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Maruzame Guardian Companions

First Mate
Sep 13, 2010
Uh, so, me and my friend Octavio were farming the Water Guardian for Bear Claw Banner, and we were like talking about how the Temple Guardians should be companions, 'cause there's five of them. So we made a list of what classes should get what guardians:

Swashbuckler - Water Guardian
Buccaneer - Metal Guardian
Privateer - Earth Guardian
Musketeer - Fire Guardian
Witchdoctor - Wood Guardian

Water Guardian

Starting Powers: Epic Strike, Briny Ballad, Rime of the Mariner
Starting Epics: Turn the Tide 2, Blade Storm
Trainable Epics: Blade Storm, Relentless, Cheap Shot, Repel Boarders, First Strike

Metal Guardian

Starting Powers: Epic Strike, Dance of Steel, Spike Trap
Starting Epics: Turn the Tide 2, First Strike
Trainable Epics: First Strike, Blade Storm, Relentless, Vengeance Strike, Hold the Line

Earth Guardian

Starting Powers: Epic Strike, Vicious Charge, Stone Bastion
Starting Epics: Turn the Tide 2, Repel Boarders
Trainable Epics: Repel Boarders, Blade Storm, Vengeance Strike, Second Chance, Hold the Line

Fire Guardian

Starting Powers: Epic Strike, Triton's Song, Burning Palm
Starting Epics: Turn the Tide 2, Relentless
Trainable Epics: Relentless, Repel Boarders, Blade Storm, Vengeance Strike, Hold the Line

Wood Guardian

Starting Powers: Epic Strike, Revive, Druid's Chant
Starting Epics: Turn the Tide 2, Riposte
Trainable Epics: Riposte, Repel Boarders, Blade Storm, Vengeance Strike, Second Chance

Your class's Temple Guardian talks to you when you are done with Cao Tzu's puppet show and all that. They just say that you are strong and they wanna fight alongside you or something. If you already passed this, I don't know, you probably just log in to the surprise of You Recruited Wood/Fire/Earth/Metal/Water Guardian!

I hope you guys liked this idea, 'cause I like it a lot and I want my Wood Guardian now.

Jul 07, 2013
Wonderful idea but can I make a trade please? I don't want to see another terracotta warrior for the rest of my life after all those tower runs.

Virtuous Dante Ramsey

Gunner's Mate
Feb 05, 2015
I like this idea and I would really like to have a metal guardian companion. He seems very op!

Petty Officer
Nov 15, 2012
I agree i would like one of those water ones they seem cool or a Metal one :)

Feb 20, 2015
yeah that is a great idea i would love to get a new compainon