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Quicker Companion Tasks Needed

Nov 03, 2012
Often, when I am trying to give a certain task to all of my companions, I find that it takes quite a while to assign them all the order. I think that there should be a select all button for the tasks so you can tell companions what to do more quickly.

Apr 28, 2012
I don't think a select all button would be used that much. My reasoning is that, when you have two or more pages of Companions, assigning all of them the same task would cause each Companion to take longer to complete the task. I like to have most of my Companions do the following orders: Pet Wrangling, Scavenging, earning Experience (xp - Brawling), earning Nautical Experience (nxp - Cannoneering), and, if I can, earning Training Tomes (Officer Orders). I try to keep a balance where they all finish the task about the same time. I agree that it can take awhile to give all the orders. That is why I have the Repeat Order option turned on. This allows the specific Companion to start that same task again when I collect the result from them. Now, I could see a Collect All button. That is one button I would definitely use.