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Story Thread 1: A few story questions...

Jul 27, 2012
Blind Mew on May 10, 2013 wrote:
1. Tee hee. To quote Moo Manchu. "Because it amuses me to do so!" Seriously, I've got to leave you wanting more, right? As for tipping Book 15's hand, it just kinda turned out that way - the reveals were coming fast and furious at that point, so it felt right to set it up instead of leaving that part vague. Trust me, One-Eyed Jack has chided me for spelling out where Book 15 will go. But beware: as always, we have a few surprises up our sleeve...

2. The schism within the Church was specifically created to leave us an opening for more stories in Monquista. I hope to return there, but nothing is in stone yet. Gortez is too cool of a character to stop recurring.

3. As to the memory loss - there's a thread on the Test Server forums where I spell out what I was thinking there. Short answer: will it affect your quest for your parents? You bet it will.

4. We decided a long time ago to have 2 Books in the first update, for a number of reasons. Even knowing it was going to be big, it was a lot to chew on. I doubt we'll ever do one this big again - unless something major changes, expect 1 Book per update from now on.

5. Given the real world events that the Troubles are based on, I don't expect them to end anytime soon. As for returning to Marleybone, you can bet that promotion and side quests will visit it even if the Main doesn't, though I think Bonnie Anne's promo played the Albion thing out enough for now.

As for Avalon, that's a good question - I expect Avalon and Marleybone have had little, if any contact. Why? I figure they are on opposite sides of the Spiral, and that the Stormgates don't make travel between them easy (it's also quite possible that there are worlds with no Stormgates at all - the Wizards and their Gates may have the only access). I'm not sure what they'd make of Avalon, honestly...
Concerning Avalon vs Marleybone -- oo, I could totally see that, Blind Mew. It could be like what happens when a fold of DNA causes a duplication of two genes; the genes, though identical to begin with, evolve independently thereafter, and quite frequently far apart. But here you could have a fold of time and space, giving Marleybone and Avalon. It's Quantum Physics meets Molecular Genetics! (The first of which I know nearly nothing about, and the both of which Anne knows absolutely nothing about!)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe

Gunner's Mate
Nov 01, 2012
Blind mew its nice to be speaking with you again I haven't spoken much in a while but I finally have some questions to ask

1. Now that we've killed deacon and rooke won't Kane be very very very mad that he's lost 2 of his most important men in his plans I've asked before if Kane will find a replacement for deacon but I have to ask again how will Kane be able to take care of deacon and rooke's positions especially for rooke because he is basically the military enforcer so who's gonna take over that role
2. You can probably tell I'm very interested in the armada elites and now that we have been introduced to bishop we have found out he is basically the mad scientist of the elites and inventor rooke is the military operation enforcer I guess and deacon is the spymaster I won't ask about queen because she hasn't been seen and you don't want to spoil anything and then there's Phule which really I have absolutely no idea what his role is but making jokes so can you tell me more about the armada elites and their roles
3. Will you make a new class or classes in pirate101
4. After we finish the armada for good will you make a new villain like they did with wizard101 with morganthe I would like that
5. This is on a more different note many people including me are complaining about the cat pirate gone and I really want it back I have the money but I didn't join the game until literally the day before the boochbeard bundle was taken off so is there any way you can bring him back and maybe someone in my opinion calico jake would be the best as a main companion I like the idea so can you please discuss this with the others

Thank you blind mew and please take consideration on my 5th question
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Etahn Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 57 (test)

Jan 26, 2012
iceblade1233 on May 11, 2013 wrote:
i have couple places in mind

1: what chances will we go to Darkmoor? i think it might be Old Scratch's homeworld

2: later in book 15 will we learn more about the armada Queen?

3: Will we see MORE special guests from wizard101 like we did in the test realm?

4: will we see more familiar worlds from wizard101?

5: most of all are we actually gonna battle Kane in book 15?

Blind Mew if you get this please answer if possible
1. I'd say the chances are good - we've dropped the name too much not to follow up. The only question is when.

2. Maybe...

3. I fully intend to keep having some characters cross over. Ideally not ones that are incredibly obvious, and these are the kind of things that often arise organically while we're plotting out a world. Thus I can't even say which ones yet. Not that I would .

4. Yes. But, as we did in MooShu to a lesser degree and much more in Marleybine, we always will try to show a different side of them than Wizard players have seen.

5. That would certainly be telling, wouldn't it? Kane's a tricky one - we've set him up to be the pinnacle of enemies - hard to imagine how the Pirate could confront him, even at this point, without getting seriously schooled. Not the most fun of plot points.

