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Hidden AI

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
So something I just thought about that may have been posted about in the past: AI units with hide power(s). In my entire play-through of the game(as a swashbuckler), I've NEVER encountered a single enemy unit with a hide power. Even swashbuckler bosses didn't have a hide. This kind of makes the game easier for swashbucklers. Not saying it's a breeze, believe me it's still a fairly good difficulty given the target demographic.

Now, I understand why they weren't used, since having a boss with hidden would be very difficult to deal with early game. However, now that First Strike 3, Quick Draw 3, and Readied Spell 3 are working properly(and exist), I think it might be nice to have a boss or few with a hidden when the next story update comes our way.

I hope you consider this Ratbeard.

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
FireMorgan13 on Aug 12, 2015 wrote:
So something I just thought about that may have been posted about in the past: AI units with hide power(s). In my entire play-through of the game(as a swashbuckler), I've NEVER encountered a single enemy unit with a hide power. Even swashbuckler bosses didn't have a hide. This kind of makes the game easier for swashbucklers. Not saying it's a breeze, believe me it's still a fairly good difficulty given the target demographic.

Now, I understand why they weren't used, since having a boss with hidden would be very difficult to deal with early game. However, now that First Strike 3, Quick Draw 3, and Readied Spell 3 are working properly(and exist), I think it might be nice to have a boss or few with a hidden when the next story update comes our way.

I hope you consider this Ratbeard.

Fearless Dolan Grant lvl65
I know you've been in the Tower, but I guess you never saw Jonathan use Black Fog? He uses it when someone freezes him in place ( whether by Moo's boots or a Glacier doubloon )
BTW, I know it was BF because once Faye was standing next to him and she went hidden, too!

May 31, 2009
anecorbie on Aug 12, 2015 wrote:
I know you've been in the Tower, but I guess you never saw Jonathan use Black Fog? He uses it when someone freezes him in place ( whether by Moo's boots or a Glacier doubloon )
BTW, I know it was BF because once Faye was standing next to him and she went hidden, too!
But Johnny is a nasty little piece of work...all of the Nefarious Five are. I think they have all of the class powers available to them to use, depending on the situation.

First Mate
Dec 24, 2009
anecorbie on Aug 12, 2015 wrote:
I know you've been in the Tower, but I guess you never saw Jonathan use Black Fog? He uses it when someone freezes him in place ( whether by Moo's boots or a Glacier doubloon )
BTW, I know it was BF because once Faye was standing next to him and she went hidden, too!
I guess I've never seen him frozen. However I meant just as a power the boss would use regardless of being frozen or not.

Jul 07, 2013
I saw him use it in the tower as well. I believe the nefarious have a lot of powers in their deck they don't use as often but if you do a long battle with them you can see them do it. The buccaneer can reckless frenzy and faye can cast leviathan's call. I've also seen her increase accuracy and dodge once but I could of been crazy it was one in the morning.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey