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Fellow morphing addicts: how d'you SORT your pets?

Nov 23, 2011
I fear the time is coming when I will need to sink some serious time into bringing some order out of pet chaos. I have pets everywhere, and any order I semi-imposed when advanced pets were first introduced has long-since been overwhelmed. My original organization was by origin, not in the Skull Island/Cool Ranch/ etc. sense but in the Crown Shop/Quest Reward/Boss drop etc. sense. One character was responsible for the hybrids. I may go back to that system, but before I do I thought I would see what other people are doing, to see if one of you has a system I like better.

I am not going to touch Fiorenza's system, incidentally; I will leave it to her to explain it.


Community Leader
I personally have a house full of hybrids, another house with game card pets, another house with 1st gen (Non-Game Card) pets, another house with extras. That's how I sort my pets lol.

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May 30, 2010
My system is childishly simple. Each pirate is responsible for a particular biological class (sometimes classes) of pet. So, for example, my witchdoctors hold the non-living pets. Someone gets all the birds. Someone else gets the herpetofauna. Mammals (including mythological mammals) go to someone else. Fish live with yet another pirate, while invertebrates go somewhere else.

Since many of my pirates have multiple houses, they split up the critters by house as well. In general, I try to put the pets into a logical place in the house -- my privateer might have a basement full of spiders while my witchdoctor has her grotto full of skeletal snakes. Clockwork owls stay in the upper story of the light house in the smuggler's cove, while black tigers lurk outside near the water. Octopi and fish tend to hang out at the beaches.

Six pirates, six general pet taxa. Works for me, and is reasonably efficient after the initial "holy cow I have way too many pets!" division.

Jul 07, 2013
I put them all out in the backyard so they can play and get fresh air.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Indigo Ring on Feb 2, 2015 wrote:
I fear the time is coming when I will need to sink some serious time into bringing some order out of pet chaos. I have pets everywhere, and any order I semi-imposed when advanced pets were first introduced has long-since been overwhelmed. My original organization was by origin, not in the Skull Island/Cool Ranch/ etc. sense but in the Crown Shop/Quest Reward/Boss drop etc. sense. One character was responsible for the hybrids. I may go back to that system, but before I do I thought I would see what other people are doing, to see if one of you has a system I like better.

I am not going to touch Fiorenza's system, incidentally; I will leave it to her to explain it.

Interesting topic Indigo...and a fun question at that! I think you and I are/were in the same boat. I started out by really paying attention to all of my pets, my hybrids, their traits and other ways of sorting through the ever growing herd. But that was long ago and far away and now, some several hundred pets later, it is much harder to keep track of them and to find a fitting and proper place for them-- that also makes sense.

At first I put all of my "original" hybrids and their offspring in one house. I used another house for all of the Grizzly Pack and Tribal Crew Pack pets and then all of my high pedigree pets in another house...with hopes of maxing them out. But all along I kept notes, yes the kind you actually use physical, writing accoutrement for keeping records-- I know, I know, it seems crazy, but even in this day and age of modern computing technology, the good ol' pencil and pad still get the job done (now where did I put those notes)

Once I began to assemble some very high pedigree pets and "fine as wine from 1899" traits began to show up, I changed my sorting a bit. I began to put all of my maxed, 700 pedigree pets in one location, with 5 grants going in one spot, 4 grants in another, Gaze 2 & 3 pets in another house or location and specific "class pets with certain trait combos" in yet another. You see, I started a thread on P101 Central to help with morphing requests, where I would plan meet ups to help players get the pets/hybrids and or grants/traits they wanted in their bloodline. So, I then started to put specific combinations of Grants and or traits in sorted locations, so that way I could quickly and more efficiently find a group of pets that might help out my morphing partners. But with so many variables possible, it soon began to just turn into one big ol' hodgepodge of hedgehogs and dodgy pets-- I guess you could say a hodgepodge of hedgedodge.

I kept records of where to find certain pets/traits/maxed pedigrees/grants & hybrids, but I have now got pets just running amok every which way but loose (gotta love ol' Clyde!). So now Valkoor has about 8 pages of pets on him with the 1st 4 or 5 being maxed pedigree pets and 5 and 6 grant pets (20 species at maxed pedigree so far). He'll do the morphing and then pass on the next in-line(s) to my other pirates, who will train them up to a certain point, in which the more desirable ones get passed back to Valkoor for additional training-- since he has all 4 of the +5 Grizzly, energy boosting gear.