Jan 26, 2012
Anne Radcliffe on May 11, 2013 wrote:
Concerning Avalon vs Marleybone -- oo, I could totally see that, Blind Mew. It could be like what happens when a fold of DNA causes a duplication of two genes; the genes, though identical to begin with, evolve independently thereafter, and quite frequently far apart. But here you could have a fold of time and space, giving Marleybone and Avalon. It's Quantum Physics meets Molecular Genetics! (The first of which I know nearly nothing about, and the both of which Anne knows absolutely nothing about!)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
A good analogy! It'd be cool to someday follow up on this, though budget and bandwidth might make it tricky to do so. A few months ago I'd have been worried about the Pirates going to such a high fantasy world, but I think it worked out pretty well in Aquila.

Jan 26, 2012
Ethan the baron on May 12, 2013 wrote:
Blind mew its nice to be speaking with you again I haven't spoken much in a while but I finally have some questions to ask

1. Now that we've killed deacon and rooke won't Kane be very very very mad that he's lost 2 of his most important men in his plans I've asked before if Kane will find a replacement for deacon but I have to ask again how will Kane be able to take care of deacon and rooke's positions especially for rooke because he is basically the military enforcer so who's gonna take over that role
2. You can probably tell I'm very interested in the armada elites and now that we have been introduced to bishop we have found out he is basically the mad scientist of the elites and inventor rooke is the military operation enforcer I guess and deacon is the spymaster I won't ask about queen because she hasn't been seen and you don't want to spoil anything and then there's Phule which really I have absolutely no idea what his role is but making jokes so can you tell me more about the armada elites and their roles
3. Will you make a new class or classes in pirate101
4. After we finish the armada for good will you make a new villain like they did with wizard101 with morganthe I would like that
5. This is on a more different note many people including me are complaining about the cat pirate gone and I really want it back I have the money but I didn't join the game until literally the day before the boochbeard bundle was taken off so is there any way you can bring him back and maybe someone in my opinion calico jake would be the best as a main companion I like the idea so can you please discuss this with the others

Thank you blind mew and please take consideration on my 5th question
Slick Cody Jones privateer lvl 50
Merciless Etahn Jenkins swashbuckler lvl 57 (test)
1. Yeah, I'd say you've moved past curiosity and annoyance to potential threat. Kane's been very busy with something important since before the game began, and having to divert attention from it to put his house in order and deal with you won't make him happy at all. It will be interesting to see how he responds - you learn the most about an adversary by what how they react to a setback.

2. You asked about the female elite without asking about her - nicely done. I'm reluctant to reveal much more at this time. I like Phule as mysterious, and a bit of a wild card. As for the other - her role will be pretty obvious when she is introduced.

3. Not my bailiwick - that's a Ratbeard question. I like the classes we have, though.

4. Yes - after El Dorado we will find a new story to tell. We're taking our time to find the inspiration for it.

5. Also not my bailiwick - I'd talk to One-Eyed Jack about that.

Good talking to you again, too!

Jun 08, 2009
(Also cross-posting from TugaPirate's post over on at his request)

1 - Are Mirage and Rajah related? Because I imagine Mirage being like sultan-themed, with cats and things like Taj Mahal and Rajah being a florest like world based on Saudi Arabia but with tigers and rainforests.
2 - I know you can't really say something, but in one word, could you describe book 15?
3 - If you could make a new world, what theme would it have?
4 - Are the clockbirds related to the 2nd saga (after El Dorado)?
5 - Can we expect more threats in the skyways like storms instead of always having the monsters and the tornado?
6 - Will we ever find out what's behind the door (I think you know what door I'm talking about).
7 - Last, we have a guess that we will go again to Valencia (we can guess it from the end of Book 14), the 2nd trip I believe, but Krokotopia was also mentioned, will we have a surprise in Book 15?

(This next one is my own question)

8. Will there be a Kingsisle reference?

May 21, 2009
Hello Blind Mew! I really hope I am not a bother, but I have a few questions to ask myself....

1. Why did the Armada outlaw magic if Bishop is a Witchdoctor and he is clearly seen using magic?
2. Are the Elite Court in any I mean, we did 'kill' Deacon and Rooke - did we just break them beyond repair or is there some kind of physical aspect to their 'deaths'?
3. Mr. Swidget - where in the world did inspiration for him come from? I LOVE HIM, and his name sounds positively Dickensian! That, and where did the inspiration for the Isle of Fetch come from? The place is wonderful, aesthetically speaking.
4. Cagliostro - is this a place or a name....? I think I know the answer - 'that would be telling?'
5. Would you ever consider a production blog? I am confident loads of Pirate101 fans would love hearing your own insights without the question-and-answer format, but these are good too!
6. Ummm...I kind of assumed Albion was based off of Ireland since you mentioned 'the Troubles' in the promo quest, but then you said it resembled Scotland in Rob Roy and Bonnie Anne's title is 'Fox Highlander'. Clarification?
7. You mentioned in a previous post that Valencia had Merchant Families - are we going to meet any Medicis and Borgias in Valencia/Book 15?
8. Mycroft Bones - he is my favorite non-companion character. Is he coming into a much bigger role aside from giving missions to us to help the war?

Thanks! And I sincerely hope I am not bothering you with all these questions!

