p101? I'm very, sorry if I'm coming off as rude in this, I'm honestly just being real with you. Just if I may ask one thing, please don't stereotype us. Until you've met everyone in pirate101 and also wizard101 you have no right to do that.
I understand that you're upset about my comments, they're not aimed at the courteous pvp players,. I totally support your desire for ranked pvp. I don't know how much clearer II can be about this.

Jul 07, 2013
anecorbie on May 26, 2015 wrote:
I understand that you're upset about my comments, they're not aimed at the courteous pvp players,. I totally support your desire for ranked pvp. I don't know how much clearer II can be about this.
I'm glad that after hearing both sides and our discussion that you have come to this decision. I wish everybody a good pvp experience.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

I'll just quickly pop in to say that it's safe to assume that ranked PvP will be designed with PvP enthusiasts in mind.

And for those of you who play PvP, it behooves you to be on your best behavior, since more players = more fun.

Mar 17, 2011
Ratbeard on May 26, 2015 wrote:
I'll just quickly pop in to say that it's safe to assume that ranked PvP will be designed with PvP enthusiasts in mind.

And for those of you who play PvP, it behooves you to be on your best behavior, since more players = more fun.
Ratbeard your amazing thank you for posting this it has more then made my day thanks for straightening every thing out

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
Ratbeard on May 26, 2015 wrote:
I'll just quickly pop in to say that it's safe to assume that ranked PvP will be designed with PvP enthusiasts in mind.

And for those of you who play PvP, it behooves you to be on your best behavior, since more players = more fun.
Completely agree, thanks for the pop-up Ratbeard! .......... I should probably promote you soon, you've been my Pet Wrangler since I got you >.> *whistles and walks off innocently*

Ok anyways, I have a lot of faith that the PvP community here will be the best between the two games, I'm just trying to think of how to improve upon the old system is all.

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Ratbeard on May 26, 2015 wrote:
I'll just quickly pop in to say that it's safe to assume that ranked PvP will be designed with PvP enthusiasts in mind.

And for those of you who play PvP, it behooves you to be on your best behavior, since more players = more fun.
Nicely stated! I think a little known 'non-fact' that escapes many gamers of today's generation is what the acronym 'PvP' truly stands for. Many think and believe that it stands for Player Versus Player or in the case of this game, Pirate Versus Pirate. But alas, so few know or have heard about the German immigrant by the name of Luc Mah No'Hanz (yes, pronounced 'look ma, no hands'-- absurd as it seems) that 1st came up with and coined those 3-little letters and the phrase that it represents..PvE as well.

So, I thought it would be nice to share what it really means, in keeping the spirit of gamesmanship alive and well, and in the honor of dear ol' No'Hanz- the little German with big dreams and a little hat!

PvP = Peoples Velcoming Participation
PvE= Party Vith Everyvone

* (Not-so-true story-- as if you needed that confirmation)

Danke und tschuss!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Ratbeard on May 26, 2015 wrote:
I'll just quickly pop in to say that it's safe to assume that ranked PvP will be designed with PvP enthusiasts in mind.

And for those of you who play PvP, it behooves you to be on your best behavior, since more players = more fun.
I realized that it was unfair to mention No'Hanz without also mentioning his business partner, the Russian gaming visionary with a brilliant mind-- Ivan Tuupladah "VTO" Gahms...or simply "VTO" to his closest friends. VTO meaning "Very Tuned Occipital", but of course!

Another not-so-true story that I thought you may find interesting, being a gaming developer and all, follows. Ivan Tuupladah "VTO" Gahms was solely responsible for introducing the gaming term and technology behind RNG and even the term RNGesus. Shocked? I imagine so!

VTO was solely focused on bringing together online gaming communities to create harmony among the player types, from PvP to PvE and every in between. That is why he came up with RNGesus, which many don't know, (actually quite sure no one knows this), stands for-- Really Need Gamers Everywhere (to) Stop Unfriendly Socializing. It was his passion and dream that all players would openly welcome each other and treat each other with kindness and as equals.

Due to losing an intense game of Go Fishes to the Russian Mafia, VTO had to sell the rights of RNG to the Swedish software guru...Hoosa Drohpin Waddageer. She was much more focused on the randomness factor of gaming coding and programming. So RNG thus became to stand for "Really Need Gear". After receiving quite a lucrative offer from the powerhouse programming team consisting of the Italian, Lucca Da'Dral and the Jamaican born, Rolan Di'dice Anprayin, the RNG trademark was again sold and become the RNG that we now know as Random Number Generator. WOW-- who knew!?

Now you may question this happening of events and the story above, but one should not be afraid of learning something new-- so you surely can thank me later.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
ValkoorTheVictorio... on May 27, 2015 wrote:
I realized that it was unfair to mention No'Hanz without also mentioning his business partner, the Russian gaming visionary with a brilliant mind-- Ivan Tuupladah "VTO" Gahms...or simply "VTO" to his closest friends. VTO meaning "Very Tuned Occipital", but of course!

Another not-so-true story that I thought you may find interesting, being a gaming developer and all, follows. Ivan Tuupladah "VTO" Gahms was solely responsible for introducing the gaming term and technology behind RNG and even the term RNGesus. Shocked? I imagine so!

