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Underrated Gems

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
So, what's your favorite underrated game. When I say underrated, I mean a game that not a lot of people know about, or maybe a game that takes a lot of heat for being a bad game that you think is great.

For me, it's SolatoRobo Red the Hunter for the Nintendo DS. It's probably one of the greatest games you've never heard of. Between the beautiful art, the fun story, the rather juvenile characters, and the incredible soundtrack, this game is all around just a work of art. Seriously, the music in this game is just beautifully done and really brings life into each area.

So what's your underrated gem?

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65

First Mate
Nov 01, 2012
FireMorgan13 on Oct 18, 2015 wrote:
So, what's your favorite underrated game. When I say underrated, I mean a game that not a lot of people know about, or maybe a game that takes a lot of heat for being a bad game that you think is great.

For me, it's SolatoRobo Red the Hunter for the Nintendo DS. It's probably one of the greatest games you've never heard of. Between the beautiful art, the fun story, the rather juvenile characters, and the incredible soundtrack, this game is all around just a work of art. Seriously, the music in this game is just beautifully done and really brings life into each area.

So what's your underrated gem?

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65
You know, come to think of it, and call me a weirdo, but Wizard101 and Pirate101 are the only games I play that much. About five years ago my friend recommended Wizard to me, and that's really it.

Oct 01, 2011
Well for me is it probably gonna be AdventureQuest. The game has a lot of followers, But even more haters, The game doesn't have them ''2kool 3d graphics'' and it's a Turn-Based game, But it has been updated EVERY Week since 2003. The creators, Artix Entertainment have some serious dedication

Truth be told I'm playing it in the background now.

-Fearless Caleb Hawkins