May 06, 2009
Anne Radcliffe on May 11, 2013 wrote:
Concerning Avalon vs Marleybone -- oo, I could totally see that, Blind Mew. It could be like what happens when a fold of DNA causes a duplication of two genes; the genes, though identical to begin with, evolve independently thereafter, and quite frequently far apart. But here you could have a fold of time and space, giving Marleybone and Avalon. It's Quantum Physics meets Molecular Genetics! (The first of which I know nearly nothing about, and the both of which Anne knows absolutely nothing about!)
Virtuous Anne Radcliffe
Hello Falstaff27! You're analogy, like Blind Mew said, is a very intersting and true. Avalon does seem like a place similar to Marleybone. What I was going to say is, from what we know of Wizard101's Marelybone is that the Dogs of Marleybone are extremely explorational people. Compared to Monquista, they make the biggest impact on the Spiral. So far we've seen them in Krokotopia (not sure how our Krok will take their visit), Celestia, and possible Rajah (My brother and I are convinced that is where the other 3 Stormgates lead to in Westminister Skyway since it was decented to make all the Stormgates nameless).
The actual people of Marleybone really only want to learn and discover more about the Spiral and take artifacts back to their Grand Museum in the captiol to pretty much just admire. If they travel to Avalon, they'd want to learn as much about the world as possible, take notes, maybe even industriallize the world but they aren't conquors (if we notice they only travel to ancient worlds were life is seldom found), and maybe even set up trade (Avalon has not trade routes with any world currently; they are surprisingly very independent).

I would be extremely pleased to go to Avalon. Athurian Pirates...has anyone even tried that? And the story is quite simple as a follow-up. Wizard101 lead off with Avalon having restored it's King. It's up to the Pirates to help King Artorius's head warrior and advisor Sir Prancealot (I was surprised they gave Sir Lancealot no reference) restore the Kingdom completely and overthrough the Froudling menace. I think this will work best in the 2nd story to because I think we're booked (no pun intended) with this.
We still have to go to Valencia 2 more times, then Krokotopia is a heavy possibilty, Darkmoor has had some high recognition, Grizzlehiem maybe, we might need Rajah to clear up our family matters and 5 years price thing, Polaris must fit somewhere, and of course El Dorado.

I'm also convinced we will be going to Celestia right before El Dorado. Blind Mew drops the hits like we're going there. While he said that little article with Marco Polo's discovery of El Dorado was just a way to connect to the two stories, I still hold it like it's very crucial to the story. If it was the Celestians who closed El Dorado's Stormgate, then it is only Celestians who can open it. Maybe Celestia Skyway is a ruined, sunked Skyway and we need a special Astral artifact to open the El Dorado Stormgate. We may have the Map and all the Windstones and can pin-point it's location, that doesn't mean it's open. And Celestia Skyway doesn't need to big. It can practically be just a a small Skyway and even allude to Morganthe's reawakening. That's all.

Also one quick question to Blind Mew: if on the slight chance we do go to Grizzlehiem, will Wintertusk somehow play a role? Also from a Wizard101 quest, Grizzlehiem and Wizard City set up trade so it is possible to go there for us Pirates.

Jan 26, 2012
chloso on May 13, 2013 wrote:
(Also cross-posting from TugaPirate's post over on at his request)

1 - Are Mirage and Rajah related? Because I imagine Mirage being like sultan-themed, with cats and things like Taj Mahal and Rajah being a florest like world based on Saudi Arabia but with tigers and rainforests.
2 - I know you can't really say something, but in one word, could you describe book 15?
3 - If you could make a new world, what theme would it have?
4 - Are the clockbirds related to the 2nd saga (after El Dorado)?
5 - Can we expect more threats in the skyways like storms instead of always having the monsters and the tornado?
6 - Will we ever find out what's behind the door (I think you know what door I'm talking about).
7 - Last, we have a guess that we will go again to Valencia (we can guess it from the end of Book 14), the 2nd trip I believe, but Krokotopia was also mentioned, will we have a surprise in Book 15?

(This next one is my own question)

8. Will there be a Kingsisle reference?
1 - They're two separate worlds, both exotic. Rajah is an analogue of India, Mirage is more mysterious (for now at least).

2. Intrigue.

3. I don't really know how to answer this one. I'd love to see a completely subterranean world, or something with a real ocean. A world of nothing but flotsam-like ruins lashed together, or some kind of Sargasso Sea world where ships and wrecks from all over end up stuck in webs of kelp. Those would be pretty sweet.

4. You get lots of data about the birds at the end of Book 14. I'm pretty sure those events answer this question.

5. Don't know. I'd like to see it.

6. Lucius Fox's door? . . . maybe

7. If all goes as planned, there should be several surprises in Book 15.

8. I'm not sure what you mean by this, either - will we be dropping a dev's name in somewhere? Uncertain.

Jan 26, 2012
CaptainFlint193 on May 13, 2013 wrote:
Hello Blind Mew! I really hope I am not a bother, but I have a few questions to ask myself....

