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What level do you get hawkules at?

Gunner's Mate
Jan 27, 2013
What level do you get hawkules at?
one of my friends got him level 63 and another got him at level 62!
Please respond!

- Faithful Tatiana Jackson level 61 confused witch doctor

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Kronosroses on Jan 15, 2014 wrote:
What level do you get hawkules at?
one of my friends got him level 63 and another got him at level 62!
Please respond!

- Faithful Tatiana Jackson level 61 confused witch doctor
It's not really a level thing, it's a quest thing. If you do all the side quests then you will be at a higher level when you do his quest. If you skip the sides and take the tough route you will be at a lower level when you get to his quest. He shows up around the time you do the Labyrinth.

Dec 22, 2012
Before I got to Aquila, I was level sixty, so when I got companions like the eagle archer in Troy, Zeena, or Hawkules, they were level sixty-seven

Justin Chamberlain
Lvl 65 Knight of the Order of Fetch

May 14, 2009
It depends on what level you are when you start the quest Here We Go Again
Andrew Quarrel level 64 Musketeer

Petty Officer
May 18, 2013
When I got Haukules he was level 67 when I finished Marleybone and got to Aqilla I was level 65 because I gained lots of levels because I didn't have access to Traitor's Cave then when I heard about prepaid cards that's how I got so many levels.

Sneaky Bruno Tew Level 65 Privateer Aqilla Legend

Dec 22, 2012
Me too. But I knew about prepaid. I was just too lazy

Gunner's Mate
May 08, 2010
I got him at 65 cause I Do sidequest my friend thinks there for after max though my before I did tradewinds I was level 11

Dec 23, 2012
I did the Labrinth with friend but i am still at troy is that too far away from where he is?

Aug 09, 2012
Um I think I got Hawkules at level 63-64 I think

Aug 08, 2012
Good question! When I get him, I'll tell you my level, since I'm so close to getting to Aquila! (3 or 4 more quests)

Feb 02, 2013
well just a little advice and btw im not there yet butit does not matter what level you are you just have to do the quest and you should get higher level anyways

sneaky Jordan freeman

Nov 01, 2012
First Mate
Mar 30, 2011
Hawkules is the currently the last main companion you can obtain!
Hawkules is available through the Aquila Storyline, he is obtain during the quest - "Here We Go Again....", Which requires you to talk, fight and most importantly.... recover the next piece of the El Dorado map! P.S. If you are a Privateer, you get Argos as well, Argos is one of Marco Pollo's crewmates!
As for what level, there is no level restriction, you just have to finish every storyline quest until you get to this quest, you can even be maximum level!
I hoped this helped!