VTO was solely focused on bringing together online gaming communities to create harmony among the player types, from PvP to PvE and every in between. That is why he came up with RNGesus, which many don't know, (actually quite sure no one knows this), stands for-- Really Need Gamers Everywhere (to) Stop Unfriendly Socializing. It was his passion and dream that all players would openly welcome each other and treat each other with kindness and as equals.

Due to losing an intense game of Go Fishes to the Russian Mafia, VTO had to sell the rights of RNG to the Swedish software guru...Hoosa Drohpin Waddageer. She was much more focused on the randomness factor of gaming coding and programming. So RNG thus became to stand for "Really Need Gear". After receiving quite a lucrative offer from the powerhouse programming team consisting of the Italian, Lucca Da'Dral and the Jamaican born, Rolan Di'dice Anprayin, the RNG trademark was again sold and become the RNG that we now know as Random Number Generator. WOW-- who knew!?

Now you may question this happening of events and the story above, but one should not be afraid of learning something new-- so you surely can thank me later.
*Finally recovers from laughing, sighs and reaches for screen cleaning gear to once again get the ice coffee that has been Valkoorized onto my screen...............again.*

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
The White Rose on May 25, 2015 wrote:
Okay, look
I'll be honest with you, you're coming off like you don't want rank. Telling us we're arrogant won't change anything. Telling us we're smack talkers won't change anything. Telling us we're egotistical won't change anything. I understand you've met, how do I say this, "rude" players out there. Yes there are rude players out there, but we're not ALL like that so please stop stereotyping us out to be like that. Look, if you want a game that there isn't rude people, play farmville. I honestly don't know if you noticed yet but in life there's gonna be rude people, and you know what everyone does, they move on. Along with that when you stated: "If I'm stereotyping PvP players it is because of the number of matches I've competed in both w101 and p101 ; the egotistical, arrogant, smack talkers out numbered the courteous players" I don't know how clearer to put this but that is entirely wrong. Who said to meet everyone in wiz/p101? I'm very, sorry if I'm coming off as rude in this, I'm honestly just being real with you. Just if I may ask one thing, please don't stereotype us. Until you've met everyone in pirate101 and also wizard101 you have no right to do that.
I 100% understand where you're coming from & agree that one can't judge a group in it's entirety by the actions of a few. I think there's room for every player type, in the game. Honestly, I believe that the game can not exist in the future w/out both PvP & PvE, ranked PvP & anything that falls in between. Players are going to play for what's enjoyable to them, whether it's PvP or PvE or any other system in the game.

To keep P101 alive & afloat, from a revenue standpoint, it needs all player types. Simply put, we all must coexist & should be ambassadors of the game & within the community. I want every aspect of the game implemented that can possibly be implemented...if it means it will ensure that the game we all love can continue to thrive. I'm a PvE only player & I truly have not had my gaming experience diminished at all by a PvP player or PvP experience. PvP has not affected my game play negatively & I've run into many rude PvE players. So clearly it is more of a society & maturity thing than a PvP or PvE attitude thing. Some people will just be rude, regardless of what aspect of a game they are playing. But they can surely be avoided.

One thing that I would like to point out, in defense of Anecorbie, is that, while she may have been indirectly stereotypical, she did state (as you noted), "If I'm stereotyping PvP players it is because of the number of matches I've competed in both w101 and p101 ; the egotistical, arrogant, smack talkers out numbered the courteous players".

You then followed with "I don't know how clearer to put this but that is entirely wrong." I apologize if this comes across the wrong way..but you can't state that someone's own personal experiences are wrong. If that is what she has experienced, well that it is what actually happened for & to her. Your experiences may be different, but none of us here can tell her that what she has experienced..she in fact has not.

In the wise words of a King..."Can we all get along?"

I surely hope so!

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Chrissy Th'Blesser on May 28, 2015 wrote:
*Finally recovers from laughing, sighs and reaches for screen cleaning gear to once again get the ice coffee that has been Valkoorized onto my screen...............again.*
I thought you just might need a good, iced-coffee-spitting laugh Chrissy (I mean who doesn't). And judging from the tone of the thread, I just wanted to make a meager attempt at 'lightening the mood' a little. I can always count on you to appreciate my nutball sense of thank you.

Jun 30, 2013
I obviously have to agree with you about all this. But don't you think luck is the only factor that ruined ranked wizard PvP? Think about it, you'll find that the madness about ranks would've not happened if we didn't have to heavily rely on luck. Even the health part in various ways.

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2011
Mindy GoldenHeart on May 28, 2015 wrote:
I obviously have to agree with you about all this. But don't you think luck is the only factor that ruined ranked wizard PvP? Think about it, you'll find that the madness about ranks would've not happened if we didn't have to heavily rely on luck. Even the health part in various ways.
What do you mean? The only 'luck' factor I can see taking place in Pirate101 is whether or not you Crit, and what level of Crit you will receive. Going first or second in Ranked PvP doesn't really change anything, because if you go first you might be able to move first but if you go second you can play defensively and read your opponent's intentions. So, in my opinion, the 'going first' argument is (thankfully) not a valid issue in Pirate PvP.

If I misread what you meant, I apologize in advance.