1. Why did the Armada outlaw magic if Bishop is a Witchdoctor and he is clearly seen using magic?
2. Are the Elite Court in any I mean, we did 'kill' Deacon and Rooke - did we just break them beyond repair or is there some kind of physical aspect to their 'deaths'?
3. Mr. Swidget - where in the world did inspiration for him come from? I LOVE HIM, and his name sounds positively Dickensian! That, and where did the inspiration for the Isle of Fetch come from? The place is wonderful, aesthetically speaking.
4. Cagliostro - is this a place or a name....? I think I know the answer - 'that would be telling?'
5. Would you ever consider a production blog? I am confident loads of Pirate101 fans would love hearing your own insights without the question-and-answer format, but these are good too!
6. Ummm...I kind of assumed Albion was based off of Ireland since you mentioned 'the Troubles' in the promo quest, but then you said it resembled Scotland in Rob Roy and Bonnie Anne's title is 'Fox Highlander'. Clarification?
7. You mentioned in a previous post that Valencia had Merchant Families - are we going to meet any Medicis and Borgias in Valencia/Book 15?
8. Mycroft Bones - he is my favorite non-companion character. Is he coming into a much bigger role aside from giving missions to us to help the war?

Thanks! And I sincerely hope I am not bothering you with all these questions!
1. His magic isn't quite magic - it's imitative. And besides, outlawing something generally means only the authorities get to use it - machine guns and nuclear weapons, for example.

2. The Armada Elites are Clockworks, just like their minions. They're just much better in quality and capability. The Elites who have fallen were damaged beyond repair. Kane could, in theory, replace them, but it would be a rather long and involved process (and he's very busy). Even if he did, the memories of the fallen Elites would be lost - a new Deacon would not remember anything that had happened to his predecessor. If Deacon was keeping any secrets, they're lost.

3. He's just a little quirky guy who was fun to write - we wanted a bumbling lawyer, and most of his personality kind of organically arose during the writing. His name is very deliberately Dickensian - one of our goals for Marleybone was to dial it back from the very Victorian/early 20th century of the Wizard world to a more Dickensian vision of London. There are a few Dickens references running around, if you know where to look for them. At least one is not at all subtle.

4. Not going to say at this time.

5. An interesting notion, but I find the current arrangement works well for me - a blog would constantly be running up against that whole what can i reveal/what can't I talk about thing - it's easier to respond to questions than try to fill a blank page under those limits, if you get what i mean. This thread, i will say, is getting a little unwieldy - when Book 13 goes live I intend to post some "liner notes" about it and see if we can't start a second lore thread.

6. We conflate Scotland and Ireland, much like we do in other places (Monquista and Valencia are both Spain and Italy mixed, just in different proportions). So its the look of Scotland (and their accents), but with irish themes.

7. Analogues, I'd say - the acutal names may change a little.

8. I'm fond of Mister M. myself. He has a bit of an arc coming up. I don't know if his role is going to change, per se, but we will be seeing more of him.

Sep 17, 2012
After playing through almost all the content on the test realm (with the exception of Ratbeard's promo due to a bug) I have quite a few questions of my own I would now like to ask.

1. Hawkules: I have to say he is one of my favorite companions now. His personality is great and I would love to see more of it in the future. If and when he promotes can we expect a quest for it?

2. The Olympian's Advice: There was one particular side quest in Aquila that interested me greatly. Each of the Olympians had a few words of advice for our pirates. Can we expect their words to have some effect in the future? (Specifically thinking of what Apollo said regarding Desdemona)

3. Arthur Wethersfield: For one of the main quests we had to retrieve a statue of Arthur (Or at least I think it's arthur) Wethersfield. Will this action have any repercussions in the future for either our Pirates or in Wizard101?

4. Lastly I have more of a random question. If you could take any companion that currently promotes for gold, and write a promotion quest for them, who would you be most interested in writing one for?

5. This is more of a compliment rather than a question. I have to say I love what you did in Lastrygon with both YooMad Cave and The Cave of Lamos. It was absolutely hilarious. Whoever came up with that deserves a huge pat on the back.

Community Leader
Aquila is an fantastic world, I am just beyond thrilled with it! I was wondering why Aquila and Marleybone doesn't even have any unexplored skyways. Aquila I bet is big enough without being expanded, but am surprised about Marleybone. It seemed so small.

I wanted to delve more into Marleybone. For instance, the huge "greenhouse" or glass house in Barkeley Square, I would love to be able to enter that. I also saw a painting of a Marleybone St. Bernard King? I would've loved to see him or at least learn about him. Seems like there's no "royalty" or "government" in charge of this place? Who's in charge for the day to day basic things?

