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Companion buff bug

Petty Officer
Jan 13, 2009
My new buccaneer companion Peter Quint's Shark's fury buff sometimes only buffs the squares right next to him instead of the 3x3 square it's supposed to. I'm sure of this because my buccaneer char has no problem with the same exact buff. Please see if you can look into this. Thanks.

Apr 28, 2012
From what you have described so far, it sounds normal. The 3x3 square is the spaces right next to Peter Quint with him in the middle. Anyone on your team standing there when he casts the spell will get the bonus. Also, anyone on your team with the main attribute (the highest of the statistics) of Strength should also get the bonus even if they are not right next to Peter Quint. This would be mainly Buccaneers.

Petty Officer
Jan 13, 2009
The Helpful Pirate on Nov 1, 2014 wrote:
From what you have described so far, it sounds normal. The 3x3 square is the spaces right next to Peter Quint with him in the middle. Anyone on your team standing there when he casts the spell will get the bonus. Also, anyone on your team with the main attribute (the highest of the statistics) of Strength should also get the bonus even if they are not right next to Peter Quint. This would be mainly Buccaneers.
Thanks for answering. I'm not sure that's right because the buff shows 9 squares in green and it's the same exact buff that my buccaneer char has and he has no problem buffing everyone within the 9 squares. The glitch I describe does not happen every time so that's why it's noticeable. Sometimes he buffs the whole area, sometimes he doesn't. But I guess if you say that's normal, I'll have to accept that. Thanks.