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Chrissy, a pirate like no other!!!

Jun 26, 2010
Tis be me honor and privilege to congratulate ye Chrissy on making history once again, 9000 yars, ye truly never cease to amaze us on these boards, and how?, well it be because yer sweet, thoughtful, generous, kind, funny, and above all pure of heart and ye don't see that everyday from the pirates of old, and I speak fer all us pirates here to say that we be proud of all ye achieved and what ye bring to the message boards, and that we be thankful that ye be here and that yer our beloved friend, what more could a pirate ask fer gold, jewels, all the yum cake ye can eat, nar yer friendship be all the treasure we need and nothing can be more valuable then that if ye ask lassie.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

Jan 17, 2013
jack morgan933 on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
Tis be me honor and privilege to congratulate ye Chrissy on making history once again, 9000 yars, ye truly never cease to amaze us on these boards, and how?, well it be because yer sweet, thoughtful, generous, kind, funny, and above all pure of heart and ye don't see that everyday from the pirates of old, and I speak fer all us pirates here to say that we be proud of all ye achieved and what ye bring to the message boards, and that we be thankful that ye be here and that yer our beloved friend, what more could a pirate ask fer gold, jewels, all the yum cake ye can eat, nar yer friendship be all the treasure we need and nothing can be more valuable then that if ye ask lassie.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan
Ok, now this is getting insane!! Almost to ten thousand!! DAAANG! How is this humanly possible! congrats!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
jack morgan933 on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
Tis be me honor and privilege to congratulate ye Chrissy on making history once again, 9000 yars, ye truly never cease to amaze us on these boards, and how?, well it be because yer sweet, thoughtful, generous, kind, funny, and above all pure of heart and ye don't see that everyday from the pirates of old, and I speak fer all us pirates here to say that we be proud of all ye achieved and what ye bring to the message boards, and that we be thankful that ye be here and that yer our beloved friend, what more could a pirate ask fer gold, jewels, all the yum cake ye can eat, nar yer friendship be all the treasure we need and nothing can be more valuable then that if ye ask lassie.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan
Aww Jack you are the consummate gentleman and beyond sweet.
I honestly wasn't even paying attention to them and was stunned at the constant outpouring of love I am constantly getting from my fellow Marauders.
I love all of you right back too. *Ginormous Chrissy Hugs*

Gunner's Mate
Jun 22, 2011
Gunner's Mate
May 28, 2013
"Guys! Wake up! Ratbeard, Bonnie Anne, Old Scratch, everybody, up, up, up, up, up!"
"Mmmmmph, what time is it?"
"It's the middle of the night!"
"I didn't even know you slept, Scratchy."
"I an' I does not like being called Scratchy, Captain, my Captain."
"But what is it, Cap'n? Is the Armada attacking?"
"Giant limpets off the port bow?"
"Samoorai raiders from the lost island of Moon Moo Tsuki?"
"The rudder's broken again and we're about to crash into the rocks off Gibraltar?"
"Storm sharks, I knew it. They're comin' back fer the other leg."
"The fire's gone out in the galley so no hot breakfast?"
"No, none of those things."
"Phew! At least breakfast will still be hot. What will it be, I wonder."
"Hot cakes and sausage!"
"Eggs and taters!"
"Same old porridge we have every morning."
"Cold cereal and milk!"
"What of it? I like cold cereal and milk."
"Maybe we should let the Captain tell us."
"What fun would that be?"
"More fun than listening to you make snarky comments in the middle of the night."
"So what is it, Captain, my Captain?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Besides us, ye mean."
"Well, it's Chrissy..."

Massive group groan

"Well, guys, ye see, she's got all these yars..."
"What'd she do, win the yar lottery?"
"Just seems that way."
"So what do you want from us?"
"Wait a minute, I sense a lesson in here somewhere."
"Ain't we supposed to be waking him up with this nonsen.. I mean, stuff?"
"All right, Cap'n, you win. No more waking you up in the middle of the night for Chrissyesque emergencies."
"Is Chrissyesque even a word?"
"Is now."
"Why don't we all just wish her well, then we'll do this same old shtick in another month when she hits the next ridiculous milesone?"
"Then can we go back to sleep?"
"No, it's your watch."
"Story of my life."

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
Sam Underhill on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
"Guys! Wake up! Ratbeard, Bonnie Anne, Old Scratch, everybody, up, up, up, up, up!"
"Mmmmmph, what time is it?"
"It's the middle of the night!"
"I didn't even know you slept, Scratchy."
"I an' I does not like being called Scratchy, Captain, my Captain."
"But what is it, Cap'n? Is the Armada attacking?"
"Giant limpets off the port bow?"
"Samoorai raiders from the lost island of Moon Moo Tsuki?"
"The rudder's broken again and we're about to crash into the rocks off Gibraltar?"
"Storm sharks, I knew it. They're comin' back fer the other leg."
"The fire's gone out in the galley so no hot breakfast?"
"No, none of those things."
"Phew! At least breakfast will still be hot. What will it be, I wonder."
"Hot cakes and sausage!"
"Eggs and taters!"
"Same old porridge we have every morning."
"Cold cereal and milk!"
"What of it? I like cold cereal and milk."
"Maybe we should let the Captain tell us."
"What fun would that be?"
"More fun than listening to you make snarky comments in the middle of the night."
"So what is it, Captain, my Captain?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Besides us, ye mean."
"Well, it's Chrissy..."