With Marleybone it seemed like it was about the main storyline, but I wanted to get know the world itself a bit better as well. I love visiting people and buildings, learn the history of it. When you travel to a new country, you usually visit the museums or historical places or even places where people rule and learn the history of it. I feel that this is a bit missing from this world. How did this place come to be? Who rules it? What's the history of it? Will Marleybone ever be expanded? Or this is it?

I'm not sure if I'm missing something or it's just that by fighting so much in this world, the cool facts are being buried by focusing on that so much. Aquila I thought was perfect. You do learn the history and you're able to visit places and learn even more about the stories that helped Aquila come to be. The myths, the main storyline, everything blended in so well! I really enjoyed it and the pace in this world is just marvelous.

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Community Leader

I am curious how Marleybone deals with being split into two different "worlds"; Wizard and Pirate. I just feel somehow for Marleybone it's not as easy as it looks. Mooshu to me always felt spiritual, so that world is more able to accept other realities. But Marleybone? I actually thought that Marleybone was more suited to Pirate101 than Wizard101. I cannot imagine Marleybonians accepting magic or are comfortable with it. Yet the Marleybone in Wizard101 is bigger than the Pirate101. Maybe it's just me. Also if there's Marleybone cars and balloons in Wizard101, why aren't there any in Pirate101? I'm starting to wonder where they are made LOL!

One thing I thought of.. You know how you arrive in a game and suddenly there's new companions in Crown Shop? I realized that it would be cool to have a "Companion" vendor in taverns. You arrive in Marleybone for instance, you go to a tavern and you meet up with a guy who helps you hire people for your crew. Talk to him, you get a "Crown Shop" type of interface, buy companions. Or it could be part of the story as well when you get a quest from him that helps you recruit one. Or both.


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May 06, 2009
chloso on May 13, 2013 wrote:
(Also cross-posting from TugaPirate's post over on at his request)

1 - Are Mirage and Rajah related? Because I imagine Mirage being like sultan-themed, with cats and things like Taj Mahal and Rajah being a florest like world based on Saudi Arabia but with tigers and rainforests.
2 - I know you can't really say something, but in one word, could you describe book 15?
3 - If you could make a new world, what theme would it have?
4 - Are the clockbirds related to the 2nd saga (after El Dorado)?
5 - Can we expect more threats in the skyways like storms instead of always having the monsters and the tornado?
6 - Will we ever find out what's behind the door (I think you know what door I'm talking about).
7 - Last, we have a guess that we will go again to Valencia (we can guess it from the end of Book 14), the 2nd trip I believe, but Krokotopia was also mentioned, will we have a surprise in Book 15?

(This next one is my own question)

8. Will there be a Kingsisle reference?
I'll leave most of these for Blind Mew but I must comment on your first question:

No, Mirage and Rajah are not related. They are of similar regions of the Spiral (Mirage more in the hot spots of the Spiral while Rajah lies in the Tropical climates) but overall completely seperate. The Lynx and Cats of Mirage have their culture and the Bengal Tigers their own. I think you have things mixed up. Mirage is Arabian-based, inspired by the Arabian Nights stories and more so Saudi Arabia (both the game world and the country are extremely arid and desert like).

Rajah is Blind Mew's analogue to India. Based off of India's geography and the terrain of the Tigers, we can assume Rajah is very lushious. However, since the Tigers prefer terrible food, it may be possible they have stripped their land barren and live a harder more militarian styled life (But we'll see when we get there).

Since the theme for both these worlds is known for rich spices and oils, it is possible they both carry some kind of strong power trade in the Spiral. Especial to Monquista and Marleybone. We can also assume they trade with each other or simply don't recognize each other's exisistence. Lynx's aren't very aggressive creatures (I still won't pet a wild one if I were you) and are pretty solitary like Tigers, not aggressive until provoked and pretty solitary. It's highly possible they don't know the other is right there.

May 06, 2009
May I be of some assistance? Much of Marleybone's history was told in Wizard101 and, with heavy bandwith and all, the story just couldn't delve deeper into the history of Marleybone and repeat what Wizard101 continually states.

Marelybone is run by a Monarchy currently and have Queen Elizabeth II in place (the Queen of Marleybone has unfortunately yet to make an appearance in either game and, until all world leaders come for some kind of meeting we can see, I doubt she ever will, but there is a picture of her). This was stated in one of the books of Wizard101's Marelybone where Queen Elizabeth I brought Marleybone into a Golden Age (I'm afraid I can't remember the quest line for this).

The deal with Wizard101 worlds and Pirate101 worlds and how they work is interesting. Worlds have a unique basis; the closer to the center of a World will hold more magical properties than places further away. So let's look at Marleybone. Westminister Skyway is literally right infront of Wizard101's Marleybone. Beyond Westminister is Albion and many others. Wizard101's worlds will always be the center point of a world (easily done with Wizard worlds our Pirates have yet to explore than Wizard's seeing our worlds). Westminister's Mobs, Bosses, and NPC's however have little magical knowledge and thus use more physical aggression. The same goes for MooShu as Hamamitsu, Khotan, and Subata all lie right in front of MooShu and Imperial Skyway wraps around Wizard101's MooShu. Yet, the creatures don't hold any threating magical powers. Even Witchdoctors! (Wizards can kill our Pirates in half a heartbeat with their spells).