But for the most part most of the sorting madness and proper data recording has just flown out the window. There is still a little bit of method to the madness, and I pretty much know where certain pets are, but it's a bit more of a controlled chaos now.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
I also divide by type, all my aquatics are in my bunkhouse, I call it the "aquarium" as the walls and floor have water themed wallpaper and flooring.
MooShu pets hang around my MooShu pavilion.
Cats are usually indoors.
Fire themed pets hang around in the kitchen or near a campfire.

Jul 11, 2009
Currently it is pretty simple I put one of each ADULT pet as follows
I use ONE house and separate them by type / dragons here / buffaloon there etc.
you can put 50 pets Outside
you can put another 50 pets Inside
and the rest are in my attic.

With the release of the last batch of gift card pets / including hybrids there are now 154 different pets
So i may soon have to start using a 2nd house (call it #2) for sorting once i get them trained up.

I use another house (#3) to store some of the duplicates that i deem worthy to keep for morphing and such.

Yes i know many houses / but before morphing came along I didnt have much to spend gold on other than houses.

If the pet is not an adult it is on one of my characters for training till it is an adult.

Nov 23, 2011
Thanks for the responses, everyone.

What I am leaning toward (assuming a screw my courage to the sticking place and undertake such a daunting task) is to arrange the pets by source (Crown Shop, Card Pack, hybrid, etc.) among my pirates. Then each pirate divides them up, probably along the lines of untrained full-blood pets on this side of the outside of the house, and untrained mixed-parentage pets on that side of the outside of the house. Trained pets of the same types go inside the house, with again a division between pure-blood and mixed parentage pets. Lastly, in a super special room in the house will go the most successful (best DNA and/or best talents/skills activated) pets of the type.

Conversely, the best-for-morphing pets may all be assigned to one pirate (which is what I originally did).

I do like anecorbie's idea of decorating rooms appropriately - nice touch!

Valkoor, eventually (maybe) I will figure out my password for Pirate Central and contact you...


Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
Indigo Ring on Feb 4, 2015 wrote:
Thanks for the responses, everyone.

What I am leaning toward (assuming a screw my courage to the sticking place and undertake such a daunting task) is to arrange the pets by source (Crown Shop, Card Pack, hybrid, etc.) among my pirates. Then each pirate divides them up, probably along the lines of untrained full-blood pets on this side of the outside of the house, and untrained mixed-parentage pets on that side of the outside of the house. Trained pets of the same types go inside the house, with again a division between pure-blood and mixed parentage pets. Lastly, in a super special room in the house will go the most successful (best DNA and/or best talents/skills activated) pets of the type.

Conversely, the best-for-morphing pets may all be assigned to one pirate (which is what I originally did).

I do like anecorbie's idea of decorating rooms appropriately - nice touch!

Valkoor, eventually (maybe) I will figure out my password for Pirate Central and contact you...

Sounds like a good sorting plan to me, Indigo. I wish that I had sorted all of my original, first generation pets (not the mega loyal ones from the Advanced Pets update- since they are easy to spot) in order to make them easier to find. Now finding one amongst a couple hundred pets takes a bit of time. At least they all have around the same starting pedigree and, with most of my pets being pretty high up there, it's fairly easy to tell which ones are 1st generation.

I too have the best-for-morphing on one pet-- except for a few that are on my lower level pirates, still training up a bit. Then they'll get passed on to Valkoor for the "finishing touches".

And no worries on the Central contact, I'll surely be around when and if you ever locate that password...must be a pretty good one, if it even keeps you from accessing. Lately I only check in there a couple times a week and sometimes not even that often. I'm not sure if you can contact Jester directly, without being logged in, but maybe you can create a new account, contact him about the missing password for your original account and then, once that password has been safely retrieved, delete the temporary account. Not sure if that is a good way to go, but I suppose if all else fails...why not! Or I could send him a message and see how an account holder goes about retrieving a lost password. Maybe, he in turn could send you an email to verify your account and password.

Either way, happy pet sorting to you!