Massive group groan

"Well, guys, ye see, she's got all these yars..."
"What'd she do, win the yar lottery?"
"Just seems that way."
"So what do you want from us?"
"Wait a minute, I sense a lesson in here somewhere."
"Ain't we supposed to be waking him up with this nonsen.. I mean, stuff?"
"All right, Cap'n, you win. No more waking you up in the middle of the night for Chrissyesque emergencies."
"Is Chrissyesque even a word?"
"Is now."
"Why don't we all just wish her well, then we'll do this same old shtick in another month when she hits the next ridiculous milesone?"
"Then can we go back to sleep?"
"No, it's your watch."
"Story of my life."
LMTO Ya know I really don't pay attention to my yar count but if it keeps getting me the fabulous treat of getting Underhilled again it makes those yars doubly sweet Sam you have outdone yourself again and I really didn't think you could raise the delight bar any higher but yet you and your incredible crew have done it again. "Chrissyesque"? How delightful!

P.S. Sorry Scratchy, some nicknames are just such a perfect term of endearment that they just stick to ya forever. You will always be Scratchy to me.

Jun 26, 2010
Well lassie, I speak very true and passionately to me friends and to others that truly deserve it, that be the kind pirate I be ha, har.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

May 31, 2009
A messenger had arrived earlier that day, bearing a letter from a surprising sender: the Emperor of MooShu. The pirate had hurried to MooShu, and now stood in the Emperor's Palace. She was the first pirate to ever see it.

"Chrissy," the Emperor says in a quiet yet firm voice, "my friend here has said much about you. She tells me that you have received nine thousand yars, which is a great accomplishment. Therefore..."

The pirate in blue, who had been standing silently next to the Emperor, continues his sentence.

"You will be given one of the highest honors of MooShu: the Golden Dragon Pendant. It recognizes you as one honored by all of MooShu, even the Emperor himself."

Misty steps forward and places a golden medallion on a green ribbon around Chrissy's neck. The medallion is stamped with a coiled dragon. The Emperor beckons Chrissy to the balcony, and to the crowd below announces, "Hail Chrissy the Blesser, DragonMarked!"

Petty Officer
Nov 29, 2011
Congratulations Chrissy! May you go on to continue to contribute to these fine forums!

May 06, 2012
Gunner's Mate
Nov 14, 2013
Wow just wow congratz chrissy let's reach 10,000 yarrs yo ho ho and a bottle of yum yum and gold for everyone

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013

I don't know if I should be congratulating you for having enough yars to populate a future Pirate 101 world (I'm thinking Yarkatopia); congratulate you for your unwavering, unrelenting, unyielding and undeniable kindness; congratulate you for bringing out the happy in even the scurviest of pirates (looking at you Rat ol' wait that's the scurriest); congratulate you for being a wonderful human being and an equally wonderful tush-kicking, all-class pirate of epic and grandiose proportions; congratulate you for setting a shining example for all fellow pirates and posters here on the boards and in the P101 Community; extend major congrats for showing that helping others holds more rewards than all the treasures in El Dorado; congratulate you for never losing sight of the notion that even online, people have feelings and deserve to be treated with respect and in a courteous manner......................or congratulate for posting such fantastic, intelligent, creative and hilarious goodness that is worthy of us clicking that thar yar button!

So, I will say Congratulations to you for your awesome amount of Yars and offer even more Congratulations to you for your incredible amount of kindness.

We love you Chrissy and are so very proud of you......never stop shining bright for, all to see.

Gunner's Mate
Nov 27, 2009
NOTE: only some players will get this

if someone asks me how many Yarrs does Chrissy have now?

i will respond with:

its over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 15, 2012
Jun 23, 2012
Oh wow! Won't be long before her yars count reaches five digits. That will be a nice day.

Pirate Overlord
Mar 10, 2009
MistyDragon13 on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
A messenger had arrived earlier that day, bearing a letter from a surprising sender: the Emperor of MooShu. The pirate had hurried to MooShu, and now stood in the Emperor's Palace. She was the first pirate to ever see it.

"Chrissy," the Emperor says in a quiet yet firm voice, "my friend here has said much about you. She tells me that you have received nine thousand yars, which is a great accomplishment. Therefore..."

The pirate in blue, who had been standing silently next to the Emperor, continues his sentence.

"You will be given one of the highest honors of MooShu: the Golden Dragon Pendant. It recognizes you as one honored by all of MooShu, even the Emperor himself."

Misty steps forward and places a golden medallion on a green ribbon around Chrissy's neck. The medallion is stamped with a coiled dragon. The Emperor beckons Chrissy to the balcony, and to the crowd below announces, "Hail Chrissy the Blesser, DragonMarked!"
Oh WOW I could totally picture that. Scenes of The Neverending Story flashed through my mind and I pictured the pendant as looking like the Auryn. Wonderful writing here.

Your honoring of me touches my heart deeply even though I know that those yars are YOU all demonstrating how well The Message Board Marauders show an outpouring of love for each other. I am privileged to be loved on by all of you.

Dec 21, 2009
I must agree... Go Chrissy! Get more yars than 50000 for your next huge achievment!

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
Modest and humble and ever willing to help ( here and in game ) is our Chrissy. It's no wonder she garners so many yars.

Dec 02, 2009
Congrats on over 9000 Yars And here hoping to see the day you can make 10.000.

Jun 26, 2010
Beautiful work Valkoor me friend, beautiful work indeed as always, keep it up me hearty.

- Deadeye Jack Morgan

Gunner's Mate
Nov 14, 2013
Logan Sharp on Nov 15, 2014 wrote:
NOTE: only some players will get this

if someone asks me how many Yarrs does Chrissy have now?

i will respond with:

its over 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol I just love it when people say that