Most of the Dogs of Marleybone do not hold strong ties to magic outside of World Gates and Stormgates. Not many Dogs aspire to learn magic really (Arthur Weathersfield is an obvious exception) and no Dog has ever been seen casting a single spell. But they do recognize it's exsistence and seek out to learn of the ancient civilzations that do use it (Krokotopia, Celestia, Azteca, Zafaria, etc.). The Dogs prefer to do things the hard way by manufactoring things and building rather than cast a spell and be done. They love to build and craft a new inventions with the ol' bolts and iron. It's their way and most Worlds except that (well maybe not Valencia).

Wizard101's Marleybone is the actual metropolitan capitol of Marleybone. Because of this, the Dogs of the capitol have created fast transportation to get from place to place such as cars and balloon rides. It's all urban there. Pirate101 Marleybone is more Suburban with a Militarian twist. The place isn't economically sound to have such survices and luxuries and honestly, most residents don't really mind (The Isle of Dogs isn't very big, plus with a war in all, flying a balloon ship isn't the best plan, and there's not really a lot of space to drive a car or go on balloon ride somewhere). Albion is definitely rural Marelybone and has few to no luxuries at all.

Feb 21, 2009
The game should have two worlds that would fit perfectly into the Pirate theme. Zafaria since it is rather easy to access since it is seen in most stormgates as well as an early America, east coast world. Zafaria because it could touch upon slavery and the east coast world could revolve around Marleybone having colonies and evetually Polaris helping this world. The two worlds might make for a interesting side world storyline, perhaps triangular trade or something of that nature. I would really like it if you could comment on this since I have A LOT of ideas for the entire story arch, puppet shows and even a few puns and stuff that would fit right into the story.

Dread Pirate
Jun 13, 2011
Blind Mew, I seem to recall that Mycroft Bones has been searching for the traitor responsible for the Rooke Port Regal invasion ruse and for leading Calico Jake, Bonnie Anne, the PC, and their crew into Deacon's trap, during her second promotion quest. Will that same traitor be finally revealed at Bonnie Anne's third promotion quest? I would certainly like to give that no good traitor what for, whoever it is.

Is Old Scratch due for his third promotion quest after the story update? I'm certain I would like to see more story out of him and what new powers he can use to win the PC's ongoing destiny... and maybe see him get a jaw, too. Can it feature a Bishop encounter in it, too? It would be thrilling to see another Clockwork Elite make an appearance in his third promotion quest, much like Bonnie Anne's second promotion quest.

I know patience, but I hope I won't expect to wait further for El Toro's second promotion quest after this first story update goes live. You stated that he will receive it after the first story update, correct? Let's hope it won't be too long of a wait. Hope the same goes for the Kraken Skulls 5 companions' third promotion quests, too.

Community Leader
I agree with you Tarzan. Heck, Zafaria (Africa) can be also connected to Monsquista (Spain) too and tie in the Chris Columbus story (He was spanish). From there, we can see the opening of the new world and how 13 Colonies were set up. And Marleybone as the "British" to East Coast/USA type of world in the Colonist Revolutionary War. Then MB can be connected to Mirage (India/MiddleEast) and tie in the Gandhi (a wrinkled rat? IDK lol) and their silent movement to stop MB's. We can come in to create a truce and peace and solve misunderstanding between Mirage people and MB's.

The African/Slavery movement in East Coast reminds me of those slaves we freed in Krok (W101).. So it could fit in P101 as well. I'd love to have a "New York City" type of town for the East Coast world. There, you can tie slaves in and many other things because that city was one of the major slave centers, we could have a side quest to stop them there. Also, that city has the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, etc. And New York Indians.. Apparently Long Island and Parts of New York was sold for a small amount of jewelry to the British from the Indians living there.. (I hope I'm right, heard this like 15 years ago) which is already a great story.

Also, we can talk about Florida and Fountain of Youth. Or a rumor of a "Giant Golden Banana" that granted youth .. I can imagine Monquistans going banana crazy over that lol!

I do love the idea of stories that covers two worlds or more. I really didn't mind having two worlds released or connected at once.

So many possibilities!

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May 29, 2009
I have a few more questions

1. Was the Armada and El Dorado always part of Pirate101 when it was being developed? Or were these things added in instead of something else?

2. I am not sure if I missed something but how did our pirates develop the ability to breath underwater?

3. So far we've seen that that Deacon's a Musketeer, Bishop's a Witchdoctor and Rooke's a Buckaneer. What class does Phule belong to?

Jan 26, 2012
Merciless Morgrim on May 14, 2013 wrote:
After playing through almost all the content on the test realm (with the exception of Ratbeard's promo due to a bug) I have quite a few questions of my own I would now like to ask.

1. Hawkules: I have to say he is one of my favorite companions now. His personality is great and I would love to see more of it in the future. If and when he promotes can we expect a quest for it?

2. The Olympian's Advice: There was one particular side quest in Aquila that interested me greatly. Each of the Olympians had a few words of advice for our pirates. Can we expect their words to have some effect in the future? (Specifically thinking of what Apollo said regarding Desdemona)

3. Arthur Wethersfield: For one of the main quests we had to retrieve a statue of Arthur (Or at least I think it's arthur) Wethersfield. Will this action have any repercussions in the future for either our Pirates or in Wizard101?

4. Lastly I have more of a random question. If you could take any companion that currently promotes for gold, and write a promotion quest for them, who would you be most interested in writing one for?

5. This is more of a compliment rather than a question. I have to say I love what you did in Lastrygon with both YooMad Cave and The Cave of Lamos. It was absolutely hilarious. Whoever came up with that deserves a huge pat on the back.
1. I'm fond of Hawkules too. We have a general rule: if the Companion chatters during quests, they'll get a promotion quest. Ol' Hawk probably won't promote until Book 17 or 18, but he will. And yes, you can expect a quest.

2. It'd be really silly of me to put all those prophecies out there and then do nothing with 'em, wouldn't it? Apollo's is merely the most specific (Zeus' was the least) - but all of them will bear fruit in time.

3. I've seen a lot of commentary about the Weathersfield statue, and I need to point out that the statue is not of Arthur Weathersfield, but of Nigel, a cousin of Arthur's whose curiosity and unflagging sense of adventure gets him in trouble. Medea is the only one who ever says his name, and it goes by pretty quick. It's a nod and a wink, not a harbinger of huge plot points to come.

4. Ooo that's a tough one. The unicorns (Capoferro and Iago) would be cool, as would Froggo Villa. Mustang Sally also would be fun to write for.

5. I cannot take credit for those quests, actually - one of the other writers did them and I saw immediately that they were real funny. He and I have both been very pleased by the forum response to those gags - it was stronger than we anticipated. Pat on the back received.

Jan 26, 2012
Kelsey Fireheart on May 15, 2013 wrote:
Aquila is an fantastic world, I am just beyond thrilled with it! I was wondering why Aquila and Marleybone doesn't even have any unexplored skyways. Aquila I bet is big enough without being expanded, but am surprised about Marleybone. It seemed so small.

I wanted to delve more into Marleybone. For instance, the huge "greenhouse" or glass house in Barkeley Square, I would love to be able to enter that. I also saw a painting of a Marleybone St. Bernard King? I would've loved to see him or at least learn about him. Seems like there's no "royalty" or "government" in charge of this place? Who's in charge for the day to day basic things?

With Marleybone it seemed like it was about the main storyline, but I wanted to get know the world itself a bit better as well. I love visiting people and buildings, learn the history of it. When you travel to a new country, you usually visit the museums or historical places or even places where people rule and learn the history of it. I feel that this is a bit missing from this world. How did this place come to be? Who rules it? What's the history of it? Will Marleybone ever be expanded? Or this is it?

I'm not sure if I'm missing something or it's just that by fighting so much in this world, the cool facts are being buried by focusing on that so much. Aquila I thought was perfect. You do learn the history and you're able to visit places and learn even more about the stories that helped Aquila come to be. The myths, the main storyline, everything blended in so well! I really enjoyed it and the pace in this world is just marvelous.
You raise a lot of good points, and some that I honestly hadn't considered. I'm going to do a bigger "liner notes" style post on Book 13 and 14 once they go to live, where I talk through what we were thinking and how we got there. I want to open by saying that we consider both MB and Aquila open for future skyway expansion, so there may be much more to come.

You're absolutely right, Book 13 is a little different - I see it as a pretty major pivot point of the El Dorado plot. I also intended it from the get go to be tight, dramatic, and focused. I always said Book 13 was about war and consequences, and I wasn't kidding. Ultimately, Book 13 is more about the war, the Armada, and the Pirate's evolving vendetta with Kane than it is about Marleybone, for better or worse.

There is indeed a royalty, and a government. MB is ruled by a Queen - you see her portrait all over (she's a Corgi, or course - the St. Bernard portrait you mention is St. Fido). Looking back in hindsight, it seems we were a bit remiss in not mentioning the Queen, or Her Majesty's (whaterver). Perhaps we'll fix that in a future polish sweep. In Bonnie Anne's promotion quest she mentions a Parliament, if that's any consolation, and there's a fair amount of detail brought in about Albion and the Troubles. But yes, there's more to say about Marleybone than we've said. I was setting out to do the Battle of Britain - the war overshadows everything.

BUT - that said, I love MB too much for this to be it. There are lots of places in Barkeley Square that time and budget didn't permit entry to this time... The Royal College of Engineering, St. Paw's Cathedral, the Crystal palace (headquarters of the Spiral Geographic Society), and International Exports, Ltd, not to mention Glass House Prison. There's also Lunden's Bridge hanging out there in the Skyway, and the looming White Cliffs or Rover.

We're going to have LOTS of promotion quests in the future, and lots of chances to come back, even if we don't open a new Skyway.

I hope that helps. And I'm glad to see Aquila suit your tastes so well.

Jan 26, 2012
Nicholas LionRider on May 16, 2013 wrote:
The game should have two worlds that would fit perfectly into the Pirate theme. Zafaria since it is rather easy to access since it is seen in most stormgates as well as an early America, east coast world. Zafaria because it could touch upon slavery and the east coast world could revolve around Marleybone having colonies and evetually Polaris helping this world. The two worlds might make for a interesting side world storyline, perhaps triangular trade or something of that nature. I would really like it if you could comment on this since I have A LOT of ideas for the entire story arch, puppet shows and even a few puns and stuff that would fit right into the story.
A New England colonial world would be pretty sweet, and Zafaria would indeed be a decent fit for Pirate too - I'm not sure if we'll get to them before El Dorsado, but after El Dorado we're going to need more to do...

Jan 26, 2012
Trimond297 on May 16, 2013 wrote:
Blind Mew, I seem to recall that Mycroft Bones has been searching for the traitor responsible for the Rooke Port Regal invasion ruse and for leading Calico Jake, Bonnie Anne, the PC, and their crew into Deacon's trap, during her second promotion quest. Will that same traitor be finally revealed at Bonnie Anne's third promotion quest? I would certainly like to give that no good traitor what for, whoever it is.

Is Old Scratch due for his third promotion quest after the story update? I'm certain I would like to see more story out of him and what new powers he can use to win the PC's ongoing destiny... and maybe see him get a jaw, too. Can it feature a Bishop encounter in it, too? It would be thrilling to see another Clockwork Elite make an appearance in his third promotion quest, much like Bonnie Anne's second promotion quest.

I know patience, but I hope I won't expect to wait further for El Toro's second promotion quest after this first story update goes live. You stated that he will receive it after the first story update, correct? Let's hope it won't be too long of a wait. Hope the same goes for the Kraken Skulls 5 companions' third promotion quests, too.
Dealing with the leaks in Mycroft's operation is on the to do list, but that's on a long. slow build up. Bonnie Anne's promo quest (one of my favorites, btw) has a very different focus.

Old Scratch's next quest is getting close.

El Toro won't promote until Book 15 at the minimum. Ditto for the Kraken Skulls 5.

Jan 26, 2012
Line Mountain on May 16, 2013 wrote:
I have a few more questions

1. Was the Armada and El Dorado always part of Pirate101 when it was being developed? Or were these things added in instead of something else?

2. I am not sure if I missed something but how did our pirates develop the ability to breath underwater?

3. So far we've seen that that Deacon's a Musketeer, Bishop's a Witchdoctor and Rooke's a Buckaneer. What class does Phule belong to?
1. Quite literally the first thing the creative team worked out after getting here was the idea of the pieces of the map and the quest for El Dorado. After that, we worked out who the enemy was: the Armada. After figuring out how those two pieces fit together, the spine of the main story was laid out.

2. They just hold their breaths a Looooooooong time - it's a skill they have to learn to fly betweent he world, through the void of space!

3. That will be revealed in good time.

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2009
Hi Blind Mew, I have a few more questions if you don't mind asking them :)

1. What was your favorite part of the new update?
2. Does are Pirate have any Brothers/Sisters? I think it would be cool to have a sibling as some kind of companion. Maybe our sibling could be the character we be in Wizard101, and we help them fight Morganthe in Wizard101 and They become our companion in Pirate101 :)
3. I love the Aquillian crown shop companions :) I'm a big fan of the Percy Jackson series so anything to do with Greek/Roman mythology I automatically think they are awesome! But will any of them be able to promote and get new epic talents/powers as well as a new look? I really like my Aquiallian Buccaneer and they are my first mate in the test realm.
4. If Kingsisle teamed up with any other film/t.v show/video game what franchise and made a new world based off of that franchise, what franchise would you like to team up with and why ? For me I'd quite like to see a
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx themed world based off the vechroid cards (They are basically cartoon versions of different vehicles) and I think the world could be where the toy maker lives and they create the "roids" who live there and then go on to make the mechanical birds.
5. Out of all the promotion quests released in the update, which one was your favorite to create?
6. I know that book 13/14 isn't live yet but is there any spoilers that you can give us about book 15 :) I'm really exited to see how the story progresses.
7. I think this one has been asked before but is there going to be any more skyways in Marleybone or Aquilla? I love those worlds and I'd really like to see more of them. Like an industrial revolution or WWI/WWII storyline for marleybone and another titan war for Aquilla.

I hope you take the time to answer my questions

Dashing Roberto Sharp Level 55 (Test Realm)